Bison girls softball tops Lexington 8-3 (High School Sports ~ 09/09/09)
The Bison girls softball team beat the Lexington Minutemaids 8-3 Tuesday at the Jaycee Sports Complex. Bison pitcher Kelsey Gillen pitched a complete game, facing 31 batters giving up three runs on eight hits, striking out seven and walking two. Gillen also went 2-for-2 at the plate with two RBI's and two runs... -
McCook boys tennis handles Hershey 7-2 (High School Sports ~ 09/09/09)
The McCook High School boys tennis team scored their first win of the season in dual play Tuesday, beating the visiting Hershey squad on the MHS Bison courts 7-2. Hershey brought only 4 players to the contest, which presented a challenge to the Bison, according to head tennis coach Matt Wiemers... -
Superintendent thinks new school is cool (Local News ~ 09/09/09)
McCook's public school system has met or exceeded the expectations of its new superintendent, a former elementary and junior high principal in Benkelman in 2000-01, who dreamed then of becoming McCook's top school administrator. Grant Norgaard said Thursday morning, from his new office in the senior high, that he and his wife, Michele, visited McCook almost every weekend when they lived in Benkelman, for shopping or socializing. ... -
Dale Elwood Waddell (Obituary ~ 09/09/09)
Oct. 29, 1924 - Aug. 30, 2009 DENVER, Colo. -- Dale Elwood Waddell, 84, died Sunday, (Aug. 30, 2009). He was born on Oct. 29, 1924, in Red Willow County to Jessie and Charlie Waddell. He spent his early years on the farm and attended a rural school through the eighth grade. He graduated from Red Willow Consolidated High School in 1941... -
Councilman resigns (Local News ~ 09/09/09)
John H. Ready (Obituary ~ 09/09/09)
Dec. 11, 1915 - Sept. 8, 2009 OBERLIN -- John H. Ready, 93, died Tuesday (Sept. 8, 2009) at Decatur County Hospital in Oberlin. He was born Dec. 11, 1915, in rural Tenney, Minn., to Raymond and Esther (Newman) Ready. He grew up in Tenney and attended grade school and high school there. He went on to attend Morris State College in Morris, Minn., and St. Louis Mortuary School... -
Kathryn Ann Riddle (Obituary ~ 09/09/09)
May 23, 1947 -- Aug. 20, 2009 OMAHA -- Kathryn Ann Riddle, 62, of Omaha, died Thursday (Aug. 20, 2009) in rural Saunders County as the result of an automobile accident. She was born May 23, 1947 in McCook to Lloyd and Sadie (Flanagin) Riddle. ... -
Harriett J. Mues (Obituary ~ 09/09/09)
Sept. 30, 1914 - Aug. 29, 2009 ARAPAHOE -- Harriett J. Mues, 94, of San Angelo, Texas, died Saturday (Aug. 29, 2009). She was born Sept. 30, 1914, in Galesburg, Kan., to James and Ruba (Barber) Gillette. She graduated high school in Chester and Parsons Junior College in Parsons, Kan. She taught school in Neosho County, Kan., and in Thayer County... -
Councilman repeats plea for paydown
(Local News ~ 09/09/09)
By LORRI SUGHROUE City Editor As he has done in the past when discussing the 2009-10 budget, McCook City Councilman Aaron Kircher again requested city sales tax dollars as a way to pay down water debt early, but only one other councilman agreed and the motion failed...
Final budget approved
(Local News ~ 09/09/09)
The McCook City Council adopted the $26 million 2009-10 city budget unanimously on third and final reading Monday night, reflecting recent revisions that include no water rate increases. Other additions /subtractions in the final budget include: n the ad valorem tax request that has been changed due to an increase in the city's taxable valuation. ...
Four Red Willow County farms receive energy funds
(Local News ~ 09/09/09)
LINCOLN -- Four Red Willow County farms are among 30 Nebraska recipients that have been selected to receive $1,292,498 in loans and grants as announced by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack last week. Funds will be used for energy efficiency improvements, feasibility studies, energy audits and renewable energy development assistance...
Suicide Prevention Week focuses on new resources
(Editorial ~ 09/09/09)
It's a problem we don't want to think about but one that can leave us with a lifetime of regret if we fail to act. That's why mental health officials are observing National Suicide Prevention Week this week, Sept. 6-12. There is good reason to be concerned...
The true cost of free health care
(Letter to the Editor ~ 09/09/09)
In the immortal words of humorist P.J. O'Rourke, "If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free." Comrade Obama and his merry band of socialists want to destroy the best healthcare system in the world because they want to control every phase of our lives, whether or not we can see a doctor, what type of treatment we receive, even whether or not we live or die. The elderly are the major target because that's where most of the health dollars are spent...
Loose wheels kill one, injure two on I-80
(State News ~ 09/09/09)
LINCOLN -- One person was killed and two others injured, after they were struck by a set of wheels from a semi trailer truck. Around 3:15 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2009, troopers responded to the report of an accident on Interstate 80 near mm 93 in Deuel County, Neb. ...
Kenneth Dean Lacey (Obituary ~ 09/09/09)
'Man, I clung to that rock!'
(Column ~ 09/09/09)
Deer Creek Canyon was a favorite destination when Danny and I were first married. The canyon was only short drive from Littleton, Colo., so we could be in mountain grandeur by suppertime after a long day at work, enjoying the fall foliage and the sparkling waters cascading down Deer Creek...