Wiemers, Bison girls tennis team optimistic about state tournament (High School Sports ~ 05/18/05)
McCook High School tennis coach Matt Wiemers said he was happy with the draws for his players entering the Nebraska Class B state girls tournament. The Class B state tournament starts Thursday morning at the Woods Complex in Lincoln. The Bison received first-round byes at No 2. singles (Angela Abercrombie 23-7) and No. 2 doubles (Natalie Brooks and Jennifer Chmiel 37-3)... -
Tyler Lawson, NWU golfers fifth at NCAA Division III Championships (College Sports ~ 05/18/05)
HOWEY-IN-THE-HILLS, Fla. -- The Nebraska Wesleyan men's golf team had its best national finish Thursday, taking fifth place at the NCAA Division III Championships in Howey-in-the-Hills, Fla. McCook freshman Tyler Lawson posted a four-day score of 308 for NWU, including three 76s. He tied for 34th place... -
Cambridge, Chase County golfers going to state meets
(High School Sports ~ 05/18/05)
CAMBRIDGE -- The Cambridge boys golf team will get to defend its state title in Lincoln this year. The Trojans finished second at the 13-team Class Nebraska C2-4 district meet Tuesday at Cambridge. The Trojans posted a team score of 347. Axtell took the meet with 336. Pleasanton will also travel to the state meet with a score of 348...
Sports shorts: SW spring volleyball, McCook softball camp, Bison 14 softball (High School Sports ~ 05/18/05)
Official: WEC viable, valuable alternative (Local News ~ 05/18/05)
While there are no plans for creating another Work Ethic Camp in the State of Nebraska, the unique corrections program in McCook should take on increasing importance, according to the new head of the state's prison system. "WEC is a credible program," said John Houston, the new head of the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services. "It just has to work its way into the culture of state government, local communities and the judicial system."... -
What if you called an no one was there
(Editorial ~ 05/18/05)
What if you needed help, called 9-1-1 ... and no one was ready to come to your aid? Most of us can't imagine such a scenario. And, thanks to some 8,000 emergency medical service providers in Nebraska, most of us won't have to. Summer is a great time to get out and enjoy the outdoors, whether it's running or walking, boating, horseback riding, motorcycling or just driving the family car...
Legacies of food and faith
(Column ~ 05/18/05)
I was mixing up Mom's potato salad recipe Saturday under the watchful eyes of two of my granddaughters, Haili, nearly 5, and Maddy, who celebrated her second birthday on Valentine's Day, when I realized another of my mom's legacies was about to extend to yet another generation...