Bison lines go head-to-head (High School Sports ~ 08/21/09)
It almost felt like game night at Weiland Field in McCook Thursday night as the Bison Red and White squads took to the gridiron on a perfect late summer evening. The Bison Boosters served up hamburgers, hot dogs and baked beans to the assembled fans who watched the full-speed practice session... -
Boyd 'Butch' D. Grafel (Obituary ~ 08/21/09)
Dec. 4, 1938 - Aug. 16, 2009 EVANS, Colo. -- Boyd "Butch" D. Grafel, 70, died Sunday (Aug. 16, 2009). He was born Dec. 4, 1938, in Oberlin to Ed and Iverna (Diamond) Grafel. He attended school in Herndon and graduated in 1957. He joined the U.S. Army, where he was a drill sergeant and was honorably discharged. After his discharge, he settled in Greeley, Colo. On Nov. 26, 1965, he married Kathy Dilka. He did some farming and other jobs, but was in roofing most of his life... -
Carol Beth (Sawer) Brown
(Obituary ~ 08/21/09)
June 7, 1952 - Aug. 14, 2009 ATWOOD -- Carol Beth (Sawer) Brown, 57, died Friday (Aug. 14, 2009) in Kansas City, Mo. She was born June 7, 1952. She married Steven Lee Brown. They lived in Buckner, Mo., where she was a cosmetologist. She was formerly of Atwood...
Wilberta 'Jean' Erickson
(Obituary ~ 08/21/09)
Feb. 5, 1922 - Aug. 19, 2009 COLBY, Kan. -- Wilberta "Jean" Erickson, 87, died Wednesday (Aug. 19, 2009) at Citizens Medical Center in Colby. She was born Feb. 5, 1922, in Clear Lake, Calif., to Wilfred and Roberta (Lyon) Boardman. She grew up in Clear Lake and received her education there...
Obama aid plan on college agenda
(Local News ~ 08/21/09)
NORTH PLATTE -- The Mid-Plains Community College Board of Governors will be asked to approve a formal resolution that supports a new plan President Obama wants to establish for community colleges, at the regular meeting Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., at the North Platte Campus...
Adopt an Athlete -- Program connects McCook Community College jocks with local families (Local News ~ 08/21/09)
Juggling school work, athletics and a new environment can be tough on a college student, especially one attending school miles away from home. That's where the Adopt An Athlete program can help. Families who participate in the Adopt An Athlete program are paired with an athlete, or more than one if they choose, from those participating in the six sports at McCook Community College: volleyball, baseball, women's and men's basketball, softball and golf... -
Put me in, coach (Local News ~ 08/21/09)
Brody Mollring, the 20-month-old grandson of McCook High School assistant football coach Jeff Mollring, at left, center, picks up a football before the Bison scrimmage Thursday evening. Brody, the son of Scott and Annie Mollring of McCook, is "helping" Grandpa and head coach Jeff Gross, left, prepare the Bison for a season that starts Friday, Aug. 28, at 7 p.m., against the Sidney Red Raiders. Cooking burgers for fans at the scrimmage were Dan Unger, above left, and Darryl Volquardsen... -
Beaver City man indicted
(Local News ~ 08/21/09)
OMAHA -- A federal grand jury has returned an indictment against a Beaver City man charging him with theft of funds from the Social Security Administration and Medicaid. The man, Daniel G. Smith, 47, is charged with theft of funds from the Social Security Administration in or around August, 1992, and continuing until on or about July, 2008, in the amount of approximately $164,929...
If you missed out, take care of the 'clunker' you own
(Editorial ~ 08/21/09)
The "Cash for Clunkers" program comes to an end Monday night after dealers burned through $3 billion in funding in about a month, and four of five Midwestern bankers say it had little effect on their car loan portfolio. If you missed the chance to cash in on your "clunker," or if buying a new car was never an option for you, Rich White, Executive Director of the Car Care Council has some suggestions for keeping your car performing well for years to come:...
