America's best -- Nebraska's Vets (Local News ~ 06/18/02)
Top picure: Jim Deken gives an authentic portrayal of Gen. George C. Patton during the closing ceremonies of the Expo, said Murlin Krizek who worked as Patton's radio man during World War II. Middle: Walt McGuire (left) and Sylvia Altman, both of McCook, take a few minutes to visit with Scott Hoffman of McCook during a break in the activities. ... -
Ban fireworks
(Column ~ 06/18/02)
Since the Elks need financial help from the public to buy fireworks, why not ban fireworks for individuals? They can contribute the money they would otherwise spend to the Elks and we could have fireworks in a controlled atmosphere. It's too dry and water is a precious commodity in Southwest Nebraska. We don't need hundreds or thousands of acres burning just because people want to set off fireworks...
Where is God?
(Column ~ 06/18/02)
Dear Editor I've received this email regarding Billy Graham's daughter's appearance on "The Early Show"... but this is the most in-depth commentary I've read on the subjects it inspires ... kind of makes you think, doesn't it? And they're right ... ...
Make McCook a beautiful place to live
(Column ~ 06/18/02)
With an ongoing drought and city water prices rising almost as quickly as the daily temperatures, some readers may be contemplating the wisdom of having a lawn. "Wouldn't it be easier just to let it go to seed?" may be a common question around McCook households...
Hay cutting creates hazard
(Local News ~ 06/18/02)
The Nebraska State Patrol asks drivers to use extra caution knowing that roadside haying permits are now being issued in areas of Nebraska due to drought conditions. Drivers should expect to encounter farm machinery on and adjacent to highways and interstates, including Interstate 80...
Conditions create CRP decisions
(Local News ~ 06/18/02)
LINCOLN -- The release of Conservation Reserve Program acres provides additional potential grazing for livestock this summer as drought conditions stunt pasture growth across central and western Nebraska, a University of Nebraska forage specialist said...
Nelson urges students to take up Rocketry Challenge
(Local News ~ 06/18/02)
WASHINGTON -- Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson today encouraged Nebraska high school students to participate in the "Team America Rocketry Challenge," a national contest sponsored by the Aerospace Industries Association and the National Association of Rocketry...
College building projects on agenda
(Local News ~ 06/18/02)
NORTH PLATTE -- The Mid-Plains Board of Governors will receive a report from Alley Poyner Architects on the building, upgrade and remodeling process at the McCook and North Platte campuses as part of its regular monthly meeting Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. at the North Platte Technical Campus...
Council advances E-911
(Local News ~ 06/18/02)
The new Enhanced-911 system has moved one step closer to a reality following the regular meeting of the McCook City Council Monday night. At the request of McCook Police Chief Ike Brown, the city council has directed city staff to look for funding in the amount of $310,307 to fund the implementation of the E-911 system...
Blending new, tried-and-true (Local News ~ 06/18/02)
BENKELMAN -- Dr. Kenneth C. Stout, a longtime general practitioner of Benkelman, was one of 15 physicians recently recognized by the Nebraska Medical Association for 50 years of service in the medical profession. Outside of a few years interning in the South, Stout has spent the majority of those 50 years in Nebraska. Since he moved to Benkelman on January 18, 1955, Stout has seen many changes to the town... -
State officials to take part in water advisory committee meeting tonight
(Local News ~ 06/18/02)
McCook City Manager John Bingham announced this morning there will be two state representatives attending this evening's McCook Water Advisory Committee meeting to address two issues which may affect the city of McCook. Roger Patterson, the head of the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources and Dave Cookson, a representative from the Nebraska Attorney General's office will address the committee on two issues...
Fee policy approved on first reading (Local News ~ 06/18/02)
No pay-to-play yet for McCook students, but the school board started the process to make activity fees a possibility in the future. "As the cost of activities go up, as budgets are cut, it's something you may have to look at," Superintendent Jon Burkey told the board of education for McCook Public Schools on Monday night... -
Setting long-range goals (Column ~ 06/18/02)
A few days ago, I was asked to contemplate what my life might be like in 10 years. How did I see myself? What job would I be working? What marvelous accomplishments would line my resume? I quickly decided that being alive in 10 years was my major goal. I'm no dummy. In these "what if" scenarios, it's best to take care of the "biggies" first... -
John W. Barrett
(Obituary ~ 06/18/02)
OBERLIN -- John W. Barrett, 80, died Sunday (June 16, 2002) at Decatur County Hospital in Oberlin. He was born Dec. 29, 1921, to Harold and Mary Elizabeth (Ireland) Barrett at Oberlin. He attended Addleman School and graduated from Decatur Community High School in 1939. He worked for Boeing in Wichita during World War II before moving to Oberlin...