Helene Ann Dickmeyer
(Obituary ~ 04/07/11)
Jan. 2, 1927-April 4, 2011 ARAPAHOE, Nebraska -- Helene Ann Dickmeyer, 84, died Monday (April 4, 2011) at C.A. Mues Good Samaritan Center in Arapahoe. She was born Jan. 2, 1927, north of Arapahoe in Gosper County, Nebraska, to Karl Frederick Julius "KFJ" and Ida Louise (Hartman) Wendland...
Ethanol can stand on its own merits
(Editorial ~ 04/07/11)
Gasoline is an easy target for anyone searching for a reason their engine isn't running right, and quality fuel is certainly a key component to efficient operation. The Legislature is wrangling with an effort to remove the requirement that gasoline pumps let buyers know that they're paying for alcohol as well as gasoline...
Messier marathon madness
(Column ~ 04/07/11)
In the latter part of the 1700s, French astronomer Charles Messier (pronounced Mess-e-a) spent much of his time looking for comets. While looking for the soon-returning Halley's Comet he ran across a bright, fuzzy spot that attracted his attention. After plotting this object and determining it could not be the expected comet, he decided to start a list of those things which, although possibly looking like comets, were not, in fact, comets...
Neal F. Warner (Obituary ~ 04/07/11)
Bone -- Origin, identity of tibia in a box of rocks is a mystery (Features ~ 04/07/11)