Triple Green Self-Propelled Riding Mower (Opinion ~ 08/21/09)
A prototype for the Triple Green Self-Propelled Riding Mower. Densel O'Dea of McCook shared his vision of manufacturing this mower in McCook with Gazette Publisher Shary Skiles. -
Riding mower plant proposed for McCook
(Letter to the Editor ~ 08/21/09)
Southwest Nebraska has no shortage of inventive, resourceful and enterprising citizens. One such person is Densel O'Dea of McCook. His latest venture shows considerable promise in many aspects. It is economical, functional and most importantly, environmentally friendly...
Batty birthday (Birthdays ~ 08/21/09)
Paul and Steve Batty, sons of Dr. John Batty, are celebrating his 95th birthday on Aug. 28, 2009, with a card shower. Cards will reach him at 1500 East 11 St. Apt. 311, McCook, NE 69001 -
Farrell anniversary (Anniversary ~ 08/21/09)
The family of Warren and Marian Farrell is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 60th wedding anniversary Aug.25. They were married on that date in 1949 at Saint Patrick's Catholic Church in McCook. Their family includes Matthew and Rebecca Farrell of Westminster, Colo., Patrick and Leigh Farrell of McCook, and Daniel and Kathy Farrell of Leawood, Kan.They have six grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach them at 13800 W. 116th St., Apt 3404, Olathe, KS 66062... -
Wayman, Martinez birth (Births ~ 08/21/09)
Lindsay Wayman and Fernando Martinez of Culbertson announce the birth of their son, Landon Dean Martinez on July 21, 2009, at Cambridge Memorial Hospital. He weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces and measured 21 inches. His grandparents are John and Julie Wayman of Bartley, Grace Infante of McCook and Nate and Joyce Walls of Ogallala. Great-grandparents are Betty Wayman of Industry, Kan., and the late Kenneth Wayman, the late Floyd and Frances Blair and the late Nieves and Grace Contreras... -
Zink birthday
(Birthdays ~ 08/21/09)
Mildred Zink will celebrate her 98th birthday Aug. 21. Cards of congratulations can be sent to her at 707 West 14th, McCook NE 69001.
Bennett, Whetton engagement (Engagement ~ 08/21/09)
Nakisha Bennett of McCook and Christopher Whetton of Lakeland, Fla., announce their engagement and upcoming marriage. Parents of the couple are Tom Bennett of McCook, Terri Woodruff-Smith of Lakeland, Fla., and Danny Whetton and Susan Talit of Lakeland... -
Gress, Wheeler engagement (Engagement ~ 08/21/09)
Sarah Gress and Brandon Wheeler announce their engagement and approaching wedding. Parents of the couple are Chico "Larry" and Peggy Gress of Waterloo, Iowa, Dean Wheeler of Trenton and Joe and Renee Bazja of Gypsum, Colo. Grandparents of the bridegroom are Larry and Jeniene Lashley of Trenton... -
Strasburg, Bouc engagement (Engagement ~ 08/21/09)
Lacey Strasburg of Hayes Center and Jonathan Bouc of Valparaiso announce their engagement and upcoming marriage. Parents of the couple are Barry and Betty Strasburg of Hayes Center and Gladyce and the late Robert Bouc. The bride-to-be is a 2002 graduate of Hayes Center High School. She earned a Bachelor's degree in elementary and special education from UNK. She is employed as the K-6 special education teacher at Elm Creek Public Schools... -
Wiesleler, Tirrill engagement (Engagement ~ 08/21/09)
Bobbi Jo Wieseler and Dusty John Tirrill, both of McCook, announce their engagement and upcoming marriage. Parents of the couple are Rick and Jo Wieseler of Ireton, Iowa and Tom and Kelly Tirrill of McCook. Grandparents of the couple are Dick and Winifred Altena of Sioux Center, Iowa, Jeanette Wieseler of St. Helena and the late Eugene Wieseler, Lester Tirrill of McCook and the late LaVerne Tirrill and Arlo and LaVonne Banzhaf of Cambridge... -
Clapp birthdays (Birthdays ~ 08/21/09)
