Ross makes bid to return to office
(Local News ~ 08/26/05)
Nebraska State Treasurer Ron Ross, on a three-day, 12 town campaign blitz across Nebraska, stopped in McCook Thursday evening and talked to supporters about his desire to continue in that office. Ross, a Republican, is running unopposed for the position...
Vegetable plot thickens diet for WEC offenders (Features ~ 08/26/05)
As of Wednesday, the garden plot at McCook's Work Ethic Camp has produced 2,836 pounds of produce -- not counting many days' worth of sweet corn. Robert Sitzman, facility maintenance leader at the camp, said the "grocery store" value of the produce -- not including the sweet corn -- would be $1,684.86. Sitzman estimates the garden will produce "well over 3,000 pounds" by the end of the season... -
Writing scores released
(Local News ~ 08/26/05)
By CONNIE JO DISCOE McCook Daily Gazette McCook Public Schools' statewide writing assessment scores for grades four, eight and eleven in 2004-2005 showed improvements over the year before, although school officials want to focus on training and interventions that will help, particularly the fourth graders who did not meet state standards...
Area's best athletes win recognition
(Editorial ~ 08/26/05)
McCook and Culbertson's reputation for producing outstanding people was enhanced this morning when the Omaha World-Herald selected two former area residents among the 100 greatest athletes in Nebraska history. Honored today were Jeff Kinney of McCook, an All-American running back for the University of Nebraska football team and Steve Brooks of Culbertson, a jockey who rode Ponder to victory in the 1949 Kentucky Derby...
Bison open season with big win (High School Sports ~ 08/26/05)
HASTINGS -- The McCook Bison picked up two big wins in their season openers at the Smith Complex in Hastings. McCook beat Omaha Gross 4-3, but not until after Gross jumped off to a 2-0 lead in the bottom of the first inning. Kristen Benes led off the inning with a double and Kirstein Dargy singled to score the first run and after two strike outs by McCook‚s pitcher Stephanie Douglas, Gross scored their second run with back to back singles. ... -
A future in the weed business
(Column ~ 08/26/05)
My respect for farmers continues to grow, every time I pass a lush field in full bloom. True, farmers provide the vegetables to put on our plates each evening. They raise the wheat for our breakfast cereal in the morning. But my admiration stems from the weed-free fields. In reality, the fields may not be completely weed free, but at least the weeds are not towering over the plants -- unlike my garden...
McCook Invite (High School Sports ~ 08/26/05)
Justine Hagar, the number two player on the McCook High School golf team, tees off at the McCook Invitational Golf Tournament Friday. Other teams competing were Ogallala, Minden, Lexington, Gothenburg, and Holdrege. Other high school action Friday included the Bison boys tennis team at Kearney for duals against Kearney High and Kearney Catholic, Chase County football against Sidney and Dundy County against Arnold in Wallace. (Lorri Sughroue/McCook Daily Gazette)...