Fields of green
(Column ~ 06/18/13)
Oh, yes, I like the color green. Green fields of wheat, corn and soybeans a-coming. Green native grass pastures in the rougher terrain hills and canyons. Trees in full leaf along the rivers and streams. It is particularly beautiful here in Southwest Nebraska this late spring. I suggest that the reader go on a drive into the countryside to soak it all in because for sure it won't last...
A fun puzzle
(Letter to the Editor ~ 06/18/13)
Do you like to fool around with math puzzles? If so, fill in the blanks and solve this puzzle! The "Archway" cost in year 2000, was said to be 60 million dollars. (McCook Daily Gazette, 5-30-13, page 2) In year 2000 gold was worth $ _ per ounce. 60 million dollars would have purchased _ ounces of gold in year 2000...
Fear factor plays big role in tolerance of opposing views
(Local News ~ 06/18/13)
In Dan Rather's first book, "The Camera Never Blinks," he recounted the way he selected stories for his nightly news broadcast. We couldn't find the exact quote this morning, but it related to safety, something like: "Am I safe? Is my family safe? Is my country safe?"...
Parker scholarship (Community News ~ 06/18/13)
Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Daily Gazette Jeff Crick, human resources manager of Parker Hannifan Corporation industrial hose division, McCook, Nebraska, congratulates Veronica Bair, a spring graduate of McCook Senior High and recipient of the 2013 Parker Foundation $1,000 engineering scholarship. ... -
2013 Spring Dean's List announced at Hastings College
(Community News ~ 06/18/13)
HASTINGS, Nebraska -- Hastings College has announced the Dean's List for its spring 2013 semester. To be eligible for the Dean's List, students must achieve a grade point average of 3.7 to 4.0, on a 4.0 scale, and be registered for full-time course work...
West All-Stars win Sertoma volleyball match (High School Sports ~ 06/18/13)
For some of the young ladies participating in the 2013 Sertoma All-Star Volleyball Classic, the Saturday, June 15 match marked the final time they will play competitively. Some of the girls in the all-star match at the MCC Events Center in McCook will go on to play sports in college. Others will turn their focus to academics over the coming years and forego intercollegiate competition at their schools of choice... -
Officer training (Local News ~ 06/18/13)
Michelle Miller, a domestic violence program coordinator for the Nebraska Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Coalition, and Kerry Crosby, an investigator with the Nebraska Attorney General's Office, speak to Southwest Nebraska law enforcement officers during a training session covering domestic violence, sexual assault, stranger rape, intimate partner sexual violence, stalking and interview techniques for investigators in McCook Monday. ... -
Convicted felon released from probation
(Local News ~ 06/18/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- A McCook man convicted of felony drug possession in 2010 and subsequently sentenced to probation, was released unsatisfactorily from his probation last week following a January conviction of shoplifting. According to court documents the offender, 23-year-old Logan J. Tschacher of 1009 W. Sixth Street, has not made any payments to Red Willow County District Court for court costs or probation fees since his 30-month probation sentence began in December 2010...
Plea reached in meth case
(Local News ~ 06/18/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- A Culbertson, Nebraska, woman accepted a plea agreement, June 3 in Red Willow County District Court, admitting guilt to two misdemeanor offenses, including refusing a chemical test and attempting to possess methamphetamine. The woman, 49-year-old Janet K. Slater, was subsequently scheduled for sentencing at 1 p.m. on Aug. 5, 2013...
Study confirms McCook is a windy place
(Local News ~ 06/18/13)
GOODLAND, Kansas -- It's not just your imagination, it can get windy around McCook. Not only that, we're the eighth-ranked place in the tri-state area when it comes to thunderstorm gusts of 58 mph or greater, according to a peer-reviewed paper about such events...
New sign big part of plans for Chamber of Commerce
(Business ~ 06/18/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- A new electronic sign on the corner of Norris and B Street has been on the McCook Area Chamber of Commerce's agenda for a long time, and will take up a big chunk of its 2013-14 budget. Plans are in place to have the sign in use in time for the Red Willow County Fair in late July. ...
Public hearing set for planned housing project
(Local News ~ 06/18/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- A public hearing has been scheduled by the McCook City Council to discuss the housing development proposed north of R Street. Councilors approved a resolution Monday evening scheduling the public hearing for July 1, 2013, 7:30 p.m., at the Municipal Center...
Coryell gets 17 years for murder (Local News ~ 06/18/13)
OBERLIN, Kansas -- The Oberlin, Kansas, man convicted earlier this year of killing a U.S. Air Force airman home on leave in October 2011 will serve just more than 17 years in prison. Monday morning, Decatur County District Judge Preston Pratt sentenced Dylan Robert Coryell, now 25 years old, to 212 months in prison for the intentional second degree murder of Airman 1st Class Corey Ryan Cook... -
City sidewalks (Local News ~ 06/18/13)
Hector Zauraga of BSB Construction, Curtis, Nebraska, operates a remote-control Wacker packer Friday afternoon in preparation for sidewalks at the new city offices facility in McCook, Nebraska. Next comes grading and -- when the weather's right for planting -- landscaping... -
On the record
(Other Record ~ 06/18/13)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Activity log These items are taken from reports filed by the McCook Police Department. The locations refer to block numbers, not specific addresses. If you have information about any of these reports, call the police department at (308) 345-3450...
Fort Hays State honors released
(Features ~ 06/18/13)
HAYS, Kansas -- Nebraska students are among the 1,096 named to the Deans Honor Roll by the deans of Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kan., for the spring 2013 semester. The list includes undergraduate students only. To be eligible, students must have enrolled in 12 or more credit hours and have a minimum grade point average of 3.60 for the semester. Full-time on-campus and virtual students are eligible...
Scholarship (Features ~ 06/18/13)
Cindy Monnahan, right, scholarship committee chairwoman, presents a $300 scholarship to Kelcey Garey, the daughter of Alan and Kristene Garey of Curtis. The 2013 scholarship is awarded by Alpha Iota Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa, an honorary organization for women educators. Kelcey is a sophomore at the University of Nebraska-Kearney, where she studies communication disorders... -
Bartley student named national finalist (Features ~ 06/18/13)
BARTLEY, Nebraska -- Megan Kelley, who will be a senior at Southwest High School in Bartley, Nebraska, this fall, was named as a Samsung American Legion Scholarship national finalist. Megan, daughter of Kenneth and Carol Kelley of Danbury, was selected by the staff of Cornhusker Girls State in Lincoln on June 2-8... -
MJHS announces final academic honors for 2012-13
(Features ~ 06/18/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- McCook Junior High School has released the honor rolls and merit rolls for the fourth quarter and the second semester of the 2012-13 academic year. Fourth quarter Honor roll (87-93.9 percent grade point average with no grade lower than 78 percent)...
A full bow (Local News ~ 06/18/13)
Ted Long of McCook captured this image of a full rainbow Sunday, June 16, at 9 p.m., 5 miles west of McCook, after an evening shower. He wrote, "If you look close there are two rainbows." The McCook Daily Gazette would love to showcase your weather photos. ... -
Woitaszewski earns dental hygienist degree (Community News ~ 06/18/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Shelby Woitaszewski of McCook graduated May 4 from Central Community College in Hastings, as a registered dental hygienist. The daughter of Randy and Shannon Woitaszewski of McCook, she graduated from McCook Senior High in 2009 and attended McCook Community College for two years, before transferring to Central Community College. The dental hygienist program accepts only a limited number of students each year...