Eileen Marie Wane (Obituary ~ 05/31/12)
Eileen Marie Wane Feb 26, 1928 -- May 29, 2012 OMAHA, Nebraska -- Eileen Marie Wane, 84, died Tuesday (May 29, 2012), at Brookestone Village in Omaha, Nebraska. She was born Feb. 26, 1928 on a farm in Indianola, Nebraska, to Thomas McConville and Elizabeth (Lillian) Colling McConville... -
Douglas L. Miller
(Obituary ~ 05/31/12)
Douglas L. Miller Nov. 11, 1960 - May 16, 2012 TUCSON, Arizona -- Douglas L. Miller, 51, died Wednesday (May 16, 2012), in Tucson, Arizona. He was born Nov. 11, 1960, at St. Catherine's Hospital in McCook, Nebraska, the only son of Roger T. and Wanda M. (Wright) Miller, who lived in the Marion community...
Evelyn Wagner (Obituary ~ 05/31/12)
Evelyn Wagner April 6, 1935 - May 26, 2012 AKRON, Ohio -- Evelyn Wagner, 77, of Akron, Iowa passed away Saturday, May 26, 2012 at the Akron Care Center in Akron. Memorial service was Tuesday, May 29, 2012, at Carlsen Funeral Home -- Schroeder Chapel in Akron. ... -
On the Record
(Community News ~ 05/31/12)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Police activity Activity log...
Baumbach birthday (Birthdays ~ 05/31/12)
The family of Howard Baumbach is requesting a card shower in honor of his 94th birthday. He was born June 1, 1918. His family includes children the late Judy Perez, Bill and wife, Lynda Baumbach of Indianola, Joey and wife, Kim Baumbach of McCook, eight grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach him at Cambridge Manor, 1320 Nasby Street, Cambridge, NE 69022... -
Beck named Financial Services Champion (Business ~ 05/31/12)
LYONS, Nebraska - In observation of National Small Business Week, May 20-26, the Center for Rural Affairs is pleased to announce that Dena Beck, Business Specialist for the Center's Rural Enterprise Assistance Project (REAP) was recently named the Small Business Administration's Nebraska 3rd Congressional District Financial Services Champion of the Year for 2012... -
Plea reached in one car-keying case; info sought in others
(Local News ~ 05/31/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- A local car vandal will appear for sentencing and the McCook Police Department is seeking tips that they hope will lead to the arrest of a few others. The police department is seeking assistance from anyone that may have information pertaining to approximately two dozen vehicles that were "keyed" or scratched over the weekend. The criminal mischief occurred sometime late Saturday evening and early Sunday morning by persons reported to be traveling in a vehicle...
Reducing ragweed in pastures
(Local News ~ 05/31/12)
NOEL MUES Furnas County Extension Educator Ragweed growth has exploded in many of our pastures during recent years. This major source of hay fever can reach 1'- 6' in height, depending on the taxonomy. There are three different kinds of ragweed: common ragweed, western ragweed and giant ragweed and all are responsible for ragweed allergy...
Suspicious of the good cow market
(Column ~ 05/31/12)
I was visiting with Bill in Alabama. He's a cattleman, a bit of a philosopher and a constant worrier. I mentioned that one of my friends had sold a set of 520 lb feeder cattle for $1.99 a pound! That's more than a thousand dollars a head! "I know," said Bill, "I've sold some myself but..." then he paused and added, "I'm wondering if the price is getting too high?"...
Medicaid Managed Care changes in effect July 1
(Local News ~ 05/31/12)
McCook, Nebraska -- Nebraska's Medicaid is changing. Enrollees' basic Medicaid benefits, including medical transportation, will stay the same. The change is that now they will get their Medicaid benefits through a Managed Care Organization. The new health plan coverage starts July 1, 2012...
Saving the sign: Renovation preserves timeless message (Features ~ 05/31/12)
CAMBRIDGE, Nebraska -- It was because of one carpenter's love for his savior that he erected a sign near Cambridge, Nebraska, that lets everyone in the river valley know that "JESUS SAVES." Another carpenter knows that it's God who saves the sign. Luke Warburton and his crew have finished a two-week renovation of the "JESUS SAVES" billboard-sized sign that Cambridge carpenter Ira Hecox nestled into a hillside overlooking the Republican River Valley west of Cambridge 50-some years ago... -
Open for the season (Local News ~ 05/31/12)
Kingdom Kids Christian Daycare's "summer activities group," enjoys the Free Swim Day at McCook Municipal Pool, Wednesday afternoon. From left are Seth Wetton, Christien Kuykendall, Braden Hardin, Robert Nation and Peyton Tietz. Matt Hoffman flips off the diving board during Free Swim Day at McCook Municipal Pool, Wednesday afternoon. (Bruce Baker/McCook Daily Gazette)... -
Public broadcasting well-suited for web
(Editorial ~ 05/31/12)
Newspapers, television and radio are all finding ways to adapt to a new Internet reality or finding themselves left behind. Public broadcasting is in a unique position to take advantage of the new reality, delivering on-demand, specialized programming to intensely engaged audiences too small to attract commercial broadcasters and their advertisers...
Tobacco's devastating effects
(Letter to the Editor ~ 05/31/12)
On May 31, 2012 we join the World Health Organization (WHO) in recognizing World No Tobacco Day and the global devastation caused by tobacco use. Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death worldwide. The global tobacco epidemic kills nearly six million people each year, including 600,000 from secondhand smoke. If current trends continue, tobacco use will kill up to eight million people per year by 2030, of which more than 80 percent will live in low- and middle-income countries...
A partial lunar eclipse, and a rare Venus transit
(Column ~ 05/31/12)
And the hits just keep on coming. We observed -- albeit on the computer -- the annular eclipse of the sun on May 20, and now there are two more spectacular celestial events in the offing for our viewing pleasure. Although, one of them will be better viewed using on-line remote telescopes...
Feeling the love on vacation
(Column ~ 05/31/12)
Sorry for taking a break from my column last week, but we decided, for some strange reason, to fit in a span of five days; the last day of school activities, my birthday, a softball tournament for two girls, a dance recital for all three girls, a house full of company and then a weeklong vacation. Gotta love May!...
Carl E. Johnson (Obituary ~ 05/31/12)
Carl E. Johnson CAMBRIDGE, Nebraska -- Carl E. Johnson, 78, of Cambridge, died Wednesday (May 30, 2012), at the Cambridge Memorial Hospital. Services will be Monday, June 4, 2012, at 2 p.m. at The Trinity United Methodist Church in Cambridge with the Rev. Sherry Sklenar officiating. Interment will be in the Fairview Cemetery of Cambridge... -
New series doesn't quite make beautiful music
(Column ~ 05/31/12)
"Duets," which airs Thursday nights at 7 on ABC, is another try by that network to mine some success from the overflow of shows like FOX's perennial smash "American Idol," via NBC's recent hit "The Voice." The hook for the show is that the celebrity panel -- made up of Kelly Clarkson, Jennifer Nettles, Robin Thicke and John Legend -- aren't merely listening to people sing and judging the performances, or even mentoring the performers in addition to their judging duties. ...