Wayne Keith Sanders
(Obituary ~ 05/02/12)
Wayne Keith Sanders Dec.14, 1924 - April 24, 2012 BENKELMAN,Nebaska -- Wayne Keith Sanders, 87, of Bird City, Kansas, died Sunday (April 29, 2012), at the Dundy County Hospital in Benkelman, Nebraska. He was born Dec. 14, 1924, in Utica, Kansas. He was a school superintendent...
NHS donations (Community Sports ~ 05/02/12)
Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Daily Gazette McCook, Nebraska, Pantry volunteer Bob Hardy, center, accepts a $50 check from Emilyne Nichols and food donations from Drew Bredvick; and Kathy Haas, director of the Family Resource Center in McCook, (second from the right) accepts a $70 check from Emily Tolliver. ... -
Local schools receive art funding (Community News ~ 05/02/12)
McCook Daily Gazette The McCook Arts Council presented three area schools with $1,700 in funds last week intended to help encourage local art activity. St. Patrick Elementary School was awarded $500 that it will use to purchase a pottery kiln and other supplies. ... -
Norman birthday (Birthdays ~ 05/02/12)
80th birthday The family of Arden Norman is hosting a card shower in honor of his 80th birthday. He was born May 3, 1932, in Atwood, Kansas. His family includes his wife, Nancy, children, Chuck and Deb Norman of Kearney, Nebraska, Bill and Leah Norman of Oxford, Nebraska, Tami and Paul Teel of McCook, Nebraska, 11 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach him at 70887 Road 384, McCook, NE 69001... -
Bike patrol (Community Sports ~ 05/02/12)
Bruce Baker/McCook Daily Gazette McCook Police Officer John Smith on patrol near McCook Elementary Tuesday afternoon. Smith is riding a new mountain bike purchased with funds donated by the McCook Optimist Club and the McCook Jr. High School Student Council... -
More than 100 turn out for Family Fun Night (Community News ~ 05/02/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- A nice spring day encouraged children and their family members to attend the Family Fun Night held Monday afternoon in McCook, report Mary K. Warner, Extension Educator. An estimated 145 adults and children participated in the free event sponsored by the High Plains Early Learning Connections Partnership, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension in Red Willow County, Family Resource Center and Community Action Partnership of Mid-Nebraska-McCook Head Start. ... -
Culbertson Methodist Women make plans for senior reception
(Community News ~ 05/02/12)
CULBERTSON, Nebraska -- Ten members were in attendance when the Culbertson United Methodist Women had its April 25, 2012, Unit meeting in the church library. President Charlotte Oberg led the group in reciting the Purpose. June Kern and Lillian Kehler received Corsages for Mission for their April birthdays...
On the Record
(Community News ~ 05/02/12)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Police activity Activity log...
Thank you (Features ~ 05/02/12)
Tri Valley Health System, along with Tri Valley Medical Foundation hosted a Volunteer Brunch at the Cambridge Congregational Church on Saturday April 21st. The brunch was catered by Shirley K's Coffee Shop, and the featured entertainment was Hannah Robbins and her accordion, entertaining with polkas, waltzes, gospel music and more. ... -
Smith thanks his Youth Advisory Council for serving
(Features ~ 05/02/12)
WASHINGTON, DC -- Congressman Adrian Smith (R-NE) has released the following statement thanking members of his Youth Advisory Council for their service this year: "I have always been impressed by the aspiration of Nebraska students to be part of the solution to the challenges our country faces," said Smith. ...
'Great American Clean-Up' (Features ~ 05/02/12)
McCook, Nebraska, Central Elementary fifth graders celebrate Earth Day, the Great American Clean--Up and "Keep Nebraska Beautiful" by visiting the city's transfer station and recycling center April 25. While there, students learned procedures for separating recyclables and the rules for depositing them in the proper bins. ... -
2012 E-Day draws high school students to North Platte college (Features ~ 05/02/12)
NORTH PLATTE, Nebraska -- On Feb. 28, 23 students from McCook High School made a trip to participate in E-Day at the South Campus of Mid Plains Community College in North Platte. This trip was sponsored in part with funds from the America's Promise program at McCook National Bank and contributions from the FBLA chapter at McCook Senior High School... -
College Foundation awards scholarships (Features ~ 05/02/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook College Foundation has awarded $4,000 in scholarships to five Southwest High School students who plan to attend McCook Community College this fall. Foundation Board Designated Scholarships are awarded to students planning to attend McCook Community College and are based mainly on financial need, and consideration of school and/or community activity, student motivation, and academic achievement... -
CCC students compete in SkillsUSA contest
(Features ~ 05/02/12)
HASTINGS, Nebraska -- Students from the SkillsUSA chapter at Central Community College-Hastings placed in state competition April 12-14 at CCC-Columbus. SkillsUSA is a national organization that provides secondary and post-secondary students in trade, industrial, technical, technology and health occupations with leadership, citizenship and character development programs and activities...
Rihanek graduates from Clarkson College
(Features ~ 05/02/12)
OMAHA, Nebraska -- Clarkson College is pleased to announce Theresa Rihanek received her Master of Science in Health Care Administration degree on April 28. Rihanek is the daughter of Wallace and Gloria Gummere of Stratton, Nebraska. She is employed by American Health Information Management Association...
