Family food you can feel good about (Weekend Menu ~ 01/18/13)
Almost half of American adults say they need to change their diets so they can improve overall healthfulness, according to a 2012 survey by The NPD Group. But no matter how wholesome something is, if it doesn't taste good, no one will want to eat it... -
So, how good a hugger are ya?
(Column ~ 01/18/13)
I asked Declan for an update pertaining to his marriage plans. It has been a few months since he, oh-so-confidently, informed me of his plans to marry one of his classmates. He has been silent on the topic ever since. "Are you still going to marry Betty?" I asked...
Donna Mae Goss
(Obituary ~ 01/18/13)
Donna Mae Goss Feb. 5, 1934 - Jan. 14, 2013 OBERLIN, Kansas-- Donna Mae Goss, 78, died Monday (Jan. 14, 2013), at Hillcrest Nursing Home in McCook, Nebraska. She was born Feb. 5, 1934, in Cedar Bluffs, Kansas, to Clarence and Sarah (Monie) Witt. She grew up in the Cedar Bluffs and Oberlin conmunities, attending the school in Oberlin. On June 14,1953, she married Bill Goss in Lyle, Kansas. She was a housewife most of her life...
Fern Cross
(Obituary ~ 01/18/13)
Fern Cross BENKELMAN, Nebraska -- Fern Cross,94, long-time resident of the Benkelman area, died Thursday (Jan. 17, 2013), at the Sarah Ann Hester Memorial Home in Benkelman. Survivors include nieces, Letitia King and husband, Dale, of Yuma, Colorado and Marciea Weaver of Goodland, Kansas and nephew, Lynn Spears and wife, Karen, of Cedar Edge, Colorado...
On the record
(Community News ~ 01/18/13)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Police activity Activity log...
'Scherenschnitte' (Community News ~ 01/18/13)
McCook Daily Gazette Paper cutting takes on a whole new meaning with Vera Ingrid Hanson's "Scherenschnitte," which means "scissor cuts" in German. The 16th-century Swiss-German folk-art tradition involves meticulously cutting symmetrical designs in paper. ... -
Six children in foster care while parents face meth, gun charges
(Local News ~ 01/18/13)
TRENTON, Nebraska -- The couple answered "yes" or "no" to questions, sitting passively, neither showing much emotion, until the subject of their children came up. Then pretty, dark-haired Veronica J. Contreras started crying. Quietly, wiping at her eyes, her shoulders shaking ... ...
Prizes, giveaways set for 'Shoot for the Shelter' (Local News ~ 01/18/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- This is the seventh year that area's businesses have donated prizes for the "Shoot for the Shelter" pool tournament Saturday, Jan. 26, according to Lorie Prestes, coordinator. The tournament will again be at the Republican River Valley Event Center and Kelley Creek Pub, with proceeds going to the McCook Humane Society... -
Master Gardener program set for Trenton
(Local News ~ 01/18/13)
TRENTON, Nebraska -- University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension's Master Gardener Training is available in Trenton this spring The Nebraska Master Gardener program is a horticulture-related volunteer training program based in many counties and has been part of UNL Extension since 1976...
Negotiations, capital improvement projects on college agenda
(Local News ~ 01/18/13)
NORTH PLATTE, Nebraska -- The Mid-Plains Community College board of governors will conduct a closed session and possibly take action on negotiations with the Mid Plains Vocational Education Association at a regular meeting Wednesday. The 6:30 p.m. regular meeting will follow a 4 p.m. work session in Room 200 of the W.W. Wood Building on the north campus of North Platte Community College, 1101 Halligan Drive in North Platte...
Jogger, walkers want action by McCook City Council
(Local News ~ 01/18/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- While local walkers want the city to keep one of their favorite exercise spots open, a woman is asking the city to pay for injuries she sustained while jogging outdoors. Monday, the McCook City Council will receive a claim for damages from a 20-year-old McCook woman who is seeking compensation from the city for an injury she suffered while jogging home from a friend's house, on a Saturday evening in December...
Kugler Co. selling K-Stores to Colorado company
(Local News ~ 01/18/13)
MCCOOK, Nebraska -- Kugler Co. today announced it has signed a definitive agreement to sell its K-Stores convenience stores and service stations business to Colorado Retail Ventures Services L.L.C. The five store locations include St. Francis, Kansas; Leoti, Kansas; McCook, Nebraska; Arapahoe, Nebraska and the original location in Culbertson, Nebraska...
1774 'Book of Common Prayer' destined for church historical center (Features ~ 01/18/13)
STRATTON, Nebraska -- The church bulletin, recalling the stories of Martin Luther and John Wesley and history of the Methodist Church, triggered memories of the church book that Chuck Johnson inherited from his father and tucked away for years in a safe deposit box... -
The more we look, the more radon we find
(Editorial ~ 01/18/13)
It's a good news, bad news, good news situation. First, the first good news. More and more Nebraska homes are being tested for radon. Which brings us to the bad news -- more and more radon is being found, 59 percent of the 48,000-plus homes tested since 1990 have radon levels of 4 picocuries per liter of air, the acceptable health level set by the Environmental Protection Agency...
60 Minutes and the Times-Picayune
(Letter to the Editor ~ 01/18/13)
My 13-year-old son received an iPod Touch for Christmas this year. I know my son. Probably as well as I've ever known anyone. And I knew, given time, he would lose his expensive gift. In an effort to soften the blow when the device did turn up missing, I had Zachary create a background screen with the words, "If you find this iPod, please email kevin@kevinslimp.com to let my dad know you have it."...
