Attorney suggests race curfew
(Local News ~ 06/05/02)
Red County Attorney Paul Wood offered a suggestion Tuesday that Red Willow County commissioners recommend or impose a curfew on racing on the county-owned race tracks on the fairgrounds in McCook. Fair Board secretary Deb Lafferty said neighbors complain of the noise throughout the races, and agreed that a time limit might help pro- and anti-racing factions find common ground...
Hot Summer Nights begins June 13
(Local News ~ 06/05/02)
The fourth annual Hot Summer Nights Concert Series is scheduled to set the stage ablaze June 13, Aug. 1, 15, and 29, in the Norris Park bandshell. "These concerts add to the quality of life here and they help promote local talent," Mark Graff, president of the McCook National Bank, said...
First place award
(Local News ~ 06/05/02)
Don Dernovich, art instructor on the McCook Campus of the Mid-Plains Community College Area, was awarded The Gold Medal First Place Award for an oil painting titled "The Last Cut" (above) at the 28th Annual Phippen Museum Fine Art Show and Sale in Prescott, Arizona. ...
Barnett Park project enhances education (Local News ~ 06/05/02)
A project to improve the ponds at Barnett Park may begin by late fall, according to Paul Ekberg of Arapahoe. The project which will be a joint effort between the Middle Republican Natural Resources District and Educational Services Unit 15 is proposed, not only to improve fishing conditions at the lake, but to provide an outdoor classroom for students served by ESU 15... -
Moffit Car Show set (Local News ~ 06/05/02)
Car buffs plan the third annual McCook Speedway Car Show and Ray Moffitt Memorial Saturday, June 22, in conjunction with special two-day races at the Speedway. Car show coordinator Terry Sitzman of McCook said activities will include car displays on the fairgrounds, a parade through McCook and onto the race track during intermission and a dance with live music... -
Wild West reunion draws 'Dusty' and Kit (Local News ~ 06/05/02)
NORTH PLATTE -- Roy "Dusty" Rogers Jr., son of "King of the Cowboys" Roy Rogers, and Kit Cody, great-grandson of Buffalo Bill Cody have both agree to participate in the 14th Annual Wild West Reunion at North Platte, Nebraska on June 21 and 22. Festivities begin with a symposium on how the "wild West cowboy" became a PRCA cowboy. The event will be held at the Stockman Inn on June 21, at 7 p.m. with refreshments provided by the North Platte Chamber of Commerce... -
Celebration time on the Golden Plains
(Column ~ 06/05/02)
Get ready, get set, go! Celebration season has begun in Southwest Nebraska and Northwest Kansas. After a red-hot start in McCook last weekend with the storytelling festival and pro-am golf tournament, the festive-filled season spreads throughout the Golden Plains this weekend with Medicine Creek Days in Cambridge, Pioneer Days in Palisade and the Stearman Fly-In in St. Francis...
Judge not
(Column ~ 06/05/02)
Dear Editor, I would like to write a response to Paul Schneider's letter to the editor of Monday, June 3rd. Thank you for your concern, Mr. Schneider, for us townspeople and for the warning about the impending wrath of God to be poured out upon us wicked. ...
Barnett animals
(Column ~ 06/05/02)
My son and I were in McCook yesterday and drove through Barnett Park. If you drive through the one-way trail that takes you between the deer and the long horn cattle. You will notice the deer are limping and you can see their ribs. I have contacted several authorities including the city and the Humane Society...
Book recalls days of North Platte Canteen
(Local News ~ 06/05/02)
It might be easy for native Nebraskans to find fault with a book by a big-city columnist who came to town to write about one of our proudest moments. Even easier, perhaps, if the columnist writes about a shining moment in a rival town, without mentioning a similar effort in a nearby community...
