On the record
(Community News ~ 11/06/12)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Police activity Activity log...
FFA students at State Fair (Community News ~ 11/06/12)
2012 Coat Closet (Community News ~ 11/06/12)
Commissioners to check with also-rans on jail construction management bids
(Local News ~ 11/06/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Red Willow County, Nebraska, commissioners decided Monday morning that they'll see if the other two companies who wanted to be construction manager for the county's new jail project are still interested after commissioners terminated the county's contract with their first choice last month...
Curtis woman elected to judicial board at CCC
(Features ~ 11/06/12)
HASTINGS, Nebraska -- Nine students have been elected to the Judicial Board at Central Community College-Hastings for the 2012-13 academic year. The Judicial Board is authorized by the campus administration to hear and judge cases involving student violations of rules and regulations in the residence halls and on campus. ...
CoMeTrY show on MCC campus Wednesday
(Features ~ 11/06/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- CoMeTrY, a fusion of comedy and poetry, is coming to the MCC campus Tuesday for a show at 9 p.m at the Weeth Theater Bringing inspiration and humor into a force affecting all ages, CoMeTrY is a highly energetic, thought provoking form of entertainment. ...
Junior Bison awards announced
(Features ~ 11/06/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- McCook Junior High School has announced the names of those students receiving the Junior Bison Award for the first quarter of the 2012-13 school year. Sixth grade: Billy Bennett, Anthony Budd, Alex Bunger, Samantha Carfield, Cody Chambers, Seth Dugger, Matthew Fletcher, Darrell Gross, James Mockry, Celie Moore, James Myers, Sunnie Stephens, Sydney Stewaart, Rosemarie Stoney, Paxton Terry, Rebecca Tietz, Cleo Walker, Baily Wiese and Nicholas Wolvin...
The results are in ... (Local News ~ 11/06/12)
Fifth grade social studies students of Sharon Bennett at McCook Central Elementary get a feel for voting, with their mock presidential ballot on Monday. The Republican presidential ticket of Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan came out on top, with 64 percent of the vote. ... -
McCook Junior High honors announced
(Features ~ 11/06/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- McCook Junior High School has released the names of the first quarter academic honor recipients for the school year 2012-13. Merit roll (94-100 percent grade point average with no grade lower than 78 percent) Sixth grade: Morgan Arnold, William Bennett, Alec Bunger, Samantha Carfield, Cody Chambers, Kirstin Collicott, Jaxson Dueland, Alexandria Erickson, Melinda Gillispie, Joel Gray, Skyla Henning, Macy Hill, Sophia Hutchison, Kyle Kinne, Emily Laurie, Kassidy Michaelis, James Mockry, Celie Moore, Connor Moorhous, Zoey Morris, James Myers, Spencer Reiners, Ian Reynolds, Brittany Riemann, Brayden Rupp, Breanna Seybold, Mackenzie Smith, Sunnie Stephens, Rosemarie Stoney, Paxton Terry, Rebecca Tietz, Ryan Wilson and Nicholas Wolvin.. ...
McCook National Bank Student of the Month (Features ~ 11/06/12)
McCook National Bank representative, Tom Bredvick (right), is pictured presenting Rebecca Sehnert, a junior at McCook High Schools, with the September "MNB Student of the Month Award" for the 20122013 school year. Also pictured is Jon Graff (left), Rebecca's nominating teacher. ... -
MCC freshman tapped for PBL leadership post (Local News ~ 11/06/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- At the Phi Beta Lambda Leadership State Fall Leadership Conference held recently in Lincoln, McCook Community College Whitni Redman, a freshman from Holyoke, Colo., was selected to serve as the Assistant Vice President of Finance... -
McCook High School honors announced
(Features ~ 11/06/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- McCook Senior High School has released the names of the first quarter academic honor recipients for the school year 2012-13. Grade 12 -- Merit Roll Riley Allen, Sean Backer, Veronica Bair, Allison Been, Javier Beltran, Danial Best, Karli Blank, Cashous Bortner, Drew Bredvick, Austin Cherry, Carrie Clay, Matthew Collicott, Hollie Eiler, Marisa Esch, Joshua Escher, Steven Faimon, Karie Funk, Kassidy Gillen, Trevor Gleason, Rachel Goltl, Megan Gray, Gavin Harsh, Shelby Henthorn, Cody Jankovits, Clayton Korus, Khyla Krepcik, Sara Larington, Alexis Martin, Patricia Mitnik, Trevor Pate, Mariah Poore, Lucas Post, Jacob Riemann, Megan Ruppert, Kaylee Samway, Jacob Schlager, Brettani Schmidt, Kelsey Siebrandt, Trista Thames and Brooklyn Trew.. ...
McCook woman receives American FFA Degree (Local News ~ 11/06/12)
INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana -- Each year, the National FFA Organization is proud to honor the FFA members who show the utmost dedication to the organization through their desire to develop their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. That honor, the American FFA Degree, is bestowed upon a select group of individuals for years of academic and professional excellence,... -
Impact's 'Lewis and Clark' now showing at Wrightstone Gallery
(Features ~ 11/06/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The Wrightstone Fine Arts Gallery on the McCook Community College campus is currently showing "Lewis and Clark" -- an exhibit form the Nebraska artist's group Impact In this show, Impact artists respond to the dramatic history of the Lewis and Clark expedition. ...