Ballou, VanAllen engagement (Engagement ~ 01/18/13)
Ballou, VanAllen Katie Ballou of Smith Center, Kansas and Matthew VanAllen of Phillipsburg, Kansas, announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the bride-to-be are Brent and Colleen Ballou of Wilsonville, Nebraska. Grandparents are Carolyn O'Brien of Cambridge, the late Leon O'Brien, Adeline Ballou of Wilsonville and the late Charles Ballou... -
Miller birthday (Birthdays ~ 01/18/13)
83rd birthday The family of Marilyn Jean Miller of Omaha, Nebraska, formerly of McCook, is requesting a card shower in honor of her 83rd birthday. She was born Jan. 31, 1930, at Haxton, Colorado. She taught third grade for 30 years at East Ward School in McCook and moved to Omaha in 2012. Cards of congratulations will reach her at 7064 Iowa Street, Omaha, NE 68152... -
Becker birthday (Birthdays ~ 01/18/13)
101st birthday The family of Elsie Becker is requesting a card shower in honor of her 101st birthday Jan. 24. Cards of congratulations will reach her at at P.O. Box 520, Wauneta, NE 69045-0520. -
Workman birthday (Birthdays ~ 01/18/13)
90th birthday The family of Winifred Workman of McCook, Nebraska, is requesting a card shower in honor of her 90th birthday Jan. 23. Cards of congratulations will reach her at 1004 Norris Ave., McCook, NE 69001. -
Svoboda birthday (Birthdays ~ 01/18/13)
80th birthday The family of Earl Svoboda of McCook is requesting a card shower in honor of his 80th birthday. He was born Jan. 24, 1933 at home in Cuba, Kansas. His family includes wife, Letha, children, Darrell and Brenda Svoboda, Dave and Angela McCarty, Kurke and Anissa Curl and Rod Sawyer and the late Andrea Sawyer, all of McCook; 11 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach him at 506 W. 10th, McCook, NE 69001... -
Johnson, Johnson engagement (Engagement ~ 01/18/13)
Johnson, Johnson Kristin Johnson and Jeff Johnson, both of Kearney, Nebraska, announce their engagement and upcoming marriage. Parents of the bride-to-be are Phil and Linda Johnson of Kearney. Grandparents are the late Harold and Francis Johnson and the late Eurus and Marjry Stoltz... -
Army sergeant takes up the 'sword of the Spirit (Local News ~ 01/18/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- K.C. Harryman has traded one battlefield for another -- this one much closer to home than Iraq, and marginally safer, at least in terms of weaponry approved for use. Just as he did as a U.S. Army Sergeant in the infantry with the 1st Armored Division out of Fort Bliss, Texas, he also will be training others for the battlefield, at First Assembly of God Church, 811 East C Street... -
A Most Amazing Prophecy (Column ~ 01/18/13)
Dear Friend, INTRO If you are an atheist or an unbeliever, I invite you to study this article,excerpted from the book HOW CLOSE ARE WE. You will see the precision with which the eternal God fulfills His prophecies in the Bible, to the very day and hopefully respond in faith... -
Minding our business (Column ~ 01/18/13)
In these days when it seems everything has become angry polarization, it's not uncommon to hear someone in the heat of an argument invoke the familiar words of Jesus: "Judge not, so that you are not judged." These words are probably misapplied as much as anything Jesus ever said... -
When change comes to the heart, hope is born (Column ~ 01/18/13)
He was eight years old and king of a nation. The kings preceding him are not recognized as being kings who properly led the nation but now it is left to him. As he grew and developed the nation followed suit. Josiah built the nation and is recognized for a number of inventions to help achieve that. ... -
Johnnie Earl Brown (Obituary ~ 01/18/13)
Johnnie Earl Brown July 27, 1929 - Jan. 7, 2013 BOYD, Texas -- Johnnie Earl Brown stepped peacefully into eternity Monday, Jan. 7, 2013, at his home in Boyd, Texas. He was born July 27, 1929, the second son of Constance B. Borrer and R.M. Brown in San Antonio, Texas. ... -
Wrightstone photography exhibit a hit
(Local News ~ 01/18/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The Wrightstone Gallery at McCook Community College will be extending their hours next week to accommodate what has become an increasingly popular photography exhibit, featuring work by LIFE Magazine photographer and Nebraska native Bill Ray. "We have received such an overwhelming positive response to the exhibit that I encourage those that haven't seen it to make time," said MPCC Art Instructor Rick Johnson. Johnson described the exhibit as an incredibly historical collection of photographs that documented the country's history beginning in the mid-1950's. "You really lose yourself while looking at the photographs and feel like you slide into history, it's a great way to educate," said Johnson. The Ray collection features photographs of a broad range of famous people including; mainstream musicians and actors such as Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley and The Beatles; sports icons like Muhammad Ali; famous leaders such as Ronald Reagan and JFK; images of Frank Lloyd Wright at work; and intriguing images taken while Ray was allowed to travel with the Hells Angels of San Berdoo, just to name a few. The extended hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., Jan. 21 through Feb. 1, 2013.
McCook man pleads no contest to school, liquor store break-ins
(Local News ~ 01/18/13)
TRENTON, Nebraska -- Hitchcock and Hayes County District Judge David Urbom Thursday afternoon found guilty the 18-year-old McCook, Nebraska, man accused of breaking into a Culbertson liquor store and Hayes Center Public Schools last summer. During a joint Hitchcock and Hayes county hearing in Hitchcock County District Court in Trenton Thursday afternoon, Judge Urbom ordered a pre-sentencing investigation for Miguel A. ...