Brown birthday (Birthdays ~ 05/25/12)
80th birthday The family of Robert "Bob" L. Brown of Trenton, Nebraska, is hosting an open house in honor of his 80th birthday. He was born June 12, 1932, at home on the family farm southeast of Trenton. The open house is Saturday, June 16, from 2-4 p.m. at the Trenton Community Center. His family includes his wife, Nancy Brown and children Byron, Calvin and Rhodra. Cards of congratulations will reach him at PO Box 458, Trenton, NE 69044... -
Malone birthday (Birthdays ~ 05/25/12)
70th birthday The family of Gary Malone of Palisade, Nebraska, is requesting a card shower in honor of his 70th birthday. He was born May 31, 1942. His family includes his wife, Judy, of Palisade; children, Elizabeth ("Libi") of Scobey, Montana, Christyn of Duluth, Minnesota and "Trinity," his service dog. Cards of congratulations will reach him at 72947 Ave. 356, Palisade, NE 69040... -
Traphagen birthday (Birthdays ~ 05/25/12)
90th birthday The family of Irene Traphagen is requesting a card shower in honor of her 90th birthday. She was born in Frontier County, near Moorfield, Nebraska, on May 28, 1922. Her family includes her husband, F. Elwood "Red," children, Jerry of Chadron, Nebraska and Susan Yates of McCook, Nebraska. Cards of congratulations will reach her at 605 West G, McCook, NE 69001... -
Brooks birth (Births ~ 05/25/12)
Ansyn Ann Brooks Jeff Brooks and Brooke Nelms of Indianola,Nebraska, announce the birth of their daughter, Ansyn Ann Brooks, who was born March 7, 2012, at Good Samaritan Hospital. She weighed 6 pounds, 7 ounces and measured 19.5 inches long. She has a 5-year old sister, Atleigh. Grandparents are Mark and Kim McConville and Larry and Shirely Brooks, all of Indianola. Great-grandparents are Eileen Grose of Oberlin, Kansas, Ruth Stewart of McCook, Nebraska and Norma Brooks of Indianola... -
Mehaffie birth
(Births ~ 05/25/12)
Chyan Faith Mehaffie Rachel Thompson and Dan Mehaffie of Hedgesvill, West Virginia, announce the birth of their daughter, Chyan Faith Mehaffie, who was born April 27, 2012 in West Virginia. She weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces and measured 20 1/4 inches long. Grandparents are Willa Mehaffie of Wood River, Nebraska, Challa Mehaffie and the late Darrell Mehaffie of Cambridge, Nebraska, Nathene Arms of Hedgeville and the late Ronnie Thompson, Nora Johnson of Hedgeville and the late Nathan Johnson...
Uerling anniversary (Anniversary ~ 05/25/12)
60th anniversary The family of Robert and Clara (Andrejaska) Uerling is hosting an open house in honor of the couple's 60th wedding anniversary. They were married June 10, 1952, at the Sacred Heart Church in Hayes Center, Nebraska. Their family includes children, Susanne and Mike Osberg of Grand Island, Nebraska, Rosann and Tom Waltonville of Bakersfield, California, Carol and Mark Akers of Omaha, Nebraska, Nancy McGrath of Omaha, Nebraska, Mark and Sherri Uerling of McCook, James and Kathy Uerling of Indianola, Ray and Lee Uerling of Flagstaff, Arizona, 27 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. ... -
Roedel birthday (Birthdays ~ 05/25/12)
75th birthday The family of Willard Roedel of McCook is requesting a card shower in honor of his 75th birthday. He was born May 30,1937 in McCook. HIs family includes wife, Caroline (Akey) Roedel of McCook; children, Gina and husband, Shane Hatch of Lincoln, Nebraska and Joni and husband, Kevin Stimits of Larkspur, Colorado and four grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach him at c/o Hillcrest Nursing Home, 309 W. Seventh, McCook, NE 69001... -
Old letters reveal clues when researching family history
(Community News ~ 05/25/12)
Do you, when you receive one of those infamous "Christmas Letters," glance through it and then throw it away? After all, why would you want to keep it? Sixty years ago, two women corresponded on a Chief Tablet in pencil concerning the birth of their great-granddaughter. For some reason, that letter was saved. I am that great-granddaughter and today, the letter is one of my most precious possessions...
Mark Forgue
(Obituary ~ 05/25/12)
Mark Forgue Jan. 3, 1952 - May 24, 2012 HOUSTON, Texas -- Mark Forgue, 60, died Thursday (May 24, 2012), in Houston, Texas at the Memorial Hermann Memorial City Medical Center. Services are pending. Carpenter Breland Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements...
On the record
(Community News ~ 05/25/12)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Activity log These items are taken from reports filed by the McCook Police Department. The locations refer to block numbers, not specific addresses. If you have information about any of these reports, call the police department at (308) 345-3450...
Poster contest concludes health class at St. Pat's (Community News ~ 05/25/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Students in 4th grade at St. Patrick's School participated in a Health Class twice a month taught by Nancy Miller, Public Health Nurse from the Red Willow County Health Department throughout the 2011/12 school year. The interactive lessons focused on topics such as the Food Pyramid/Choose MyPlate, exercise, hygiene, germs and hand washing, poison prevention, and smoke-free Nebraska... -
Appreciation certificate (Community News ~ 05/25/12)
Courtesy photo Gary Bush, commander of VFW District 4, presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Bob Nemechek and Howard Mace at the recent District meeting in Imperial. -
Twin Valleys upgrading substation to meet demand (Local News ~ 05/25/12)
CAMBRIDGE, Nebraska -- Twin Valleys Public Power District, based in Cambridge, Nebraska, has been working to get the McNiel substation, located on Road 719 one mile east of Highway 183, upgraded to meet the needs of the area. On May 15, the substation was energized after all the changes were completed... -
New surgery wing now in use at Community Hospital
(Local News ~ 05/25/12)
McCook, Nebraska--During the May 16 Community Hospital's Board of Directors regular monthly meeting, directors heard the latest updates on Phase 2 of the building project and received a report on the third quarter of the balanced scorecard. Phase 2 Report...