The family of Phyllis and Harold Clapp is requesting a card shower in honor of their 80th birthdays, Phyllis on August 21 and Harold on September 14. They are long-time residents of McCook. Their family includes sons, Steve and Lee Clapp of McCook; John Clapp of McCook; and daughter Deb and John Jurgensen of Lincoln. They have six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach them at 806 West 13 Street, McCook NE 69001... -
Forgue birthday (Birthdays ~ 08/21/09)
McCook's first lifeguard, Mary (Schaaf) Forgue will celebrate her 90th birthday Aug. 27. Her family, which includes Mark Forgue of Lincoln and Lynn Burns of Kearney, four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, are requesting a card shower in honor of her birthday. Cards of congratulation will reach her at 143 West O Street, McCook, NE 69001... -
Rogers birth (Births ~ 08/21/09)
Rhett and Sara Rogers, formerly of Indianola, announce the birth of their daughter, Zoey Monroe Rogers, on July 31, 2009, at Community Hospital in McCook. She weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces and measured 20 inches. She has an older sibling, 3-year-old Brodie. ... -
Skinner birthday (Birthdays ~ 08/21/09)
The children of Alice Skinner are requesting a card shower in honor of her 98th birthday on Aug. 30, 2009. Cards will reach her at 321 West 4th, Trenton NE 69044. -
Krotter anniversary (Anniversary ~ 08/21/09)
The son of Fred and Nada Krotter of Palisade is requesting a card shower in honor of his parent's 50th wedding anniversary. They were married Aug. 30, 1959. Their family includes their son, Kevin and wife, Marsha of Ocean Springs, Miss., and two grandsons. Cards of congratulations will reach the couple at P O Box 177, Palisade NE 69040... -
Devie twins
(Births ~ 08/21/09)
Staff Sgt. Blaine Devie of the U.S. Army and his wife, Jaclynn Devie of Fort Rucker, Ala., announce the birth of their identical twin boys Logan Steven and Mason William Devie born two-and-a-half months early on July 12, 2009, at Baptist Medical Center in Montgomery, Ala. ...
Extra Mile (Local News ~ 08/21/09)
Shawn Anderson takes a break in McCook on Friday one his cross-country "Extra Mile America" bicycle tour. Speaking at organized events in 21 major cities, Anderson, a speaker and writer, is hoping to inspire others to go the extra-mile in their own lives. ... -
Richard Andrew Nielsen (Obituary ~ 08/21/09)
Supporting and honoring those who serve
(Column ~ 08/21/09)
General Dwight D. Eisenhower, on the eve of the invasion of Normandy, told his troops "The eyes of the world are upon you. I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty, and skill in battle." These words still ring true. We owe our freedom and security to the men and women in uniform who defend our nation through their bravery and dedication. I am proud to be able to work with my colleagues in the House of Representatives as we help those who have served our country...
Nebraska State Fair celebrates a milestone
(Column ~ 08/21/09)
Final preparations are underway for the 2009 Nebraska State Fair, which starts Friday, Aug. 28 and runs through the Labor Day holiday in Lincoln. This year's State Fair represents a turning point for an institution that predates Nebraska's statehood. The 2009 State Fair will be memorable as the last to be held in our capital city...
It's that time of year again
(Column ~ 08/21/09)
It's been a really fast summer. At least it feels that way to me. Maybe it's an age thing but it seems like time continues to speed up. It seems like only yesterday that we were graduating another crop of successful students from MCC and already it's time to start a new academic year...
Cole anniversary (Anniversary ~ 08/21/09)
Richard and Darlene (Harman) Cole of Culbertson will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house. They were married Aug. 21, 1959, in Dodge City, Kan. Their family includes their children, Margaret and Rex Pennel of Turon, Kan., and Robert and Jewelene Cole of Farnam; six grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. ...