A lasting solution for students
(Column ~ 06/07/13)
Nebraskans may recall last summer's partisan squabble over student loan rates, which were set to expire and subsequently rise on millions of college students across the nation at the height of the presidential campaign. It was the hope of many Americans, myself included, that the end of the last campaign would lead to, at a minimum, a decrease in the number of manufactured political battles -- particularly fights over issues on which Republicans and Democrats agree...
Spicy, sweet or zesty (Weekend Menu ~ 06/07/13)
Spicy, sweet or zesty, it's never been easier to enjoy the crisp, tangy taste of homemade pickles. And with recipes like these you can preserve perfect pickles for any palate. Here are a few tips from the pickling pros at Mrs. Wages to help you give your cukes a kick of great homemade flavor:... -
Laugh and the world laughs with you, fall from a tree though and you fall alone
(Column ~ 06/07/13)
As I was tucking Declan into bed a few weeks back he looked up at me with an unusual flash of sadness on his face. "I am not a nice person, I don't like my brain," he muttered in an unexpectedly serious tone. "What do you mean you don't like your brain?" I replied with my usual confusion...
Bruce L. Kennedy (Obituary ~ 06/07/13)
Bruce L. Kennedy July 27, 1934 - June 4, 2013 GOTHENBURG, Nebraska -- Bruce L. Kennedy, 78, of Gothenburg, Nebraska, died June 4, 2013, in Gothenburg. He was born July 27, 1934, in Page, Nebraska, to J.M. "Ket" Kennedy and Catherine (Loy) Kennedy... -
The Dawes Rolls can help in Native American ancestry
(Community News ~ 06/07/13)
By SUSAN DOAK SW Nebraska Genealogy Society In previous columns, I have talked about how Native American Ancestry is hard to trace. A friend of mine, Dan Cook, who relocated to Southwest Nebraska a few years ago, had asked that I try to find information on his mother's roots which were based in a Cherokee Tribe from the North Carolina area...
Gohl, Wilson engagement (Engagement ~ 06/07/13)
Gohl, Wilson Mary Rachel Gohl and Brian Scott Wilson, both of Ogallala, Nebraska, announce their engagement and upcoming marriage. Parents of the bride-to-be are Patty Gohl of Hayes Center, Nebraska and the late Russ Gohl. Parents of the prospective bridegroom are Ken and Cindy Wilson of Culbertson, Nebraska... -
Leibrandt anniversary (Anniversary ~ 06/07/13)
60th anniversary The family of Norman and Lila Leibrandt of McCook, Nebraska is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 60th wedding anniversary. They were married June 14, 1953, at Peace Lutheran Church in McCook. Norman was a postal clerk at the McCook Post Office for 32 years and Lila worked at JC Penney's for 25 years. ... -
Wiese anniversary (Anniversary ~ 06/07/13)
40th anniversary The family of Bradley and Sherri Wiese of Benkleman, Nebraska, is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 40th wedding anniversary. They were married June 16, 1973 in Benkelman, Nebraska. Their family includes children Traci and Jim Stevens of McCook, Troy and Heather Wiese of Benkelman, Sandi and Andy Staberg of Bennington, Shad and Nicole Wiese of Palisade and grandchildren, Ashlyn, Jadie, Layne, Chase, Kreyton, Saige, Reagan, Attley, Bennet and Grayson. ... -
Schaeffer, McKillip engagement (Engagement ~ 06/07/13)
Schaeffer, McKillip Trystan Fern Schaeffer of Stapleton, Nebraska, and Alec Seth McKillip of Hayes Center, Nebraska, announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the bride-to-be are Rod and Pam Schaeffer of Stapleton. Grandparents are George and Joyce Schaeffer and Gerald and Donna Barnum, all of Stapleton... -
Junker birth (Births ~ 06/07/13)
Austin Richard Junker Matt and Anna Junker of North Platte, Nebraska, announce the birth of their son, Austin Richard Junker, born April 10 2013, at Great Plains Regional Medical Center in North Platte. He weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces and measured 21 inches long. He has two sisters, Ellie, 7-years-old and Madeline, 4-years-old. Grandparents are Galen and Dorothea Warburton of McCook, Nebraska, Rich Junker of North Platte and Linda Junker of McCook... -
Soncksen anniversary (Anniversary ~ 06/07/13)
60th anniversary The family of Art and Elaine Soncksen of Hayes Center, Nebraska is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 60th wedding anniversary. They were married June 14, 1953, at Peace Lutheran Church in McCook. Their family includes children, Mike and Lynn Soncksen of McCook and Brad and Patti Soncksen of Lincoln; five grandchildren, Chris and Alicia, Pete, Erik, Joe, and Abby; and one great-grandchild, Kinley. ... -
Whipps anniversary (Anniversary ~ 06/07/13)
50th anniversary Lyndell "Lindy" and Doris Whipps of Max, Nebraska and Florence, Arizona, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary June 15. They were married June 15, 1963, at the Methodist Church in Haigler, Nebraska. Their family includes children, Lori Reid of Omaha, Nebraska, Lyndell Jr. ... -
Tiger, Phil, Crick pairing in 2013 U.S. Open? (High School Sports ~ 06/07/13)
It's pretty hard to get a bigger local headline than the 25th anniversary John Mullen Pro-Am this week. The McCook golf community and the whole state is buzzing with one of the top golfers in Bison prep history taking a huge step in his golf career... -
No bull fighting in Barcelona
(Column ~ 06/07/13)
Barcelona is a beautiful city, I so enjoyed it. We lived there when they hosted the 92 Olympics and it was awesome. I also loved the food - Los Caracoles (The Snails) is such an enjoyable restaurant. The people were fantastic and I always enjoyed a main walkway called the Ramblas. After 5 years in Barcelona we moved to the far south, about 90 minutes south of Sevilla and we found a completely different culture...
