'Incredibles' Blu-ray is just that
(Column ~ 04/27/11)
One of the best movies of the last decade has finally made its way on to Blu-ray disc: Disney /Pixar's "The Incredibles." It's hard to believe that this Oscar-winning animated feature took as long as it did to finally see a high-definition format release, but the wait was worth it. ...
Glenn Ervin Hinton (Obituary ~ 04/27/11)
April 3, 1928-April 23, 2011 ARAPAHOE, Nebraska -- Glenn Ervin Hinton, 83, died Saturday (April 23, 2011) at his home. He was born on April 3, 1928, in Frontier County, Nebraska to Bert and Vera (Harrop) Hinton. He went to school through the eighth grade at Walnut Hill country school, and then attended two years at Stockville High School in Stockville, Nebraska. The family moved to Douglas, Wyoming and he graduated from Douglas High School... -
Groundbreaking set for Saturday (Local News ~ 04/27/11)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The official groundbreaking ceremony for the new Events Center at McCook Community College will take place at 11 a.m. on Saturday. The ceremony will take place just north of McMillen Hall in Kelley Park. The McCook College Foundation will host a barbecue lunch following the groundbreaking ceremony... -
Basketball star discovers new way to 'dribble' (Features ~ 04/27/11)
LORRI SUGHROUE Special to the Gazette Eric "Cutty" Cutright, 20, a stand-out basketball recruit at McCook Community College, is dribbling paint nowadays instead of basketballs. The imposing yet soft-spoken sophomore from Louisiana can be found more often in the art room than the gym, although he recently earned first-team all-Nebraska Community College Athletic Conference honors, averaging 12.0 points and six rebounds per game... -
A vote against the school bond
(Letter to the Editor ~ 04/27/11)
It does not make sense to keep the elementary and junior-senior high schools split up. The alumni of both Culbertson and Trenton attended a K-12 school. Why was that format ever changed? Those for the bond say, "Why change what's working?" It was working fine before the K-12 was divided...
Do not support bond
(Letter to the Editor ~ 04/27/11)
We are writing in regard to the upcoming bond issue. First, we would like to say that we are not voting for the proposed school bond, but yes we do support Hitchcock County Schools. The current bond is a short-term fix that is probably the most fair to all, but face the facts, life is not always fair...
Peeling off the layers
(Column ~ 04/27/11)
With every passing day, I inch closer and closer to becoming a woman of some significant years. It's an especially difficult transition this time of year. The weather is altogether changeable. Clouds, fog, nearly freezing temperatures greet the dawn, with bright sunshine and warmer temperatures arriving just in time for supper -- sometimes...
Encouraging news on the healthy food front
(Editorial ~ 04/27/11)
Fans of Jamie Oliver may be encouraged by the Nebraska Legislature's second-round approval of a bill that would offer grants and loans to improve access to healthy foods. If you haven't caught his shows on television, celebrity chef Oliver's current effort is to replace processed foods with fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables. ...
Road woes continue for Bison tennis girls
(High School Sports ~ 04/27/11)
KEARNEY, Nebraska -- The McCook High School varsity girls tennis team has had little success in matches away from home this spring. The Bison girls dropped a pair of meets in Kearney Tuesday, April 26. McCook was edged by host Kearney Catholic, 5-4, before losing a 7-2 decision to Kearney High as the Bison dropped to 7-6 in dual meets this season...
Home teams rule at Bison JV track meet (High School Sports ~ 04/27/11)
Tuesday's McCook Junior Varsity Invitational gave some of the younger, inexperienced Bison track and field performers a chance to show what they can do in competition. All the local teams did was win both boys and girls team championships in the event featuring reserve teams Class B and C schools, plus mixtures of varsity and JV performers from several Gazette area schools. The meet was held under sunny, pleasant weather conditions at the McCook High School stadium... -
Bison golfers shoot season-low scores at Holdrege
(High School Sports ~ 04/27/11)
HOLDREGE, Nebraska -- McCook High School head boys golf coach Rick Haney probably went to sleep Tuesday night, April 26, with a smile on his face. Haney's squad turned in a season-best effort at the Holdrege Invitational Tuesday at the Holdrege Country Club course. Sean Backer claimed individual medalist honors, and the Bison claimed four individual medals to shoot a low team total of 304 strokes to win the team title...
Gloria Ann Lawson (Obituary ~ 04/27/11)