Malleck retirement (Other Record ~ 05/12/17)
Retirement party A retirement party is being given in honor of Gene Malleck of McCook, who is retiring after driving school buses in Southwest Nebraska for 45 years. He drove buses for Republican Valley, McCook Public Schools and for activities at McCook Community College. ... -
Larington birth (Births ~ 05/12/17)
Ellanor Rose Larington Bill and Melissa Larington of McCook announce the birth of their daughter, Ellanor Rose Larington, born May 8, 2017, at Mary Lanning Hospital in Hastings, Neb. She weighed 6 pounds 1.4 ounces and measured 19 inches long. Her siblings are Leo, 9, Brigham, 18, Chris, 25, Tom, 27, Molly Grace, 11, Rachael, 28 and Ashley, 29. ... -
Brown birth (Births ~ 05/12/17)
Landon Harold Brown Josh and Jen Brown of Omaha, Neb., announce the birth of their son, Landon Harold Brown, born April 10, 2017, at Nebraska Medicine in Bellevue, Neb. He weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces and measured 21 inches long. His siblings are Karagynn, 7, Kynleigh, 4 and Lincoln, 2 1/2. ... -
Plans are already in the works for October genealogy workshop
(Column ~ 05/12/17)
Last week we made a quick trip out to Colorado and I got to spend time with my Aunt and Uncle, Stan and Erna Martin. We had a grand time, laughed a lot and reminisced about when my Uncle moved to McCook from Oxford, working for the C B & Q Railroad. ...
Riders lead area boys, several on to state (High School Sports ~ 05/12/17)
HERSHEY, Neb. — Southwest’s four field event champions led the area teams competing in Thursday’s C-10 district track and field meet. Senior Alec May won the long jump, Lance Kelley captured discus top honors while junior Derek Grenlee jumped to two titles (triple, high)... -
Trojan girls win district, others to state (High School Sports ~ 05/12/17)
HERSHEY, Neb. — The Cambridge Trojans outscored powerful North Platte St. Pat’s again, 152-105, to win Thursday’s C-10 district track-field girls title. Cambridge scored two clutch wins over St. Pat’s during the Class C state basketball tourney run... -
Crowds flock to Just For Fun (Community Sports ~ 05/12/17)
The crowds turned out Thursday night for Community Hospital’s “Just for Fun 5K,” the third of 12 events in the Republican River Fitness Series. The event was free of charge, thanks to Community Hospital as part of National Hospital Week. Awards were given to the top 3 in each age division, as well as door prizes... -
Indian baseball bumps off No. 1
(College Sports ~ 05/12/17)
SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb. – The McCook Community College baseball team opened up the Region IX tournament on a high note. Riding behind a dominant performance from starter Chase Adams and some timely hits; MCC took down the 1-seed Western Nebraska 3-2. The Indians move to 1-0 in the tournament and will take on 2-seed Trinidad State at noon MST today...
All-time bests ignite Bison girls to state (High School Sports ~ 05/12/17)
OGALLALA, Neb. – Plenty of McCook flights are now open to Omaha although some Bison preferred speedy ground travel at Thursday’s B-6 district meet. Coach Brent May wasn’t complaining about either travel plan as long as he knew several McCook girls have earned their trips into next week’s Nebraska State Championship Meet... -
District champion Bison boys qualify 13 for state (High School Sports ~ 05/12/17)
OGALLALA, Neb. — It’s moments like McCook senior Bryceton Trew’s pole vault on Thursday that that make district track and field meets so great. “He wasn’t a very good vaulter as a freshman,” Bison coach Tom Sughroue admitted. “But Bryceton kept working every day and kept getting better. Thursday was the best vault of his career.”... -
Gather the family in the kitchen for a magical Mother’s Day (Weekend Menu ~ 05/12/17)
She’s your biggest fan and the one you call whenever you need advice. Moms should be celebrated every day of the year, but there’s no better time to show her you care than on Mother’s Day! This year, rather than going with the tried-and-true gift of flowers and chocolate, surprise Mom with a day of activities she’s sure to remember for years to come. ... -
Community Outreach (Local News ~ 05/12/17)
‘Project Impact’ (Local News ~ 05/12/17)
Highway oil spill could have been worse (Local News ~ 05/12/17)
McCOOK, Neb. — Lucky stars were shining on McCook Thursday afternoon. It wasn’t 100 degrees in the shade. What spilled was used, not new, motor oil. And emergency responders work well together. McCook police and firefighters, Red Willow Western firefighters and hazmat specialists and Nebraska Department of Roads personnel responded to the west junction of Highways 6&34 and 83 about 4 p.m., Thursday, to find about a block of the east-west highway coated with thick, gooey black oil... -
MCC bestows President's, awards (Local News ~ 05/12/17)
McCOOK, Neb. — When Walt and Jean Sehnert looked for a town in which to start their own bakery 60 years ago, the town had to be in Nebraska, it had to be “a hub town,” and it had to have a college. This morning, Walt accepted McCook Community College’s “President’s Award,” saying that largely because of the college, “McCook has been an ideal fit for my family for the past 60 years.”... -
City considers funding source for industrial park
(Local News ~ 05/12/17)
McCOOK, Neb. — City leaders will consider approving the use of $75,000 in motor vehicle tax receipts to help meet grant requirements for a South Street/Ravenswood Road improvement project. The McCook City Council will consider authorizing city staff to use the LB840 Motor Vehicle Tax funds during Monday’s regularly scheduled meeting, 6:30 p.m., at the Municipal Center. The funds would meet grant requirements for an application for up to $500,000 from the Nebraska Department of Roads...
Mothers Day and the memory keepers (Local News ~ 05/12/17)
There comes a time when you simply have to let go – such was the case with my comfort couch. My old green friend was torn, faded and sagging. Impossible to clean, it had retained DNA samples of all those it had cradled for more than two decades. It was my memory keeper, and it was loved only by me. ... -
Prejudice or behavior
(Column ~ 05/12/17)
I listened to a report last night that said that of all the school suspensions in Texas last year, 47% of the children who were suspended were black, even though they make up only 13% of the population. Police statistics reveal similar numbers and this begs the question that has been asked by many since the ‘60s. ...
Keep your cool this summer, and the years ahead
(Editorial ~ 05/12/17)
As we’re going into the hot summer season, it’s more important than ever to make sure your air conditioner is in good shape, but not for the reason you may think. It may be expensive, but if you wait, it may cost even more, and you’ll want some warning if it does...
Hooked for Life (Outdoors ~ 05/12/17)
Some young fisherfolks try their luck in the second Hooked fo Life fishing ministry event of the season, at Harry Strunk Lake near Cambridge on Saturday. Thirty kids and 22 adults took part in the event. The next is set for Hugh Butler Lake 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, June 3. To register or for more information contact George Huff, (308) 340-4116 or gbhuff@outlook.com... -
North Platte Canteen subject for Humanities Nebraska speaker Monday (Local News ~ 05/12/17)
CAMBRIDGE, Neb. –– Speaker Charlotte Endorf will present a program “Nebraska Spirit: The North Platte Canteen” on Monday, May 15th at 2:30 p.m. at the Cambridge Manor. This presentation is made possible by Humanities Nebraska, the Nebraska Cultural Endowment, and Tri Valley Health System as part of the HN...