Anniversaries times three (Other Record ~ 10/12/01)
The families of Ward and Dorothy Schick of Curtis, Dick and Eleanor Hammond of Curtis, and Ray and Nelda Covey of Moorefield are hosting an open house in honor of the couples' 60th wedding anniversaries on Saturday, Oct. 20, 2 to 4:30 p.m., at the Curtis United Methodist Church in Curtis... -
Colorado couple wed in McCook (Other Record ~ 10/12/01)
Cassandra Dawn Hallowell and Rusty Lee Lashley, of Silverthorne, Colo., were united in marriage on Aug. 4, 2001, at St. Alban's Episcopal Church in McCook with the Rev. Samuel Williams officiating. John Gumb served as Lay Eucharistic Minister. Parents of the couple are Terry and Jean Hallowell, and Tom and Lana Lashley, all of McCook. ... -
Wedding reception (Other Record ~ 10/12/01)
The family of Jim and Theresa Corder is hosting an open house wedding reception on Saturday, Oct. 20, 1 to 4 p.m., at the Red Willow County Fair Grounds. They were married on Aug. 11, 2001, at the Dunsmere Mansion Gardens at Oakland, Calif. -
Farenburch anniversary (Other Record ~ 10/12/01)
The children of Larry and Mary Schilz Fahrenbruch are hosting an open house in honor of the couple's 25th wedding anniversary on Saturday, Oct. 20, at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Lake Road in Atwood, Kan., at 7 p.m., with a dance immediately following at 8 p.m. They were married on Oct. 10, 1976... -
Morris anniversary (Other Record ~ 10/12/01)
The family of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morris is hosting an open house in honor of the couple's 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday, Oct. 21, 2001, 2 to 5 p.m., at the Community Building in Holbrook. The couple was married on Oct. 17, 1951. -
Waterman anniversary (Other Record ~ 10/12/01)
The children of Martin and Jane Solko Waterman are hosting an open house in honor of the couple's 25th wedding anniversary on Saturday, Oct. 20, at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Lake Road in Atwood, Kan., at 7 p.m., with a dance immediately following at 8 p.m. They were married on Nov. 20, 1976... -
Nelms, Strauch engagement (Other Record ~ 10/12/01)
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Nelms of McCook and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strauch of Scottsbluff announce the engagement and upcoming wedding of their children, Amy Nelms and Troy Strauch. The bride-to-be is employed at Four Winds Animal Clinic as a veterinary technician. ... -
Kucera, Kautz engagement (Other Record ~ 10/12/01)
Karla Suzanne Kucera and Justin Dean Kautz announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the bride-elect are Kendal and Jacquelyn Kucera of Omaha. Her grandparents are Helen Kucera of Clarkson, the late Bill Kucera, and the late Bud and Yvonne Tucker of Albion. ... -
Flemming, Pochop engagement (Other Record ~ 10/12/01)
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Flemming of Bird City, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Pochop of Atwood, announce the engagement and upcoming wedding of their children, Bridget Ann and Levi Gerard. Grandparents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stehno of Stratton, Mr. and Mrs. ... -
Fix up ward schools
(Column ~ 10/12/01)
Dear Editor, In regard to the school building issue, yes I said the citizens are spoiled on our ward schools, but that does not mean that we need brand new schools. I have to agree with Mr. Lyons: build on to the ward schools. Fix up the air conditioning. Put in new electrical, new windows, and doors in the high school and junior high...
Riggers' school prepares locals
(Column ~ 10/12/01)
A parachute riggers' school, only the second one of its kind ever attempted in the United States, was being arranged for McCook in April, 1942. It was something brand new in aviation technical training and was being put on by Merlyn and Faye Cox. Faye Lucille Cox was a world's champion woman parachute jumper, originally from Oxford and the author of the only existing manual of instructions for rigging parachutes. ...
Why birthays are special (Column ~ 10/12/01)
A lot of people don't like birthdays, especially when they get older. Birthdays seem to be primarily for the children. There are all kinds of birthdays to look forward to when we're young. We look forward to going to school for the first time. Of course, once we get there most of us decide pretty quickly that life was more fun without school. ... -
FDR vetoes Republican River Compact (Column ~ 10/12/01)
Since Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska are again or are still embroiled in controversy over the waters of the Republican River, the discussions in the 1942 Gazettes about the tri-state Republican River Compact have been especially interesting. The last I knew, the whole issue was headed to court again next January. I understand they are still trying for some sort of a settlement before that time and I certainly hope they can find a solution... -
Karen L. Meager
(Obituary ~ 10/12/01)
Karen L. Meager Karen L. Meager, 61, was born April 1, 1940, to Ralph C. and Pearl M. Meager, at Laramie, Wyo. Karen graduated from McCook High School in McCook in 1958. She received her degree in business administration and management in Denver, Colo. She worked in retail management for many years in both Montana and California. She worked in newspaper advertising in Colorado and Nebraska. For the last 14 years, she worked for the Billings Gazette in Billings, Mont...
Here when you need us
(Column ~ 10/12/01)
Can you guess which of the world's nations has the most newspapers? The answer -- overwhelmingly -- is the United States. In fact, there are almost as many newspapers in the U.S. as there are in the rest of the world combined. We bring this to your attention because this week -- Oct. 7-13 -- has been declared National Newspaper Week by President George W. Bush...
Water remains top priority for city of McCook
(Column ~ 10/12/01)
Of all the issues facing McCook city government -- and there are many -- the matter of highest importance is the quality and quantity of the community's water supply. McCook's city officials, council members and citizens started becoming aware of approaching water concerns years ago, but the problems became acute in the early 1990s when the nitrate levels of the city wells edged above 10 parts per million. ...
Who you gonna call?
(Column ~ 10/12/01)
According to President Bush this evening, we are to report credible terrorist activities or threats to ourselves and welfare. In the McCook area, who do we call, the FBI, the police, the government disease and health risks department, 911 or is there a special number?...
Where were the teachers?
(Column ~ 10/12/01)
I, too, showed up at the parent-teacher conferences and there were only three of my son's teachers there. The rest were at sporting events or just didn't show up. I talked to the principal and he said maybe the time had come and passed for parent-teacher conferences. ...
Surprise party?
(Column ~ 10/12/01)
Dear Editor, Surprise! Surprise! Have you ever had a surprise party thrown in your honor and you were completely dumbfounded because you didn't have any inkling about it? Or perhaps some other pleasant surprise happened to you and you were totally surprised?...
Waste site sewer system
(Column ~ 10/12/01)
Dear Editor, I was disappointed to note an error in the front-page article of your Oct. 3 issue concerning the purchase of a Household Hazardous Waste site by Red Willow County. You reported, "The building will be connected to existing city water service lines on the north, but it will have its own septic tank and leach field, and will not be connected to the city's sewer system." The italicized portion is not correct...
Anonymous blasphemy
(Column ~ 10/12/01)
It's a shame that someone can get a blasphemous article published in the Gazette without even giving his or her name. I'm referring to "Just as loony" in your Speak Out column on Wednesday. To refer to the Savior as a camel jockey and ridicule His second coming to earth is a shame, but not surprising...
Julia Alberta (Lawrence) Everston
(Obituary ~ 10/12/01)
Julia Alberta (Lawrence) Winkler CURTIS -- Julia Alberta (Lawrence) Winkler, 86, died Thursday (Oct. 11, 2001) at Senior Living Choices in Curtis. She was born May 25, 1915, at Deming, N.M., to Emmor and Pearl (Wilsey) Lawrence. She grew up on a farm west of Moorefield, went to college in Kearney and earned her degree in education...