Hurry! Fast! Run! (Local News ~ 11/06/12)
Perhaps the headless horseman improved the runners' times during the AmFirst Bank 5K Scare-a-thon run on behalf of the McCook High School Band. Troy Swartz took first place in the men's division with a time of 20:37 and Veronica Bair took first place in the women's division with a time of 23:14. The effort raised $700 for the band... -
Turnout expected to be good, but why not more?
(Editorial ~ 11/06/12)
The polls had just opened as this was being written, but of Secretary of State John Gale is correct, 71 percent of registered voters will cast their ballots by the close of polls today. Gale has good reason to be optimistic. "Presidential election years generate the highest voter turnouts in Nebraska, time after time," Gale said. In 2004, turnout was 68 percent, and in 2008, just over 71 percent of registered voters cast their ballots, he noted...
Our Kennedy experience
(Column ~ 11/06/12)
Lieutenant you have a choice. Move to Forbes AFB or Schilling AFB both in Kansas, or to Otis AFB on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Being the clever new guy in the squadron I wrote the Kansas choices and left the third line blank. We were stationed at Great Falls, Montana at the moment and my squadron was closing after just six months of duty there...
New Army National Guard helicopter to land at MHS on Wednesday
(Local News ~ 11/06/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- One of the Nebraska National Guard's new LUH 72 Lakota light helicopters will land on the practice field at McCook High School at 1 p.m. Wednesday. The public is invited to view the helicopter during its visit.
County to take over jail operations Dec. 18
(Local News ~ 11/06/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook City Council and Red Willow County Commissioners agreed to terms on the county's use of the city jail facility, beginning Dec. 18, 2012. The Red Willow County Sheriff's Department will assume responsibility for jail operations on that date, while the McCook Police Department is still operating out of the West B Street facility. ...
Prairie chicken dance seen as tourism draw
(Local News ~ 11/06/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Prairie chickens evidently do their spring mating dance on a regular schedule -- a schedule so unfailing that tourism coordinators can market the event and entice new and experienced bird watchers. Carol Schlegel, tourism director of Red Willow County's Visitors Committee, told county commissioners during their weekly meeting Monday that bird watching is an exciting, growing tourism opportunity, and that starting in April 2013, the visitors committee, in conjunction with the Southwest Nebraska RC&D (Resource Conservation and Development), will offer weekend experiences to view the mating dance of the greater prairie chicken.. ...
County signs agreements to sell rights to 20 beds
(Local News ~ 11/06/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Red Willow County, Nebraska, commissioners Monday morning signed purchase and transfer agreements that allow the county-owned Hillcrest Nursing Home to sell 20 Medicare/Medicaid bed licenses for $250,000. Hillcrest's board of trustees voted to approve the sale at its meeting Oct. 30...
Elementary election day (Local News ~ 11/06/12)
Kim Johnson's class, top, waits to vote in McCook Elementary's mock election Monday, with a 100 percent turnout. The results: Romney 51, Obama 43, with 6 students absent. Students learned about the Electoral College vote, the popular vote, and that only adults are allowed to cast a real vote! As one student said "This is such an exciting day! We got to vote about something important!" Also taking part were, above right, Rowan Weimers and Denise Buddenberg, Alexis Hanson, center, and Cadde Beeby, left.. ... -
Wanted by Yuma County authorities (Local News ~ 11/06/12)
Jose Rivera is wanted by the Yuma County, Colo., Sheriff's Office for sexual assault. He is described as an Hispanic Male, DOB: 7-16-85, 5' 06", 200 lbs., Black hair, Brown eyes. Known alias: Anselmo Perez. If you have any information on Jose Rivera contact Yuma County Sheriff's Office at 970-332-4805 or Crime Stoppers at 970-848-2322. There is a $1,000 reward and you may remain anonymous... -
County tables vote on new name for road (Local News ~ 11/06/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- A couple whose home is hidden in trees just outside the city limits of McCook, Nebraska, at the end of a private driveway that starts at the end of a city street inside the city limits asked Red Willow County commissioners Monday morning to let them change their address from "Grove Parkway" to "Escondido Drive."... -
Award of Achievement recipients honored (Features ~ 11/06/12)
The Nebraska Association of School Boards, Board of Directors and staff, presented the 2012 Award of Achievement recipients of ESU 15 and Sutherland Public Schools during the North Platte Region Meeting on August 30, 2012. The Association is a private, nonprofit organization that serves the needs of Nebraska public school districts and Educational Service Unit board members. ... -
G. Pearl (Anderson) Schrock
(Obituary ~ 11/06/12)
G. Pearl Schrock Jan, 25, 1922 - Nov. 6, 2012 EMPORIA, Kansas -- G. Pearl Schrock, 90, of Emporia, died Nov. 6, 2012, at Holiday Resort in Emporia. She was born Jan,. 25, 1922, to Perl Francis and Georgia Rose (Doggett) Anderson at Goodland, Kansas. She graduation in Edson in 1941...
Kathleen D. Foster (Obituary ~ 11/06/12)
Kathleen Dorothy Foster March 6, 1917 - Nov. 5, 2012 McCOOK, Nebraska -- Kathleen Dorothy Foster, 95, of McCook passed away Nov. 5, 2012, in Golden, Colorado. She was born March 6, 1917, in Gordon, Nebraska,, daughter of Arthur and Clara (Steinhaus) Child. Kathleen grew up on the family ranch north of Gordon. After graduating from Gordon High School, she worked for the Gordon Chevrolet Dealership...