Multitasking madness (Column ~ 06/07/13)
Beware of the multitasker. He or she isn't being honest., for anyone who claims the ability to talk on the phone, surf the web, cook dinner, send a text message, balance the checkbook, and fly a crop duster all at the same time is terribly misguided. He or she might even be suffering from madness... -
Cloud balloon (Local News ~ 06/07/13)
This massive cloud formed May 26, southeast of Wilsonville, where Roxy Lang, who lives nearby, captured this photo. She used these settings: f/5; 1/500; iso100; 18mm. Readers can contribute to our daily weather page, subject to space and color availability, by emailing photos to editor2@ocsmccook.com or bringing them into the Gazette offices at West First and E Streets. ... -
Today's Jurascals (Weekend Menu ~ 06/07/13)
Return of Katnip world (Weekend Menu ~ 06/07/13)
2013 legislative session
(Column ~ 06/07/13)
One of the most important accomplishments of the recently concluded 2013 legislative session was the passage of the budget for the next two years. This budget is focused on the vision for Nebraska's future that I have emphasized throughout my term as Governor and those issues are education, growing the state's economy and rebuilding the cash reserve...
Trooper will take part in Coffee with a Cop
(Local News ~ 06/07/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- A Nebraska State Patrol trooper will join McCook Police Department officers for the June Coffee with a Cop, Tuesday morning, 10 a.m., at the McCook McDonald's restaurant. The casual format meeting offers a monthly opportunity for citizens to pose questions to law enforcement representatives, who can communicate solutions and offer guidance...
North Pointe project pulled for revisions
(Local News ~ 06/07/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- All items pertaining to the proposed North Pointe Properties LLC housing development north of R Street have been pulled by city staff from Monday's McCook Planning Commission meeting agenda. The Planning Commission was originally scheduled to coordinate a public hearing to review a request to consider a Clary Subdivision Replat, submitted by North Pointe Properties, which outlined their plans for the housing development project. ...
Humane Society funding, transfers on county agenda
(Local News ~ 06/07/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Red Willow County Commissioners will hear a request for funding from the McCook Humane Society, and approve transfer of funding for various items at Monday's regular meeting. It begins at 9 a.m. in the commissioners' room at the courthouse...
Cost cut for kitchen at Central (Local News ~ 06/07/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- A change order for the new kitchen now being constructed at McCook Elementary will reduce the $185,000 cost. At the regular McCook Board of Education meeting on Monday, 6:30 p.m. at the Junior High cafeteria, the board will be asked to approve the $3,450 change order, which eliminates the gas convection oven and gas connector. The adjusted price for the kitchen will be $181,540... -
Golden anniversary (Local News ~ 06/07/13)
Hillcrest Nursing Home in McCook, Nebraska, celebrates its 50th anniversary Thursday with the community and the McCook Area Chamber of Commerce, as Hillcrest Administrator Colinda Nappa, left, accepts a plaque of recognition and congratulations from Chamber Director Tacie Fawver. ... -
92 cases processed through court in April
(Local News ~ 06/07/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Unofficial statistics compiled by the McCook Daily Gazette, with the assistance of public information provided by Red Willow County Court officials, indicate that 92 criminal and traffic cases were processed in county court for the month of April 2013. The number represents an average of 23 processed cases per week, which is slightly down from the 29 cases per week that was averaged during the first three months of the year...
Heritage Hills, pro-am tourney make ours a better place to live
(Editorial ~ 06/07/13)
A former city councilman used to talk about the "critical mass" needed to create and maintain a thriving community. Jobs are the most important component, perhaps, followed by housing, medical care, education, retail businesses and a long list of others...
NPPD: Serving customers is not a game (Letter to the Editor ~ 06/07/13)
A recent advertising campaign is claiming Nebraska should "get in the game" and invest more in wind energy. But serving Nebraskans with reliable electricity is NOT a game. At Nebraska Public Power District, we believe a diverse resource energy mix provides customers with the most affordable and reliable energy. ... -
The love we lost
(Column ~ 06/07/13)
A good friend called me this past week to read me a story he had written about losing the love of his life. It was a good story, well-crafted and logically put together but I was thinking to myself as I listened to him read it that almost all stories, poems, and songs are written about the loves we've lost, not the ones we still have...