Stellar prep career ends in gold strike at state track meet (High School Sports ~ 05/29/12)
OMAHA, Neb. -- The story of Mike Shoff's high school athletic career needs to have the words gold or golden somewhere in the title. Shoff ended his high school career with a gold harvest last weekend at the Nebraska State High School Track and Field Championships. The Cambridge senior won the Class D throwing events at the state meet Friday and Saturday, May 18-19, at Burke High Stadium in Omaha... -
Bison track record lives for another day -- barely (High School Sports ~ 05/29/12)
OMAHA, Neb. -- Perhaps one of the friendliest feuds in the annals of sports history continues at McCook High School. Bison junior Austin Cherry has waged an assault on the school's track and field record book, at least in the 800-meter run. Cherry came within a blink of breaking the record during a strong performance at the 2012 Nebraska Class B State Championships at Omaha Burke Stadium Saturday, May 19... -
Walter H. Zapp (Obituary ~ 05/29/12)
Walter H. Zapp Aug. 11, 1925 - May 27, 2012 McCOOK, Nebraska -- Walter Zapp passed away Sunday (May 27, 2012), at Hillcrest Nursing Home in McCook, Nebraska, at the age of 86. He was born Aug. 11, 1925, at Culbertson, Nebraska, the son of the late Gustav and Hermine (Schehr) Zapp. Walt grew up at Culbertson, where he graduated from District 6 rural school north of Culbertson. He graduated from Culbertson High School in 1942. He began his farming career on the family farm... -
Colleen Dame
(Obituary ~ 05/29/12)
Colleen Dame IMPERIAL, Nebraska -- Colleen Dame, 94, died Jan. 16, 2012, at the Imperial Manor Nursing Home, Imperial. Graveside inurnment services will be Saturday, June 2, 2012, 10 a.m. (CT) at the Rose Hill Cemetery in Stratton, Nebraska, with the Rev. Bonnie McCord officiating...
Walk for MS is Saturday at Norris Park
(Community News ~ 05/29/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Every step. Every person. Every second spent and dollar raised. They all add up to an experience unlike any other: Walk MS. This is the community's time to unite and stand strong. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society's Mid America Chapter will hold nine Walk MS events presented by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska this spring. ...
Repass anniversary (Anniversary ~ 05/29/12)
39th anniversary The family of Ron and Rita Repass of McCook, Nebraska, is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 39th wedding anniversary. They were married June 2,1972, in North Platte, Nebraska. Their family includes children, Scott and wife, Maggie Repass of McCook and Kyle and wife, Jeanna Repass of Overland Park, Kansas and four grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach the couple at 802 East 2nd McCook, NE 69001... -
Nielsen anniversary (Anniversary ~ 05/29/12)
40th anniversary The family of Dr. Michael and Linda (Hector) Nielsen of McCook, Nebraska, will host an open house in honor the couples' 40th wedding anniversary. They were married June 3, 1972 ,at St. John's Lutheran Church (Old Stone Church) of rural of Auburn, Nebraska. ... -
Curtis State Bank employees earn diplomas (Business ~ 05/29/12)
CURTIS, Nebraska -- Curtis State Bank is proud to announce that three of their employees have recently received diplomas. Lacy Bryant, Teller/Bookkeeper at Curtis State Bank recently completed her Bachelors Degree with Bellevue University. She received her Bachelors Degree in Business Administration and Finance... -
Herrmann honored for 50 years of service (Business ~ 05/29/12)
LINCOLN, Nebraska - On April 24, the Nebraska Funeral Directors Association (NeFDA) held an awards banquet during the Annual Convention at the Embassy Suites in Lincoln. During the banquet, funeral directors from across the state were honored for their years of service to the funeral service industry. ... -
Swimming offers far more than escape from heat
(Editorial ~ 05/29/12)
School is out, we've just celebrated Memorial Day and, weather permitting, another summertime milestone will arrive Wednesday with the opening of the McCook Municipal Swimming Pool. The advent of air conditioning has somewhat lessened the public pool's role as a source of summertime heat relief, though certainly not completely, but there are plenty of other reasons to head for the pool this summer...
Our future is in good hands
(Column ~ 05/29/12)
Lance issued the challenge. Come to his graduation from the Air Force Academy and administer his oath of office. The only catch was that I was to wear my uniform, the one I wore when I retired for the Air Force back in 1979. There was a bit of a problem as the old uniform, hanging in the closet over these many years had shrunk considerably in size. ...
Dog and pony show (Local News ~ 05/29/12)
"Thunder," an 11-month-old harlequin Great Dane owned by Arlyn White of Maywood, Nebraska, checks out a friend -- just his size -- following the annual "Old Glory Days" parade in Maywood, Saturday, May 26. "Country," the Type B miniature horse owned by Charlene Fichtner of Maywood, wasn't quite so sure about Thunder's "up close and personal" approach. Riding with grandma on the pony cart is 11⁄2-year-old Kaylee Stewart... -
Man gets jail time after eighth DUI
(Local News ~ 05/29/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- A McCook man was sentenced to jail time after he was arrested in 2011 for what was at least his eighth drunk driving offense. The offender, 32-year-old Scott Ryan Daniel of 1604 W. Fourth Street, was sentenced to 180 days in jail, ordered to pay a $1,000 fine and his driver's license was revoked for 15 years after he accepted a plea agreement that admitted guilt to third offense DUI in Red Willow County District Court...
County may change health insurance plan
(Local News ~ 05/29/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Red Willow County, Nebraska, commissioners will consider changes in county employees' health insurance plans during a weekly meeting Wednesday, starting at 9 a.m., in the courthouse in McCook. If approved, the new plan will become effective June 1 and include two copayments for three-month mail-order prescriptions, and new hires will have to pay for their dependents...
Remember those who have served (Local News ~ 05/29/12)
Retired U.S. Air Force Brigadier General Harold E. Confer of San Antonio, Texas, a native of Culbertson, Nebraska, stands against gusty winds during a Memorial Day ceremony in the hilltop Culbertson Cemetery Monday. "Today, we honor those who have gone before us," Confer said, remembering the influence on his life of another Culbertson native, Charlie Eisenhart, a close friend of Confer's brother, Merle. ... -
Old Glory Days (Local News ~ 05/29/12)
Maywood, Nebraska, celebrates Memorial Day and the community's 125th birthday during its annual "Old Glory Days" Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Great-grandpa Bob Guest of Maywood enjoyed trailing after his "sidekick," 21-month-old Addison Little of North Platte, who chased candy during the parade. ... -
Mark Leon Forgue
(Obituary ~ 05/29/12)
Mark Leon Forgue Jan. 3, 1952 - May 24, 2012 HOUSTON, Texas -- Mark Leon Forgue was born Jan. 3, 1952, to Medis "Cricket" and Mary Virginia (Schaaf) Forgue in McCook, Nebraska. He died May 24, 2012, in Houston, Texas, while undergoing treatment for cancer. ...