House built by Central Community College students to be sold tonight
(Features ~ 05/02/12)
HASTINGS, Nebraska -- About 50 students had a hand in building a house at Central Community College-Hastings that will be sold at 6 p.m. on May 2 at the college. The 1800-square-foot, ranch-style house was built according to Uniform Building Code standards by students in the CCC-Hastings construction technology, electrical technology and heating, air conditioning and refrigeration programs. Three Hastings College students also worked on the house...
Korus headed for Boys State (Features ~ 05/02/12)
LINCOLN, Nebraska -- Clayton Korus of McCook High School, sponsored by Chris Hansen Post 203, will join nearly 400 other high school juniors from across Nebraska participating in the American Legion Cornhusker Boys' State, June 3-9, at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln downtown campus... -
Thursday concert (Local News ~ 05/02/12)
The MCC Singers will be in concert Thursday, at 7:30 p.m. in the Weeth Theater on the McCook Community College campus. Students include (front row from left) Amber Leising, Arapahoe, Austin Edwards, McCook; David Sandman, McCook; and Bobbie Traphagan, McCook. ... -
Local store honored at national convention (Features ~ 05/02/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook Game On store was awarded a Power Retailing Award for Outstanding Marketing during the March Game Manufacturer's Association Trade Show in Las Vegas. "It was fantastic to be honored with this award," said owner Cody Dame... -
Bicycles spotlighted in run-up to Ride to Work Week, Day
(Editorial ~ 05/02/12)
This year, like every year, we're running plenty of stories about Bicycle Rodeos and other efforts to teach kids how to stay safe on their bicycles. A local State Farm Insurance agency has headed up the effort for years, joined by local law enforcement and donated helmets -- the Community Hospital Health Foundation and McCook Clinic provided funding for the headgear this year...
Come out of her, my people
(Column ~ 05/02/12)
"My kingdom is not of this world." This was Jesus' answer to Pilate, recorded in John 18:36, when asked if he was, in fact, a king. His answer is still true, even though American Christianity has done its best to coronate the United States as our own version of Jesus' kingdom. We were told that this was all part of that original, breathtaking dream, forged in the hearts of the nation's founders...
Bicycle rodeo (Local News ~ 05/02/12)
Araceli Powers, left, maneuvers through the obstacle course during the Bike Rodeo, Tuesday afternoon. The course evaluated riders on various skills, including their stopping, starting, straight line and slow speed control, with School Resource Officer John Smith, right and other volunteers providing tips to riders. ... -
Walk to Health Program starts June 1
(Local News ~ 05/02/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department's eighth annual Walk to Health walking program kicks off June 1. The program will last for 12 weeks. Residents of all ages in the SWNPHD eight-county service area are encouraged to participate in the Walk to Health program...
Biking for St. Jude (Local News ~ 05/02/12)
Alexis Steinbeck, above left, concentrates as she turns a sharp corner, while "Miss Kerri" Unger, above, helps Abby Schneider, left, and Camryn Yilk maneuver a rut. front, from left, Kaylee Hunter, KayLeigh Steinbeck and Serenity Snare; back, Bo Schlegel and Braceton Hauxwell. Creative Preschool students raised more than $4,100 in their bike- and trike-a-thon April 18 and 19 for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee... -
Trooper benefit
(Local News ~ 05/02/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Runza Restaurant in McCook, Nebraska, plans a benefit for injured Nebraska State Patrol Trooper Jeff Van Stelton all day -- from opening at 10:30 a.m. until closing at 9:30 p.m. -- Thursday, May 3. Ten percent of all purchases that day will go to benefit Van Stelton's family as he recovers from injuries suffered in a car accident April 22...
New public computers in McCook city library (Local News ~ 05/02/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The public library in McCook, Nebraska is one of 140 Nebraska libraries sharing $3.6 million in grants to update their public computer centers. McCook librarian Jody Crocker and her staff hosted an open house Tuesday during which Rod Wagner, director of the Nebraska Library Commission, explained a state-wide project -- called "Library Broadband Builds Nebraska Communities" -- designed to upgrade public computer resources in libraries, expand broadband capacity and advance access to employment, learning and health information and to E-Government services.. ... -
Crossing the border (Local News ~ 05/02/12)
"Daybreakers" at Cambridge, Nebraska, Elementary School, like Olivia Taylor, get their "passports" stamped and cross into Canada April 20. The Daybreakers program -- started last fall by Christina Houghtelling, wellness and education coordinator at the Tri Valley Healthy Living Center in Cambridge and Cambridge Schools physical education teacher Les Painter -- encourages students to walk and run laps in the school gym every morning before class, and is designed to get kids' bodies and minds moving before starting their studies. ... -
A new feathered friend (Local News ~ 05/02/12)
Aspyn Bales inspects -- up close and personal -- one of the 20 chicks that hatched through the night Monday at Creative Preschool at Peace Lutheran Church in McCook, Nebraska. Students are waiting for another batch of eggs, 20 more chicks and one duck, to hatch in their incubator. The kids named several of their new feathered friends, "Pink Panther," "Cavey" and "Fluffy." Bo Schlegel is holding "Zebra."... -
May is Teen Pregnancy Month
(Letter to the Editor ~ 05/02/12)
In 2010, teenage pregnancy rates reached record lows. However, teen pregnancy, birth and abortion rates in the U.S. for teens between the ages of 15 and 19 (approximately 400,000 teens give birth every year in the United States) are still the highest in the industrialized world. ...
Stories from Wednesday, May 2, 2012
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