Gardener's humor (Local News ~ 05/25/12)
A gardener in Stratton, Nebraska, welcomes everyone to her "Garden of Weedin'." Hmmm ... who pulled the weeds in the Garden of Eden? -
Quit-smoking class begins June 4
(Local News ~ 05/25/12)
McCook, Nebraska -- Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department announces the start of an eight session tobacco cessation class to begin on Monday, June 4th. The first session is held at no cost. A $25 registration fee is required for the seven remaining sessions. Classes will be held from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the McCook Housing Agency meeting room located at 502 Missouri Avenue Circle...
Expert fisherman (Local News ~ 05/25/12)
A blue heron scans the water for fish, at one of the ponds at Barnett Park Tuesday. Blue herons locate fish by sight and will spear their prey with their sharp bill, eating it whole. They feed in shallow water or at the water's edge night and day, but especially around dusk or dawn. It uses it long legs to wade through the water and are known to stand still for long periods of time, waiting for the right moment when a fish comes into view. Blue herons can be found over most of North America... -
Medical school graduate got early start in College (Features ~ 05/25/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Like hundreds of others across the United States, Michael Carter, formerly of Stratton, Nebraska, graduated from medical school this year. But unlike other graduates, Carter's college career started a little earlier than most: after his sophomore year in high school... -
Republican River case back to court
(Local News ~ 05/25/12)
Republican River case back to court PORTLAND, Maine -- Kansas is taking Nebraska back to court over alleged violation of terms of the 2003 settlement of a dispute over the Republican River. Attorneys representing Kansas and Nebraska will appear before Special Water master William J. Kayatta Jr. in Portland on Aug. 13, for a possible three-week trial...
Buffalo Commons June 8-9 (Local News ~ 05/25/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Because of the success of the "Tales of the Indian Raids" bus tour to Oberlin in conjunction with the Buffalo Commons Storytelling Festival, McCook Community College has added a second bus to the tour. Those interested should contact the college immediately before the second bus is filled... -
Pool ready for Wednesday opening (Local News ~ 05/25/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook Municipal Swimming Pool will be open for business Wednesday with a free swim scheduled from 1-5 p.m. Although the highly anticipated water slide addition has been delayed, the pool will still feature a few upgrades this season... -
Lifesaving device too often goes without being used
(Editorial ~ 05/25/12)
No one's celebrating the price of gasoline -- down a nickel last week and 32.4 cents lower than a year ago -- but drivers are more likely to think about hitting the road this Memorial Day weekend. AAA expects 34.8 million Americans to travel 50 or more miles from home this weekend, 1.2 percent or 500,000 more than the 34.3 million who traveled last year...
Remembering our fallen
(Column ~ 05/25/12)
This summer, a travelling memorial called "Remembering Our Fallen" will make its trek across Nebraska. This 60-foot long tribute to Heartland soldiers who have been killed in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is a poignant reminder of the high cost of freedom. This past Friday, I had the special honor of welcoming its arrival in Gothenburg, where it will be on display through May 31st at Stone Hearth Estates...
A Tragedy of Epic Proportions (Column ~ 05/25/12)
Dear Friend, INTRO A TRAGEDY OF EPIC PROPORTIONS Tragedy strikes many lives, often changing our destiny. Accidents, illness, disease, etc., etc.. As a boy, growing up on a farm near Funk, Nebraska in the 30's and 40's, we boys knew what hard work was. ... -
June - a month of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Column ~ 05/25/12)
History From the time of St. John and St. Paul there has always been in the Church something like devotion to the love of God, Who so loved the world as to give it His only-begotten Son (Jn 3:16), and to the love of Jesus, Who has so loved us as to deliver Himself up for us (Lk 9:22). ... -
You are welcome (Column ~ 05/25/12)
I have heard some Mennonites use the term "non-violent evangelism." It is a way of sharing faith that does not harm those with whom they share. It is built on mutual respect, love for others, and a commitment to the other person's freedom. People are treated as seekers, not potential converts, without pressure, arm-twisting or coercion; and no manipulation of words or emotions... -
The smiles say it all (Features ~ 05/25/12)
Shad Dewey, maintenance director at Willow Ridge Senior Living brought baby chicks and a baby duck to the residents recently. Pam Shepherd, top photo, housekeeping supervisor, shows a chick to, from left, Arnez and Darwin Ganz and Donna Huff. Lower right, Arlene Reiman gently strokes a chick that has nestled comfortably in her capable hands. Lower left, Sarah Jones, a resident aide, shows Cecelia Felker a fluffy little friend... -
Memorial Day in the Middle East
(Column ~ 05/25/12)
Memorial Day has taken on different meanings over the years. It began as a holiday on May, 30 1868, to remember Union Soldiers who died in the Civil War. After World War I, when it was called Decoration Day; commemorations honored members of our military who died in all American conflicts. In 1971, Congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday to be celebrated on the last Monday in May...
Equal opportunity for all
(Column ~ 05/25/12)
On Wednesday, two female soldiers filed suit to end the U.S. military's restrictions on women in combat. The women are Command Sgt. Maj. Jane Baldwin and Col. Ellen Haring, both currently Army Reservists. The current restriction bars them from certain assignments solely on the basis of sex which includes infantry, armor and special operations units. ...