Bison alum and coach battles 'flood' of challenges (College Sports ~ 04/12/19)
NORFOLK, Neb. — His California wife and Arizona-born son remind Marcus Clapp how brighter days surely will arrive again. Or not. At least not through Thursday. “I just looked outside and it’s snowing pretty hard as I say this,” the McCook High alum said during a phone call from Norfolk. “Hopefully it won’t last too long.”... -
McCook Legion baseball meeting on Sunday
(Community Sports ~ 04/12/19)
McCook Legion Baseball will have a player-parent meeting on Sunday at 6:30 p.m. in the McCook Junior High cafeteria. Gold cards will be distributed at meeting.
Safety dividend check on city agenda
(Local News ~ 04/12/19)
McCOOK, Neb. — The McCook City Council will start off its regular meeting Monday night by accepting more than $60,000 in a safety dividend check from the city’s insurance company. The council will meet 6:30 p.m., at city council chambers in the Municipal Building...
Barry David Walker
(Obituary ~ 04/12/19)
Barry David Walker May 16, 1971 - April 5, 2019 SELDEN, Kan — Barry David Walker, 47, died Friday (April 5, 2019), in Northglenn, Colo. He was born May 16, 1971, in Wheatridge, Colo. He graduated from Lake County High School in Leadville, Colo. He was preceded in death by his brother, Brian; and grandparents, Dorman and Carol Hill and Mahlon and Gladys Walker...
Hauxwell birth (Births ~ 04/12/19)
Harlan Eli Hauxwell Mark and Danielle Hauxwell of Indianola, Neb., announce the birth of their son, Harlan Eli Hauxwell, who was born Feb. 4, 2019, at Cambridge, Neb. He weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces and measured 21 inches long. He has one brother, Declan Hauxwell, 1. ... -
Hardin birth (Births ~ 04/12/19)
Maggie Jane Hardin Ethan and Kelsey Hardin of McCook, Neb., announce the birth of their daughter, Maggie Jane Hardin, who was born Feb. 27, 2019, in McCook. She weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces and measured 19 inches long. She has one brother, Bennett, 20 months. ... -
Goodenberger, Fix engagement (Engagement ~ 04/12/19)
Goodenberger, Fix Kayla Jean Goodenberger and Brandon Paul Fix of Kearney, Neb., announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parent of the bride-to-be is Diana Wilkinson of McCook, Neb. Parents of the prospective bridegroom are Adrian and Julie Fix of Lincoln, Neb... -
Rhea birthday (Birthdays ~ 04/12/19)
80th birthday The family of Beverly Rhea of McCook is requesting a card shower to help her celebrate her 80th birthday on Friday, April 19, 2019. Her family includes sons, Randy and Susan Longnecker of Buffalo Wyo., Don and Mary Jo Longnecker of Indianola, Neb., and Bill Longnecker of McCook She also has 6 grandchildren and 4 great-granddaughters. Cards of congratulations will reach her at 308 East L Street, McCook, NE 69001... -
Blizzards early settlers endured
(Column ~ 04/12/19)
By the time you are reading this we have either had a spring blizzard or a dusting of snow but we have at least had a warning of what may occur. That warning gives us time to prepare, to remember to fill our cars with gas, bring our early planted pots into shelter, try to protect the newly born calves or test the snow blower one last (we hope) time before the peach trees start to blossom. We do, after all, live in Nebraska and our environment is always predictably unpredictable...
Roper leads NCTA Aggies rodeo team
(College Sports ~ 04/12/19)
CURTIS, Neb. - NCTA Aggie Rodeo teams competed last weekend at Brookings, South Dakota, in Great Plains Region competition of the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association. Athletes from the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis were led by Quentin Anderson of Pierce, Nebraska as he won the long round of calf roping with a time of 11.7 seconds...
MPCC rodeo team excels despite injury
(College Sports ~ 04/12/19)
BROOKINGS, S.D. — Mid-Plains Community College resumed the 2018-19 rodeo season with two second place finishes over the weekend – despite running into some hard luck. The MPCC Rodeo Team competed at the South Dakota State University Jackrabbit Stampede in Brookings, S.D. Friday and Saturday...
Indian sharpshooter signs with Chadron (College Sports ~ 04/12/19)
MCCOOK, Neb. — McCook Community College basketball player Sam Hinkle has signed a letter of intent to continue her college career next season at Chadron State College. Much like her time spent in McCook, she found Chadron to be very welcoming of college students and found the school to be the right fit for her academically and athletically... -
Bison Junior boys win 10 events at home
(High School Sports ~ 04/12/19)
McCOOK, Neb. — All event champions and McCook Junior High boys’ top six placers at Tuesday’s home invitational. Seventh Grade 100 meters: 1. Van Keslin, MC, 12.7 (PR); 2. Adyn Meyer, MC, 13.1 (PR). 100-hurdles: 1. V. Keslin, MC, 18.9; 2. D. White, COZ, 19.0; 5. ...
Weather wipes out more prep events this week
(High School Sports ~ 04/12/19)
McCOOK, Neb. — McCook’s varsity tennis triangular at Ogallala and the Chase County Golf Invitational are two more events lost this week due to inclement weather. The Bison elected not to attend Thursday’s tennis tri against Ogallala and Holdrege. No official information was obtained, but heavy snow hit plenty of areas in western Nebraska...
Big night of wrestling bouts in McCook (Community Sports ~ 04/12/19)
MWA Pro Wrestling stars entertained fans at McCook Auditorum during their annual visit Friday evening. Fans cheered on wrstlers during bouts that included ECW’s Angel Medina vs. Brian Blade, Chief and Morgan Lavey vs. ... -
No time to bob-and-weave on Medicaid crisis
(Letter to the Editor ~ 04/12/19)
We cannot afford to bob and weave when it comes to the Medicaid Crisis happening in Nebraska. Without change it will just keep getting worse, and closures will happen. Legislative Bills have been created, committees have been formed, and Nebraskan’s have been and are continuing to be educated on Medicaid Crisis...
Aggies fifth at national Clay Targets Championship
(Outdoors ~ 04/12/19)
Mary Crawford NCTA News SAN ANTONIO, Texas – “Breaking rocks” is the aim when competing in sporting clays. Top shots of the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture Shooting Sports Team recently won fifth place among junior colleges at the national championships...
Stretching the truth
(Column ~ 04/12/19)
The Washington Post has determined that up through 801 days of being President, Donald Trump made false or misleading statements or claims 9,451 times. That’s 11.8 a day, every day. That would be absolutely shocking and unforgiveable if the rest of us weren’t doing it too but we are. We’ve become a dishonest nation and I remember when we weren’t...