Stensvad exhibit graces gallery (Local News ~ 06/05/02)
Art lovers in McCook are in for a real treat this month at the McCook Fine Arts Gallery. R.D. "Bob" Stensvad of McCook has arranged to exhibit the labors of love his mother, Marie Stensvad, produced during her 30 years as an artist. Marie, now confined to Hillcrest Nursing Home in McCook, is unable to paint any longer, but her love of the craft and her talent are in ample supply through the mutlitude of works she accomplished... -
Civic organizations, public invited to Flag Day ceremonies
(Local News ~ 06/05/02)
Police and fire departments, military service organizations and fraternal groups have been invited to join McCook Elks Lodge 1434 and Does Drove 3 Sunday for Flag Day ceremonies. The ceremony will take place at the Elks Lodge, starting at 2:30 p.m. The Elks building, the site of D's, is located at East Seventh and I streets...
Construction progress
(Local News ~ 06/05/02)
Bright sunshine silhouettes contractor Joe Leamon of J.L. Construction (center), Chad McCartney of Miller and Associates (left) and Mick Jones of Volz Plumbing inside the ribs of Red Willow County's new household waste collection facility. The 80-by-60-foot metal building, at the corner of South Street and Railroad, has 18-foot side walls and electric door openers. It is being built with a $375,000 grant from the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality...
Balloonist again on team of around-the-world attempt
(Local News ~ 06/05/02)
Local balloonist and business owner John Kugler hopes to join the team of balloonist Steve Fossett in Australia sometime this week for a sixth attempt at a solo around-the-world flight. Kugler is also actively involved in the High Plains Freedom Flight II, schedule for Oct. 18-20 in McCook...
Farming history
(Local News ~ 06/05/02)
Trevar DeMaranville of Doniphan and Bill and Belle cut a furrow in the dusty prairie northwest of Indianola Sunday afternoon. DeMaranville and about 12 other pairs of draft horses competed in the Nebraska Draft Horse and Mule Association competition pull at the Gayle Kircher farm...
Active adults
(Local News ~ 06/05/02)
Irene Traphagan (left) checks out hand-sewn and hand-embroidered quilts from Ardith (right) and Fred Pinkal of McCook. The quilts are on display at the YMCA for Active Older Adult Day. There were booths with crafts and art from area people and visitors could participate in weight room demonstrations, line dancing, the Y's Silver Foxx class or water therapy class. The day was to help promote healthy, active lifestyles for older adults...
Service at Ground Zero earns award (Local News ~ 06/05/02)
Pat Jones was awarded the Service to Mankind award at the McCook Area Sertoma Club's 2001-2002 awards banquet at Sehnert's Bakery and Bieroc Cafe, May 28. Jones was chosen for the award for her work at Ground Zero after the Sept. 11 attacks. Sertoma President Linda Maiden wrote a letter to submit Jones for the district, regional and national Service to Mankind Award... -
Sculpting at the 'House at Pooh Corner'
(Local News ~ 06/05/02)
The hands of Nick Meissner busily form sculptures of characters from A.A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh stories during a summer art workshop offered by the McCook Art Guild at the McCook Fine Arts Gallery, 209 Norris Ave. Emily Slattery, Amy Been, Alexis Marks, Brooke Burton and Kellanie Pinkal are also shown, with instructor Sondra Jonson in the background. ...
Retirement offers talent its time to shine (Local News ~ 06/05/02)
Norton Knedlik of McCook enjoyed pencil sketching during his limited free time as a practicing CPA. When he retired in 1982, he pursued that pleasure and his natural artistic talent with lessons in oils and watercolors with Don Dernovich at McCook Community College... -
The look of love (Column ~ 06/05/02)
I have a "look." No, not "the look" as it pertains to fashion, style or beauty. If that were the case, my "look" would be more along the lines of don'ts rather than dos. No. This "look" is sent visually to tan intended recipient and woe to anyone who intercepts it by mistake, for this look speaks volumes, especially to those who know how to read it. ... -
Roger Allen Kidd
(Obituary ~ 06/05/02)
EVANS, Ga. -- Roger Allen Kidd, 64, died Sunday (May 26, 2002) at his home in Evans, Ga. He was born Nov. 17, 1937, to Ned and Alma Jo Kidd at Trace Branch, Ky. where he spent his childhood. He served in the U.S. Air Force from 1960 to 64. On Aug. 22, 1964, he married Alice Mary Ruzicka in Denver, Colo. ...