Brown anniversary (Other Record ~ 10/10/01)
The children and grandchildren of Bill and Amy Brown of Cambridge are hosting a card shower in honor of the couple's 40th wedding anniversary. They were married Oct. 13, 1961. Cards will reach them at RR 2, Box, 180, Cambridge, NE 69022. Their children are Wendy Ayaba and husband, Bobga of Silver Springs, Md.; Susi Huxoll and husband, Doug of Cambridge; Kris Nelson and husband, Wayne of McCook; Barb Walter and husband, Rod of Hospers, Iowa; and Val Pohlman and husband, Mike of North Platte. ... -
Gallery adds Wednesday hours
(Features ~ 10/10/01)
The McCook Fine Arts Gallery in downtown McCook are extending their hours on a trial basis. The new hours are Wednesday, 1 to 4 p.m., in addition to the regular hours of Thursday, noon to 8 p.m., and Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The gallery is located at 209 Norris Avenue...
Music competition set
(Features ~ 10/10/01)
The Nebraska Mothers Association invites Nebraska mothers to enter the state division of the American Mothers 2002 Vocal Music Competition. Entries may be a recently taped recording of three selections, or a live rendition. The three selections must be one classical song or aria written before 1900, one 20th century or music theater song, and a lullaby of any kind. Entries may be accompanied or unaccompanied...
Encore performance (Features ~ 10/10/01)
The student senate for the Mid-Plains Community College Area are sponsoring two performances by the Shangri-La Chinese Acrobats. The acrobats, who received rave reviews following their recent appearance in McCook, performed Tuesday evening at North Platte College and will appear tonight at True Hall Gymnasium in McCook at 7 p.m. Admission is $2 for those without an MPCCA student ID card. Senior citizens and SWATS family admission is $1... -
Holiday Hotel production (Features ~ 10/10/01)
The Midland Pride Sweet Adelines will present the annual fall show, "Holiday Hotel," on Oct. 20 and 21. The production, which is under the direction of Evie Caldwell, will include songs from holidays throughout the year. Included in the program, in addition to the Midland Pride chorus and their quartets will be the 1733 Barbershop chorus from Kearney, pre-shows by the Dixieland Band and the Maverick Polka Band. ... -
Side-by-side pianists to perform in Oberlin (Features ~ 10/10/01)
OBERLIN -- A concert of piano duets will be presented at the Gateway in Oberlin by Side by Side Piano Duo Sunday, Oct. 21, at 2 p.m. Dr. Eric Street and Mrs. Linda Newfield will play highlights from performances they have given during their nine years of international touring, and will relate the music to some of their traveling experiences. The duo began performing together while teaching in the music department of Bethany College... -
Just as loony
(Column ~ 10/10/01)
Well, it's nice to note some kind soul has delved into the case of the "missing Ark," thus correcting the snake-oil salesman promoting its virtues. As to guessing when a 2000 year-old camel jockey is coming back to life, we used to be treated to the harmless but amusing spectacle of fundamentalists selling their houses and standing on a hill waiting anxiously for their eternal orgasm. ...
Jail and Bail a success
(Column ~ 10/10/01)
Dear Editor, On Friday, Oct. 5, 2001, the McCook Eagles Club hosted a "Jail and Bail" to benefit the Nebraska Chapter of the March of Dimes. A total of over $4,400 was raised to further the mission of the March of Dimes, which is to ensure the health of all babies by preventing birth defects and infant mortality...
Emergency crews protect communities
(Column ~ 10/10/01)
Think of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, and several images come to mind. The smoking building, the plane racing toward the second building, people falling to their deaths -- all these and more bring fear, sadness, rage and resolve to the forefront of our emotions...
Store up the season (Column ~ 10/10/01)
Fall is my favorite time of year. And, not just because I was born in the fall of the year. I love the variety of fall, the crisp mornings, the October blue sky, and the snuggle down at day's end, grateful for the shelter of a home, and a warmth that will last through the night... -
Ervin W. Gerver (Obituary ~ 10/10/01)
Ervin W. Gerver Ervin W. Gerver, 89, died Monday (October 8, 2001) at Hillcrest Nursing Home. He was born July 6, 1912, at Champion to Ruel Martin and Iva Clarise (Terwilliger) Gerver. On Nov. 27, 1933, he married Dorothy J. Toohey at St. Francis, Kan. In 1951, they moved to McCook. He worked for the Department of Roads for 25 years, retiring in 1975...