Obama care in trouble
(Column ~ 07/19/13)
Recent actions by the Obama Administration are a sure sign that President Obama's new federal health care law, commonly referred to Obamacare, is in deep trouble. The continued problems with implementation of the federal health care law are indicative that the overall approach of Obamacare is impracticable and unworkable...
Marjorie Faye Lambert
(Obituary ~ 07/19/13)
Marjorie Faye Lambert Feb. 11, 1946 - July 12, 2013 MILLER, Nebraska -- Marjorie Faye Lambert, 67, died Friday (July 12, 2013), at her home. She was born at Long Beach, California on Feb. 11, 1946, to Veryl and Mabel F. (Johnson) Nyland. She married LeRoy Lambert on June 8, 1963, and lived on the family farm near Beaver City, Nebraska...
Diane Kay Stafford
(Obituary ~ 07/19/13)
Diane Kay Stafford HOLDREGE, Nebraska -- Diane Kay Stafford 50, died in her home in Holdrege sometime between July 9 and July 15 of 2013. She was born July 20, 1962, in Imperial, Nebraska, to Carl and Gail Stafford. She attended Lamar Grade School and graduated from Chase County High School in 1980. She attended the University of Nebraska at Lincoln from 1980 until 1983, majoring in art...
Dryden Gleason
(Obituary ~ 07/19/13)
Dryden Gleason Dec. 13, 1925 - July 17, 2013 OBERLIN, Kansas -- Dryden Gleason, 87, died Thursday (July 17, 2013), at Decatur Health Systems in Oberlin. He was born Dec. 13, 1925, in Miami County, Kansas, to Ewing and Aino (Henrickson) Dryden. He was raised in Wellsville, Kansas. He served in the Merchant Marines and the U.S. Army...
On the record
(Other Record ~ 07/19/13)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Police activity Activity log...
UNL announces Spring Dean's List/honor roll
(Community News ~ 07/19/13)
LINCOLN, Nebraska -- The University of Nebraska-Lincoln has announced its Deans' List/Honor Roll for the spring semester of the 2012-13 academic year. Qualification for the Dean's List varies among the eight undergraduate colleges and the Honor Roll for undeclared students in Explore Center and pre-professional programs. ...
Write down information now!
(Community News ~ 07/19/13)
By Susan Doak SW Nebraska Genealogy Society McCOOK,Nebraska -- The following story came to me after I had requested more information on the Hart family when they lived in Bartley, Nebraska. Lulu was born in 1890 to Mr. and Mrs. S.M. Hart near Mead, Nebraska, second youngest of 11 children...
Grant anniversary
(Anniversary ~ 07/19/13)
61st anniversary Doug Grant and Kathy Karuzas are hosting an open house to celebrate the 61st wedding anniversary of Marshall and Jean Grant of McCook, Nebraska, on Saturday, July 27, 2013, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Masonic Temple, third floor. Please consider this your invitation. No cards, please. A donation to the McCook Humane Society Animal Shelter would be appreciated...
Goodenberger birthday
(Birthdays ~ 07/19/13)
90th birthday The family of Mary Ellen Goodenberger of Trenton, Nebraska, is requesting a card shower in honor of her 90th birthday. She was born Aug. 4, 1923, in Trenton. A lifelong educator, she taught at all levels, from elementary classes to graduate courses and was the author of the book, "Letters for the Literate: And Related Writing." She was involved with the Buffalo Commons Storytelling Festival and is a member of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International. ...
League birth
(Births ~ 07/19/13)
Taylor Seth Roy League Derik and Amanda League of Brighton, Colorado, announce the birth of their son, Taylor Seth Roy League, born June 19, 2013, at Brighton. He weighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces and measured 20 inches long. He has three sisters, Mariah, 16, Ashley, 12 and Hayden, 2 and one brother, Ryley, 8. ...
Delay of health care mandates should apply to all
(Column ~ 07/19/13)
Earlier this month, the Obama Administration announced it would delay enforcement of the employer mandate -- a major component of the President's 2010 health care law which requires businesses to provide government-approved insurance for their employees or pay a fine. The delay was justified by the Administration as a way to allow businesses more time to prepare for the burdensome reporting requirements created by the law...
Chamber Players concert farewell performance for ensemble member
(Local News ~ 07/19/13)
CAMBRIDGE -- A concert featuring the Nebraska Chamber Players will be held in Cambridge, Nebraska on July 27. The July 27 concert will include a farewell to double bass player, Rusty White. After a 40 plus year career as a bass player and teacher, White is retiring his instrument after the July 27 performance. White formally joined the group three years ago, but has collaborated with members of the group since he moved to Nebraska to teach double bass at UNL in the 1970s...
New commander
(Local News ~ 07/19/13)
Lt. Col. Anthony Bauer was recently installed as commander of the 43d Adjutant General Batallion at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. A 1990 graduate of McCook High School, he is the son of Jerry and Annette Bauer of McCook, and he and his wife, Darcy, have two children, Noah, 13, and Olivia, 10. ...
License plate info latest risk to personal privacy
(Editorial ~ 07/19/13)
As one late-night talk show host observed, we didn't know whether to be surprised to learn that the government was invading our privacy by keeping track of our cell phone calls, email and Internet activity, or more surprised to learn that anyone actually believed they still had privacy on the Internet or their cell phones...
How the mass media plays us
(Column ~ 07/19/13)
The media plays an almost daily 'gotcha' game with the American people because it can and, in doing so, has changed the very nature of its responsibility to us. The just concluded George Zimmerman trial that was broadcast almost in its entirety to the nation is a perfect example...
Republicans clueless on immigration
(Letter to the Editor ~ 07/19/13)
The Senate immigration bill brings yet another 1200 page outrage, packed with a brazenly destructive agenda: We need to bring the "undocumented" from the shadows, and all will be well -- so says the Gang of Eight, and their fellow beltway brothel travelers, who seem keen to gang rape America...
Stories from Friday, July 19, 2013
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