Preg-checking and EPD numbers
(Column ~ 12/15/22)
Preg-checking cows became an important managerial process for us several years after Farmer Tom and I were married. His father never wanted to spend any money on the cow herd saying that they had to pay for themselves. We decided that knowing if and when the cows were going to calve was vital in many aspects like not feeding cows that weren't going to calve and not keeping cows that weren't to calve on a timely basis. ...
Neighbors hope to shed more light on solar projects (Local News ~ 12/15/22)
McCOOK, Neb. — A group hopes to apply more sunshine to local solar farm proposals they say have been operating in the dark. About 50 neighbors and concerned citizens turned out Wednesday night to collect concerns and questions they want to be answered before permits are issued for facilities proposed by Premier Energy and McCook Solar northwest of McCook... -
Pandemic blamed for slight drop in ACT scores
(Local News ~ 12/15/22)
McCOOK, Neb. — ACT scores of McCook High School juniors last year showed a slight drop from previous years, McCook Schools Superintendent Grant Norgaard said Monday. Speaking at the regular McCook School Board meeting on local results from the Nebraska Student-Centered Assessment System, or NSCA, Norgaard said the lowered ACT scores followed a national trend and matched the national drop in scores. ...
Community Hospital new clothing giveaway on Saturday (Local News ~ 12/15/22)
McCOOK, Neb.— A wonderful donation from McCook’s Walmart came just in time for Christmas! Walmart donated eight pallets of clothing and shoe merchandise to Community Hospital. The donation came with two requests: the donation needed to be taken immediately, and it needed to be shared with community members in need... -
The case of the transplanted snakes
(Column ~ 12/15/22)
Or, The saga of how Harlan Wyrick broke his new meter stick killing snakes in the girl’s room and how, as a result, Dick Budig got to spend many an afternoon in the principal’s office waiting for his diploma I’m not sure, anymore, whether it was the snakes, the beer, showing off for the girls, or the sudden realization that this event – the senior picnic for the class of 1956 — might be our last opportunity to act foolish and get away with it...
Getting ready for 'McCook's Decade' (Column ~ 12/15/22)
As I reflect on the actions the McCook Community Foundation Fund has taken this past year, I feel a little giddy. We think this will be McCook’s decade and McCook residents are making it happen. We are effective as a catalyst for change because of the generous and committed donors to MCFF and the relationships MCFF has fostered over the past two decades. Together, we can support, engage, and spark change to build a welcoming community... -
'Circle of Friends' helps to see beyond differences
(Local News ~ 12/15/22)
McCOOK, Neb. — A good friend is hard to find and for students with behavior or social challenges, sometimes nearly impossible. That’s where “Circle of Friends” steps in, a nationally-recognized initiative that encourages students to reach out and connect to their special education peers...
Ruth Eileen (Schmidt) Palensky (Obituary ~ 12/15/22)
Jack D. Brown (Obituary ~ 12/15/22)
Jerry Neiman (Obituary ~ 12/15/22)