Holdrege smacks MNB to even up season series (Community Sports ~ 07/07/05)
HOLDREGE -- After the McCook National Bank American Legion Seniors defeated Holdrege 10-4 in their first meeting of the season, Holdrege had different plans for the second matchup. McCook jumped out to a 3-0 lead in the top of the second as they took advantage of two Holdrege errors to bring runs across the plate... -
McCook First Central Bank Juniors thrown into deep water from the start
(Community Sports ~ 07/07/05)
HOLDREGE -- A jumbo start for the Holdrege Juniors in the first inning had McCook trying to keep their heads above water throughout Wednesday night's game at Holdrege. Holdrege came out of the chute by scoring six early runs on McCook and FCB battled, but could not find a way back as the Juniors were upended 10-7...
Sports shorts: Waid Vontz, McCook Rebels 14 squad (High School Sports ~ 07/07/05)
Waid Vontz helps Bison Nebraska Red team at Hoosier Shootout INDIANAPOLIS -- The Bison Nebraska Red boys basketball team, featuring Cambridge High School senior-to-be Waid Vontz, split their first two games at Hoosier Shootout in Indianapolis Wednesday... -
McCook's Aaron Plas named captain for Husker track team (College Sports ~ 07/07/05)
LINCOLN -- Head coach Gary Pepin has announced the names of eight athletes who will serve as captains for the Nebraska men's and women's track and field teams during the 2005-06 season. Four men and four women were selected in a vote by their teammates to serve as leaders throughout the upcoming campaign... -
Baby will need liver transplant (Local News ~ 07/07/05)
Most parents of newborns are familiar with the condition of jaundice and its symptoms such as yellow skin or eyes, light-colored stools and dark urine. Usually, those symptoms disappear before the baby reaches two weeks and everything returns to normal... -
Talk about long-term planning
(Editorial ~ 07/07/05)
Early day residents of McCook did an excellent job of selecting sites for the community's cemeteries. Located on what was once the western edge of town, the final resting places stand on high ground, overlooking the Republican River valley and the western sweep of the countryside...
Just off the bus?
(Letter to the Editor ~ 07/07/05)
**Dear Editor, The rocket scientists are sure spending a whole heck of a bunch of our hard-earned money on a rocket ship that was built to collide with the Temple One comet. "Deep Impact," if I heard correctly on TV cost us to the tune of $333 million. ...
Which option?
(Letter to the Editor ~ 07/07/05)
**Dear Editor, Why anyone would be opposed to ending drug prohibition is beyond me. There are three entities that can control the manufacture and distribution of drugs: the government, the free market or a combination of these two, and third is Al Capone...
Gateway effect
(Letter to the Editor ~ 07/07/05)
**Dear Editor, Thanks for publishing Elizabeth Wehrman's outstanding letter: "Need A Change" (7-05-05). Like Registered Nurse Wehrman, I have roots in the Midwest. I grew up in Freeport and Rockford, Ill. I'd like to add that I have never seen heroin, cocaine or methamphetamine. However, I was offered free samples of these dangerous drugs on several occasions, by my marijuana suppliers, when I was a user of marijuana, which is more than 15 years ago...
Rolled again
(Letter to the Editor ~ 07/07/05)
**Dear Editor, I am an ex McCook resident with a lot of relationships in Southwest Nebraska. Originally from Wilsonville. I now live in Lake Maloney District 44 in Lincoln County. When LB126, the school consolidation bill was passed, effectively eliminating Class I schools, it seems we had little help from K-12 districts. Now it is their turn...
Personal notes from a world away
(Local News ~ 07/07/05)
With today's instant communication and speedy transportation, a major event anywhere in the world is likely to be felt here at home as well. The London blasts were no exception. Former McCook resident Ellis Vaughn said his daughter, Erin, and her husband, Mark Sunday, had just arrived in London for a planned family vacation. From his home in Lincoln, Vaughn was waiting word this morning. He was due to leave for London on Monday...