Beverly Beryl Bernatchy
(Obituary ~ 01/28/13)
Beverly Beryl Bernatchy Jan. 19, 1925 - Jan. 12, 2013 POWELL, Wyoming -- Beverly Beryl Bernatchy, 87, died Jan. 12, 2013 in Powel, one week before her 88th birthday. Beverly was born Jan 19, 1925, in lndianaola, Nebraska, in Red Willow County, to Osma Paul Hatcher and May Morosic...
Dean Erwin McCoy (Obituary ~ 01/28/13)
Dean Erwin McCoy Feb. 6, 1931 - Jan. 25, 2013 ARAPAHOE, Nebraska -- Dean Erwin McCoy, 81, of Arapahoe, died Friday (Jan. 25, 2013), at the Cambridge Hospital, in Cambridge, Nebraska. He was born on Feb. 6, 1931, to Stanley Pine and Ethel May (Holloway) McCoy at the family farm south of Holbrook, Nebraska. ... -
Merle Dean Clason (Obituary ~ 01/28/13)
Merle Dean Clason May 16, 1932 - Jan. 24, 2013 BEAVER CITY Nebraska -- Merle Dean Clason, 80, died Thursday (Jan. 24, 2013), at the Cambridge Hospital. He was born May 16, 1932, southeast of Beaver City, to Francis J. and Hazel L. (Thomas) Clason. After his schooling, Merle served in the U.S. ... -
On the record
(Community News ~ 01/28/13)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Police activity Activity log...
Surprise snowfall (Local News ~ 01/28/13)
Susan Harris-Broomfield woke Dec. 16, 2012, to find an unexpected, but welcome, fresh blanket of snow covering flora, fauna and the hammock in her backyard in McCook. The McCook Daily Gazette would love to showcase your weather photos. Readers can contribute to our daily weather page, subject to space and color availability, by emailing photos to editor2@ocsmccook.com or bringing them into the Gazette offices at West First and E Streets. ... -
'Do-it-yourselfers' find a kindred spirit in Kyle (Business ~ 01/28/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- We've all heard the odd ping, pop or grind on our way to here or there, and cringed as we contemplated the repair costs. For the shade-tree mechanic, an admittedly vanishing breed, there is a valuable resource in the person of Kyle Conroy, behind the counter at Kohl's Auto Parts, 906 West C Street... -
Here is the roof ... (Local News ~ 01/28/13)
Josh Schilz carries a roof truss across West F Street in McCook, Nebraska. heading for Hal Mason's apartments on the corner of West First. Mason -- thoroughly fed up with the leaky flat roof on his two-story apartment complex -- hired Schilz Construction to add a hipped roof, a peak to better shed snow and rain... -
School district seeks variance for bus barn
(Local News ~ 01/28/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The Board of Zoning Adjustment will coordinate a public hearing, Monday evening, to discuss a request from McCook Public Schools for a variance from the yard setback requirements. The school district is seeking the variance to allow for the construction of a 88' by 52' metal building at 404 W. Seventh Street, the former National Guard Armory location...
Color Day royalty candidates (Local News ~ 01/28/13)
McCook High School Color Day royalty includes, front from left, crown bearers Brody Mollring and Gracie Lentz; back row: second attendants Luke Post and Tricia Mitnik, king Drew Bredvick, queen Kassidy Gillen, first attendants Mitch Collicott and Hollie Eiler. Crowning ceremonies were Saturday at the McCook Senior High gym following the Bison-Lexington boys basketball game... -
The Pawnee massacre (Column ~ 01/28/13)
(Note: 2013 marks the 150th anniversary of the Massacre Canyon Battle of 1873. From time to time this year we will take a look at some of the various aspects of this great Battle, between the Pawnee and the Sioux, the last great Indian battle in Nebraska.)... -
Big game can be big problem for gambling addicts
(Editorial ~ 01/28/13)
At last check, the Baltimore Ravens are picked to lose by 41⁄2-points to the San Francisco 49ers in Super Bowl XLVII. For those with a gambling problem, however, the game is a guaranteed loss. According to ESPN, last year's Super Bowl drew $10 billion in wagers worldwide, the vast majority of it, in the United States, at least, illegal...
Harold 'Peco' Anderson
(Obituary ~ 01/28/13)
Harold 'Peco' Anderson WAUNETA, Nebraska -- Harold "Peco" Anderson, 72, a long-time resident of Wauneta, died Saturday (Jan. 26, 2013), in Omaha. Survivors include his wife, Doretta of Wauneta; son, Hugh and wife, Nancy Anderson of Benkelman; brother, Ted Anderson of Wauneta; brother-in-law, Gary "Butch" Doetker of Wauneta, three grandchildren and two great grandchildren...
Fox packed for musical tribute (Local News ~ 01/28/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- On an enchanting Sunday afternoon in late January in the year 2013, two very happy and proud widows, Marion Larmon and Joyce Hershberger, lingered outside McCook's historic Fox Theatre, their faces aglow with happiness and pride. Along with more than 400 of their family, friends and neighbors, they had just witnessed a beautiful tribute to their masterful, music-making husbands, Harold Larmon ((1921-2008) and Floyd Hershberger (1927-2011)... -
Guest dancers (Local News ~ 01/28/13)
Mitch Collicott, right, swings his dance partner, Riley Allen, and Jake Schlager, above, shows off his dance moves and his special "This Is My Dance Shirt!" outfit Saturday night as two guest dancers from the MHS Class of 2013 joined the McCook Dance Team to entertain the crowd during halftime of the Bison-Lexington boys game at the Senior High gym... -
First week of hearings
(Column ~ 01/28/13)
The Legislature finished its first week of public hearings on bills introduced for this session on Friday the 25th. Monday the 28th will be the first day of debate on the floor of the Legislature. We will be debating bills in the mornings and hearing testimony on bills in committees in the afternoon on into March...