Childhood lessons served Norris well (Features ~ 09/25/09)
It started as a youngster moving stones in an Ohio farm field, but every time Sen. George W. Norris faced an obstacle, he relied on the strength of his faith. Portrayed by Pastor Clark Bates, Sen. George Norris, who served in Congress for more than 40 years, told the crowd at the Norris Prayer Breakfast in McCook this morning the lessons he learned in "Faith Lessons from the Frontier."... -
It's a deal (Local News ~ 09/25/09)
Clockwise from upper left, master of ceremonies Cal Siegfried of McCook orchestrates the fun and chaos that is McCook's Heritage Days version of the television game show "Deal or No Deal," Thursday evening in Memorial Auditorium. Eight-year-old Sarah Dixon, left, with moral support from big sister Chloe, won $75; Glen Tietz, Contestant No. ... -
Wanda Martha Thompson
(Obituary ~ 09/25/09)
Sept. 21, 1925-Sept. 23, 2009 Wanda Martha Thompson, age 84, died Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2009 at Hillcrest Nursing Home. She was born in Omaha to Laurs Benjimon and Cecil Sylvia (Anderson) Hansen on Sept. 21, 1925. She graduated from high school in Omaha...
YMCA eliminates fitness fees for members to target obesity
(Local News ~ 09/25/09)
Ed Thomas YMCA board president Beverly Dodge has announced that, effective Oct. 1, the YMCA will eliminate all Fitness Class Fees for youth and adult members. At its August meeting, the YMCA board of directors took action in response to a growing epidemic that is engulfing our nation, our state and our community: obesity...
Zelpha Ilene Scott (Obituary ~ 09/25/09)
Dec. 1, 1919-Sept. 23, 2009 Zelpa Ilene Scott of Hayes Center, died Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2009, at Great Plains Medical Center in North Platte. She was 89. Zelpha was born on Dec. 1, 1919, to Frank William and Charlotte "Lottie" Esther (Fornoff) Snoke in Hayes Center. She spent a lifetime on the family farm in the Eddy community and she loved to farm and do crafts such as crocheting and making quilts. She enjoyed music and flowers... -
Alert woman avoids scam with 'secret shopper' check
(Local News ~ 09/25/09)
The check looked and felt authentic, but an alert McCook woman wasn't taken in. "If it's too good to be true, it probably is," said Sharon Boley, who took to the police the phony $2,830 check and accompanying cover letter that was mailed to her. Scam artists are alive and well, with the McCook Police Department receiving calls about once a week from concerned citizens about phony letters...
Heritage Days proves we really are a community
(Editorial ~ 09/25/09)
Celebrities ranging from James Bond to Coach Gross to Elton John, Jay Leno, to Larry the Cable Guys, Clint Eastwood, Miss Piggy and many others turned out for the McCook Area Chamber of Commerce's version of "Deal or No Deal" at Memorial Auditorium, the second night of what promises to be one of the biggest Heritage Days weekends ever...
The way things would have been
(Column ~ 09/25/09)
Romantic love causes more pain and more joy than anything else in the world and it's truly the one thing in our lives that the more we find out about, the less we realize we know. I get a lot of grief from my ex-wife when I write about the love of my life because she thinks my boys should be the loves of my life. ...
