Early success leads to late-inning thriller for McCook Midgets squad
(Community Sports ~ 06/09/05)
CAMBRIDGE -- The saying "It isn't over until the fat lady sings," was fitting for the McCook Midgets matchup with the Cambridge Juniors Tuesday night at Cambridge. Leading 11-1 after the top half of the fourth inning, McCook braced itself for a strong comeback poured on by the Cambridge Juniors baseball team...
Letter to the Editor about June 3 baseball story
(Community Sports ~ 06/09/05)
Brett and/or Editor: McCook Legion baseball has enjoyed a great deal of success against Imperial over the years. They should. McCook is roughly four times the size of Imperial. I understand McCook had approximately 40 boys try out this year. Your town has a terrific organization for kids...
Area spikers to compete in Sertoma Classic
(High School Sports ~ 06/09/05)
The 14th Annual Sertoma All-Star Volleyball Classic gets underway at 7 p.m. on June 18 when 26 of the area recently graduated volleyball stars meet at the McCook High School gymnasium. Sandy Burke of Maxwell and Lynne Johnson of Gothenburg will coach the East Team...
Teaching football the Bison way (Community Sports ~ 06/09/05)
Sports shorts: Rebels 16 softball, APA 8-ball (Community Sports ~ 06/09/05)
Rebels 16 squad 2nd at Kearney KEARNEY -- The McCook Rebels 16 and under girls fastpitch softball team placed second at the Kearney Klassic Tournament last weekend. The next games for the Rebels will be in Hastings Friday through Sunday. McCook Rebels 8,... -
Hot Summer Nights lineup; announced (Local News ~ 06/09/05)
Hot Summer Nights is set to begin as McCook National Bank and MNB Insurance continue sponsorship of MNB Hot Summer Nights concert series again this year. Now in its seventh season, the series features four free concerts highlighting a variety of musical genres. This year's schedule features the following artists:... -
Storytelling festival draws attention
(Editorial ~ 06/09/05)
McCook's Buffalo Commons Storytelling Festival is getting national exposure. The breakthrough will come Friday when Cloyd Clark, the festival's co-director, will be interviewed by Bill Bradley, host of "American Voices," on Sirius satellite radio. Judge Clark will be joined for the program by Bil Lepp, the headline performer at this year's storyfest. ...
Blickenstaff anniversary (Anniversary ~ 06/09/05)
The family of Bruce and Darla Blickenstaff is requesting a card shower in honor of their 25th anniversary on June 14. Their children are Chris Blickenstaff, and wife, Molly and Chance Blickenstaff. Cards of congratulations will reach them at 70361 Road 420, Wilsonville, NE, 69046... -
Daryl Lee Sorenson
(Obituary ~ 06/09/05)
IMPERIAL -- Daryl Lee Sorenson, 37, died Tuesday (June 7, 2005). He was preceeded in death by his grandparents, Anton and Irene Sorenson and Charles and Cleo Hultgren. Survivors include his wife, Jennifer of Imperial; two sons, Cody of Leigh, and Trevor of Imperial; parents, Ron and Linda Sorenson of Milford; four brothers, Roger, and wife, Cindy, Keith, and wife, Peggy, Kurt, and wife, Tiffany, and Kyle all of Milford...