Bison softball go-getter takes the MCC diamond offer (High School Sports ~ 11/22/24)
Mo. Or as opposing pitchers likely said this fall: Oh no. It’s Mo. Every McCook Bison softball player, coach and fan know... -
MCC men stop recent slide with home-court win (College Sports ~ 11/22/24)
Rolland L. Fortkamp (Obituary ~ 11/22/24)
Rolland L. Fortkamp June 15, 1930 - Nov. 20, 2024 WAUNETA, Neb. - Rolland L. Fortkamp left this world to join his Savior on Nov. 20, 2024 at McCook Community Hospital after a brief illness. Rolland was born on June 15, 1930 on the family farm on the south divide of Wauneta, Neb. to John and Anna (Frerichs) Fortkamp. He grew up on the family farm with his brother, Donald. He was married to Betty Younger and to this union 2 sons, Jim Dale and Allen Dee were born... -
90th birthday (Birthdays ~ 11/22/24)
90th birthday The family of Hazel Loomis would like to honor her with a card shower for her 90th birthday on Dec. 2, 2024. Cards can be mailed to her at: 418 Seminole Dr., McCook, NE 69001 -
80th birthday (Birthdays ~ 11/22/24)
80th birthday The family of Larry Ruppert is celebrating his 80th Birthday with a card shower. Larry was born on Dec. 5, 1944. Birthday wishes can be sent to 71236 Dr. 387, McCook NE, 69001 -
Resignation, jail update on agenda
(Local News ~ 11/22/24)
McCOOK, Neb. — A resignation letter from County Assessor Kristi Korell is among items on the agenda for the regular meeting of the Red Willow County Board of Commissioners Monday. The board will convene at 9 a.m. in the commissioners room on the third floor of the courthouse...
FBO declares bankruptcy; city scrambles to continue service
(Local News ~ 11/22/24)
McCOOK, Neb. — City officials are working with a court-appointed trustee to ensure vital air service continues despite the bankruptcy of the fixed-base operator at McCook Ben Nelson Regional Airport. City Manage Nate Schneider said personnel are in place to begin providing fuel and other essential services as soon as the trustee gives the go ahead...
Latest McCook YMCA Volleyball league scores
(High School Sports ~ 11/22/24)
McCOOK, Neb. — YMCA Women’s Competitive Volleyball Scores Thursday evening: Diggin’ on a Prayer vs. Community Hospital: Diggin’ on a Prayer wins 2-1 Volley Llamas vs. MNB Bank: Volley Llamas wins 2-0 Community Hospital vs. Volley Llamas: Community Hospital wins 2-1...
Kansans escape younger Bison teams with hoop victories (High School Sports ~ 11/22/24)
The Colby, Kan. Eagles won Thursday’s seventh-grade basketball games at McCook Junior High on Thursday despite swarming defensive efforts (left) from Bison Gabby Gomez (14), Alice Montes (12), Beyonca Edwards (25) and Rylynn Morgan (10) during their ‘B’ contest at McCook Junior High. Colby also captured wins over the McCook eighth graders Tuesday afternoon. Watch for more throughout this season... -
Former McCook QB runs to all-GPAC first team (College Sports ~ 11/22/24)
SOUTH SIOUX CITY, Iowa — Former McCook High quarterback Mark Arp earned all-GPAC first team for his senior season as a running back with Concordia University in Seward this fall. Concordia went 8-2 this fall with a final 45-13 win over Midland where Arap ran for two final touchdowns in a 31-point Bulldog second half... -
Noel on Norris: A festive tradition returns to McCook (Local News ~ 11/22/24)
McCOOK Neb. — The holiday season is fast approaching, and with it comes the beloved Noel on Norris event, now in its fourth year. This festive celebration, a cornerstone of the community’s holiday spirit, is set for Dec. 7 at Norris Park. Chamber Director Sarah Schneider is excited about the upcoming festivities that promise to light up the evening with joy and entertainment... -
Culbertson boil water order reported as lifted
(Local News ~ 11/22/24)
The McCook Gazette has received word that the order to boil water issued on November 14, 2024 has been lifted. A notice being circulated on social media reads, “CEASE BOIL WATER - IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR DRINKING WATER "The Village of Culbertson — NE3108702, Public Water Supply System (System), was in violation of drinking water standards for E. coli. Customers were advised to boil water or to use bottled water on November 14, 2024...
Why ‘Impoundment’ matters
(Editorial ~ 11/22/24)
As a new presidential administration prepares to take office, one issue that could reemerge is impoundment – the withholding or delaying of funds that Congress has allocated for specific purposes. While the term may seem obscure, its implications strike at the heart of the constitutional balance of power between Congress and the executive branch. Americans should take the time to familiarize themselves with this concept, as it could become a focal point of policy disputes after Jan. 20...
Former evening news anchor pens farewell letter with gratitude
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/22/24)
I want to start with an apology. I am so sorry we didn’t get to say goodbye. I want everyone to know how much I have appreciated being part of your lives. It was such an honor to bring you the evening news for all these years. I arrived in Nebraska in 1997 as a 23-year-old with short blonde hair, excited about her first big anchor job. Thank you for welcoming me into your homes from the very beginning. Not for one moment do I take that for granted...
Carla Suzanne Fassler (Obituary ~ 11/22/24)
Carla Suzanne Fassler CULBERTSON, Neb. - Carla Suzanne Fassler, age 77 of Culbertson, Nebraska passed away on Thursday, November 21, 2024 at Community Hospital in McCook, Nebraska. Carpenter Breland Funeral Home, McCook, has been entrusted with the arrangements. Please visit our website at www.carpenterbreland.com to sign the online guestbook for the family...