Backyard Bird Count helps preserve our fine feathered friends
(Editorial ~ 02/10/07)
A lot of us are concerned about wildlife, but not all of us know what to do to help. Yes, many of us belong to and support groups like Ducks Unlimited and Pheasants Forever, but others of us don't give wildlife a passing thought. Unless, of course, it's hoping we can miss the deer bounding in front of us in the roadway...
The bidding, spending process
(Local News ~ 02/10/07)
It was a nice short civil council meeting last Monday. Although the agenda was short one item will have a lasting impact in the way the City does business. The change will impact how the city staff spends our taxes. The City Ordinance governs how much money the City Manager can spend without going through the process of bidding. The threshold will be $20,000 if the ordinance receives two more YES votes from the Council...
An 'out of this world' affair
(Column ~ 02/10/07)
It was a nice short civil council meeting last Monday. Although the agenda was short one item will have a lasting impact in the way the City does business. The change will impact how the city staff spends our taxes. The City Ordinance governs how much money the City Manager can spend without going through the process of bidding. The threshold will be $20,000 if the ordinance receives two more YES votes from the Council...
Soldier 'gave his all, trying to do his job' (Local News ~ 02/10/07)
Courageously, Sgt. Randy Matheny's family gathered before cameras and reporters Friday afternoon and asked that their son, their brother, their friend be remembered as "a hero ... a young man who stared fear in the eye and still did what his country asked him to do."...