Cook anniversary (Anniversary ~ 09/25/09)
The children of LeRoy and Betty Cook of Culbertson are requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 60th wedding anniversary on Oct. 2. Their family includes their three daughters, Linda and husband, Roger Patterson, Laurie and husband, Chris Ryan and Coni and husband, Malcolm Ward; three grandchildren; and one great-grandson. Cards of congratulations will reach the couple at P.O. Box 144, Culbertson, NE, 69024... -
Baker birthday (Birthdays ~ 09/25/09)
The family of Dorothy Baker is requesting a card shower in honor of her 80th birthday. She was born Sept. 25, 1929, at McCook. Her family includes daughters, Anita and husband, Richard Graff of McCook and Diana and husband, Harold Fisher of Culbertson. She has four grandsons and two great-granddaughters. Cards of congratulation will reach her at 902 W. Second, McCook, NE 69001... -
Cronin, Sitzman engagement (Engagement ~ 09/25/09)
Cassandra May Cronin and Jason Kyle Sitzman of Fraser, Colo., announce their engagement and upcoming marriage. Parents of the couple are Jim and Glenda Cronin of Ravenna and Larry and Sally Sitzman, formerly of Culbertson, now of Lincoln. The bride-to-be graduated from Ravenna High School in 2000 and from the University of Nebraska at Kearney in 2004 with a degree in Broadcasting. She is employed at The Devils Thumb Ranch in Tabernash, Colo... -
Holliday, Guthrie engagement (Engagement ~ 09/25/09)
Vanessa Holliday and Stephen Guthrie announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the couple are Rob and Kim Holliday and Lee and Pat Guthrie, all of McCook. Grandparents are Bob and Connie Holliday, DeWayne and Jan Goodenberger and Laura Eby, also of McCook... -
Dunn, Henderson engagement (Engagement ~ 09/25/09)
Bekah Dunn and Joey Henderson will be married Oct. 3, 2009, at Trinity Evangelical Free Church in Holdrege. Parents of the couple are Sherrie Dunn of Holdrege and Gary and Bev Henderson of Stratton. Grandparents are Adrian and Roberta Cunnigham of Caldwell., Kan., Warren Harrison of Stratton and June Henderson of Iota, La... -
Berls, Seller wedding (Wedding ~ 09/25/09)
WILMINGTON, N.C. --Brooke Berls and Dr. Aaron Seller, both of Erie, Pa., exchanged wedding vows on June 6, 2009 at St. Mark Catholic Church in Wilmington, N.C. with Msgr. Matthew Hendrick officiating. The bride is the daughter of Larry and Sheila Berls of McCook and granddaughter, of Millie Gates of Waterloo and the late Joe and Laura Berls... -
Fritz birthday (Birthdays ~ 09/25/09)
The children of Iva Fritz are hosting an open house and card shower in honor of her 75th birthday on Oct. 3, 2009. The open house will be Saturday, Oct. 3, from 2-4 p.m., at her daughter's home at 1108 West 5th Street in McCook. Cards will reach her at 904 East G Street, McCook NE 69001... -
Jones, Corbett engagement (Engagement ~ 09/25/09)
Tiffany Jones and Christopher Corbett of McCook announce their engagement and upcoming marriage. Parents of the couple are Bob and Rita Waltemath of McCook, Lee and Terry Hendrikson of Greeley, Colo., and Mike and Christina Corbett of Highland, Calif... -
Gov. Heineman activates Phase I of Nebraska's statewide radio network
(State News ~ 09/25/09)
GERING -- Gov. Dave Heineman was joined this week by state officials in launching the first phase of a statewide radio network for emergency response personnel that will be the vehicle for providing interoperable communication to first responders across Nebraska in the coming year...
Rural America needs veterinarians
(Column ~ 09/25/09)
Those of us who enjoy living in small, rural communities know well the many benefits. Neighbors know each other, they help out during harvest or calving season, and they are always there to lend a hand. Of course, there are challenges, among them access to air service, specialized medical care, and roads funding. ...
Bidding for beauty (Local News ~ 09/25/09)
Gene Morris, above from left, of the Fox Theatre explains that Norma Stevens is not only a good artist, she's a great neighbor! Auctioneer Johnny Walker, assisted by Mariah Salyer and McCook Community College art instructor Rick Johnson prepare to sell Stevens' still life painting of a flower arrangement. An enthusiastic crowd enjoyed a wine and cheese reception and viewing before settling in, right, for the auction itself. Proceeds will go to the theater rennovation project... -
Kugler Memorial tourney benefits scholarship fund (Community Sports ~ 09/25/09)
The 18th Annual R.D. Kugler Memorial Golf Tournament was held at the Heritage Hills Golf Course in McCook on Thursday, September 24, 2009. All proceeds benefit the R.D. Kugler Memorial Scholarship Fund which awards area students having demonstrated academic accomplishment and community involvement and for the purpose of post high school study in an accredited college, trade or technical school...