COVID-19 Community Risk Dial moves to red (Local News ~ 11/16/20)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The COVID-19 Community Risk Dial for the week of November 16 is red, meaning residents of southwest Nebraska are at severe risk of contracting COVID-19. The risk level was raised due to high levels of community spread across several counties and the threat of the healthcare system becoming overwhelmed. ... -
Dec. 11 deadline to apply for farmers, ranchers to apply for COVID-19 aid
(Local News ~ 11/16/20)
WASHINGTON – U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) reminds farmers and ranchers that the deadline to apply for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 (CFAP 2) is Dec. 11, 2020. This program provides direct relief to producers who continue to face market disruptions and associated costs because of COVID-19...
'Click it or Ticket' campaign underway (State News ~ 11/16/20)
LINCOLN, Neb. — The Nebraska State Patrol joins law enforcement agencies throughout the United States in an effort to keep travelers safe leading up to and during the Thanksgiving holiday. The “Click It or Ticket” event begins today and runs through Thanksgiving weekend...