A balancing act
(Column ~ 03/02/17)
Ya know what one of the tough things about being a mom is? It's having to get after your kids for behavior you know darn well they inherited from you. Serious, it's a real struggle! If it's funny, you can't help but laugh but deep down you know you should probably correct them instead and tell them it's wrong to say that or do that but you know you did the same thing and it was funny then too. ...
Alice Leah (Crabtree) Gregory (Obituary ~ 03/02/17)
Alice Leah (Crabtree) Gregory Nov. 20, 1914 - Feb. 1, 2017 TUCSON, Ariz. -- Alice Leah (Crabtree) Gregory passed away on Feb. 1, 2017, at the age of 102. Alice was born at home on the family's homestead in Cheyenne County, Kan., on Nov. 20, 1914, the oldest of four children. She grew up on farms in Cheyenne County and attended Prairie Rose, a one-room school, first through eighth grade. She graduated from St. Francis, Kan., High School in 1934... -
Earl Benton Erdman (Obituary ~ 03/02/17)
Earl Benton Erdman Oct. 28, 1927 - Feb. 23, 2017 HAIGLER, Neb. -- Earl Benton Erdman, 89, died Feb. 23, 2017, at Dundy County Hospital in Benkelman, Neb. He was was born Oct. 28, 1927, to Ernest Martin and Blanche Orene (Stamper) Erdman in Dundy County. He graduated high school in 1946 at the Nebraska School of Agriculture at Curtis, Neb... -
School board members explore long-term wish lists
(Local News ~ 03/02/17)
McCOOK, Neb. -- McCook School Board members revealed their "wish lists" at a work session Monday. No action was taken and suggestions brought forth Monday night will be discussed at future committee meetings for further consideration. Topics were divided into three areas: environment, teaching/learning and board visions/ideas. ...
'Choose life' license plate debate continues
(Local News ~ 03/02/17)
McCOOK, Neb. -- State lawmakers seemed to be making progress last Friday on the more than 600 bills introduced this session before starting a debate on "Choose Life" license plates that was still continuing as of today. District 44 State Sen. Dan Hughes said some seven bills were passed on Friday prior to the license plate debate, adding none of the bills were of big significance. ...
Yesterday, and today (Local News ~ 03/02/17)
May and Babe, Bob Haag's team of Percheron mares, pull a hayrack loaded with Southwest Elementary students around the school Wednesday afternoon during the school's celebration of Nebraska's 150th birthday. Second grader Juliet Critchfield pondered why shaking a baby food jar of cream turns it to butter, as Virginia Grafton of Lebanon promised in a recreation of a pioneer woman's kitchen and the chores -- like milking the cow and churning butter -- that would have been required throughout any normal day on a Nebraska farm. ... -
Happy birthday Nebraska! (Local News ~ 03/02/17)
How do you serve cake to 182 fourth and fifth graders to celebrate Nebraska's birthday? As quickly as possible. Central Elementary in McCook was chosen by the State of Nebraska as one of 150 schools Wednesday to receive birthday cakes made by Walmart in celebrating Nebraska's 150th birthday, with students at Central surprised after lunch with three large sheet cakes. ... -
NCTA hosts career discovery day Monday
(Local News ~ 03/02/17)
CURTIS, Neb. -- High school students are invited to explore their academic and financial options for college on March 6 at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture. The third "Discovery Day" for the 2016-2017 year will be at the Curtis campus from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Students, their families and guidance counselors are invited to participate, said Tina Smith, NCTA admissions and recruiting coordinator...
Our first president's dental problems
(Letter to the Editor ~ 03/02/17)
Our first president, George Washington, had an iron constitution and legendary physical strength, but diaries in his later life refer to his inflamed gums, lost teeth and ill-fitting dentures. The February 2014 issue of National Geographic Magazine, p.p. 18-19, features a story by Daniel Stone. In it, veterinarian David Fagan states that elephants live to a remarkable age of 70 years due to their teeth...
Families found by adoption
(Letter to the Editor ~ 03/02/17)
In response to an open forum last week from Taylar Hegwood, I wish to first address the opening Facebook Quote from an angry protest against pro-life supporters. To begin with, one does not sign adoption papers inside an abortion facility. Those who choose life and favor adoption are not even allowed inside. ...
Rising, falling with the tide
(Letter to the Editor ~ 03/02/17)
To the author of the Opinion piece entitled, "No Unwanted Children etc." and his sympathy with the "anonymous" Facebook writer who lives in complete oblivion of what mental darkness enters into the life of any woman who experiences an abortion, not to mention the callousness with which the Facebook writer disposes of the murder of defenseless babies who are without rights, a kind of deconstruction of "equal rights."...
When do felons deserve voting rights, food benefits?
(Local News ~ 03/02/17)
When has a felon paid his debt to society? A law being championed by State Sen. Dan Hughes would deny welfare to recipients proven to be using illegal drugs, but that's not the issue. What if convicted felons have served their time, fall upon hard times, and apply for food stamps?...
Bison settled in, multiplying in home near Hugh Butler Lake (Local News ~ 03/02/17)
McCOOK, Neb. -- Darrell Meister and Randy Woitaszewski are expecting babies in May. Seven of them, actually. The seven new bison calves will carry on Darrell's dreams of building his own herd of American bison and perpetuating the legacy of magnificent bison on the Golden Plains... -
Edward T. McArthur (Obituary ~ 03/02/17)
Edward Thomas McArthur Jan. 15, 1931 - March 2, 2017 McCOOK, Neb -- Edward Thomas McArthur, age 86, passed away Thursday, March 2, 2017, at Community Hospital of McCook. On Jan. 15, 1931, Edward was born in Riverview, Pa., to parents Edward and Beatrice (Griffiths) McArthur...