The finest sharpshooters of fall 2020 (Community Sports ~ 12/01/20)
The JP Logstics team took first place in Swanson Lake Sportsman Club’s Trap Shooting League for September and October. Champion team members appear from left: Evan Warren, Gilbert Mote, Bransen Schaffert, Wayne Merrill and Aimee Merrill. Wayne Merrill was the league’s top overall shooter for 2020 and pictured below... -
Bison frosh basketball games moved to Tuesday (High School Sports ~ 12/01/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — McCook High officials announced this schedule change today: "The freshman boys and girls basketball games scheduled with North Platte for Thursday have been been moved to Tuesday at the McCook Junior High School beginning at 4 p.m. for the girls at approximately 5:15 p.m. for the boys."... -
Robert Joseph Hrnchir (Obituary ~ 12/01/20)
Robert Joseph Hrnchir January 2, 1942 - Nov. 27, 2020 TRENTON, Neb. - Robert Joseph Hrnchir of Trenton, Neb., entered the arms of Jesus on Friday, November 27, 2020, at Community Hospital in McCook, Neb. He was 78 years old. Robert “Bob” was born January 2, 1942, to parents Henry James and Clyta Cleon (Davis) Hrnchir in Colby, Kan. ... -
Marvin L. Frank (Obituary ~ 12/01/20)
Marvin L. Frank September 11, 1928 - Nov. 28, 2020 McCOOK, Neb. - Marvin L. Frank, age 92, of McCook, died peacefully at his home in McCook on Saturday, November 28, 2020. He was born September 11, 1928 to Jesse and Gladys (Turpin) Frank in Bartley, Neb. He grew up on the farm near Bartley and graduated from Bartley High School in 1946... -
Bison remind fans of winter virus policies (High School Sports ~ 12/01/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — McCook High winter sports officially begin on Friday with the first home basketball games against Chase County set for 6 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Junior varsity contests tip off at those same times in McCook Junior High. Bison officials released information this week reminding that only household family members will be allowed to attend because of COVID-19... -
Young McCook girls edge N.P. Bulldogs (High School Sports ~ 12/01/20)
NORTH PLATTE, Neb. — McCook’s eighth-grade girls showed a bunch of Bulldogs what being scrappy is all about Monday afternoon. Despite an obvious height advantage, host North Platte could not handle the smaller Bison girls who delivered a thrilling 30-29 victory... -
Toy Box donation (Local News ~ 12/01/20)
Officer Kyle Kunkee and other members of the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 57 present a $500 check to Barb Ostrum, Owen Budke, 8, and Lexi Budke, 5, of the McCook Toy Box. Blaine Budke of Hot Tub Brokers, back left, helped revive this year’s holiday event after it was threatened by the pandemic. ... -
Harpham birthday (Birthdays ~ 12/01/20)
McCOOK, Neb. - The family of Ron Harpham would like to request a card shower in honor of his 80th Birthday. Ron was born December 6, 1940 in Juniata, Nebr. His family includes his wife, Sandy of McCook, son Marc and wife Patty of McCook, son Darrin and wife Shelly of McCook and son Scott of Grants Pass, Oregon, six grandchildren and one great grandchild... -
Moo's there? (Local News ~ 12/01/20)
Hillcrest residents safely enjoyed somce bovine visitors Friday afternoon. Jake and John G. O’Dea brought their show calves Whitney and Dolly for a visit to the nursing home in McCook, Neb. -
Red Kettle Campaign (Local News ~ 12/01/20)
Members of the Red Willow County Ministerial Association plan this year’s Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign, during a socially-distanced regular meeting this morning at Memorial United Methodist Church in McCook. This year’s drive is more important than ever, according to coordinator Traci Taylor, with high demand for the Salvation Army’s services. ... -
Additional COVID-19 testing dates announced
(Local News ~ 12/01/20)
McCOOK, Neb. -- With the Community Risk Dial in the Red, health officials are asking residents to stay at home whenever possible. In the case of essential errands, residents are asked to wear a mask or face covering. Southwest Nebraska Public Health District had 303 new cases of COVID-19 Nov. 24 to Nov. 30 at noon. That includes Chase 24, Dundy 7, Frontier 16, Furnas 39, Hayes 6, Hitchcock 21, Keith 71, Perkins 22, Red Willow 97...
The Good Life
(Column ~ 12/01/20)
This has been one of your old guy columnist’s favorite weeks of the year. The leftovers from the family’s Thanksgiving feast were enjoyed again. Our favorite cranberry salad, the few remaining special pastry rolls, chunks of turkey for sandwiches and small pieces of cold pie. ...
McCook Unified bowlers rule home finale (High School Sports ~ 12/01/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — McCook’s Unified bowlers finished a strong regular season with victory in their final home triangular on Tuesday, Nov. 23. McCook reached a total score of 773 which topped both Cambridge’s 677 and 412 from Southern Valley. Coach Lynne Kinne’s team moved on to the district tournament at Gering on Monday... -
Get ready America - cause you can’t handle the truth - or can you?
(Letter to the Editor ~ 12/01/20)
Dear Editor, It’s almost December, the November 3 election is not in our rearview mirror, but is soon going to be the biggest story going forward that there has ever been. Whether we care to admit it or not, we, as Americans, have always disagreed about things and right or wrong, we have been tolerant through it all. ...
Wolves, Bison lead Omaha all-state honorees (High School Sports ~ 12/01/20)
OMAHA, Neb. — Check out all the area volleyball players who earned Omaha World-Herald all-state honors for their efforts through this fall season. FIRST TEAM As expected, Maywood-Hayes Center senior Jaycee Widener made the Class D-2 all-state first team at a hitter position... -
Standoff ends with arrest near McCook after four hours
(Local News ~ 12/01/20)
McCOOK, Neb.-- McCook Police, Red Willow County Sheriff’s Officers and the Nebraska State Patrol were involved in a chase and arrest early this morning. Records indicate a McCook Police pursuit began at 8:12 p.m. in west McCook and continued into rural McCook at 8:37 p.m. with the Nebraska State Patrol and a Red Willow County deputy...
Two Arapahoe men set for trial
(Local News ~ 12/01/20)
BEAVER CITY, Neb.-- Two Arapahoe men are set for trial April 13 in connection with a Furnas County sex trafficking case. Justin Brooks, 30, and Paul Brooks, 61, have both pleaded not guilty to first degree sexual assault of a child. In addition, Justin Brooks has plead not guilty to sex trafficking of a minor...