Thanksgiving made easier with this advice
(Editorial ~ 11/18/16)
Many a stand-up routine and more than one movie have created around the personal interactions that accompany the Thanksgiving holiday. Traveling on a tight schedule, as demanded by a Thursday holiday, dining with relatives who may have differing political views (horrors!) and seasonal illnesses can take their toll on what should be an enjoyable day off...
It's over before it starts
(Column ~ 11/18/16)
I was asked by more than one person why the Gazette allows personal attacks of one columnist by another to be printed. My answer was the same to all of them: I don't have any idea about the decision-making process of what gets printed and what doesn't. I'm sure the editor expects its contributors to be fair, even-handed and as objective as possible but we've never been given specific guidelines as to what we can write about and what we can't...
Police recommend no changes for West M
(Local News ~ 11/18/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The City of McCook Police Department set out to monitor traffic near the 1000 and 1500 block of West M Street in recent weeks following a citizen's complaint received by City Council last month. The "selective enforcement activity" and speeding monitoring has determined no changes are warranted in the area, according to a recommendation being presented to City Council Monday evening...
Board shares 'Positive Comments' during Monday meeting
(Local News ~ 11/18/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- Positive Comments from the McCook School Board Monday night included: Student Council representative Katie Kjendal: attended the third-grade music program and noted that the high school one-act play students won first place at a recent competition as well as awards for actors and actresses. ...
William (Poncho) F. Kentopp (Obituary ~ 11/18/16)
William (Poncho) F. Kentopp Sept. 20, 1935 - Nov. 11, 2016 WICHITA, Kan. -- William was the son of Harry and Gertrude (Hinz) Kentopp, born Sept. 20, 1935, in Benkleman, Neb., and passed away Nov. 11, 2016 in Wichita. Survivors include his children, Bill of Mesa, Ariz., Barry of Snyder, Texas and Angela (Bascue) of Wichita... -
Glenda J. Miracle
(Obituary ~ 11/18/16)
Glenda J. Miracle Oct. 19, 1947 - Nov. 17, 2016 TRENTON, Neb. -- Glenda J. Miracle, 69, died Thursday (Nov. 17, 2016), at El Dorado Manor in Trenton. Services are pending with Lockenour-Jones Mortuary in Cambridge, Neb.
Bison spikers honored (High School Sports ~ 11/18/16)
McCook's awesome improvement on the volleyball court this fall clearly earned notice from Southwest and Greater Nebraska Athletic Conference coaches... -
Indians going to Montana (College Sports ~ 11/18/16)
Leaving the snow for a showdown with Devil's Lake? -
Smell the rain ... (Local News ~ 11/18/16)
Winter weather encroaches on Southwest Nebraska's fall, starting with a cold rain Thursday evening that turned throughout the night to freezing sleet and snow. Who all had to pry open frozen car and pickup doors, and scrape snow, ice and frost off the windshields? Forecasters predicted better weather through the weekend and temperatures warmed by the sunshine to the upper 50s through mid-week... -
Foster anniversary (Anniversary ~ 11/18/16)
60th anniversary The family of Kenneth and Marlene Foster of McCook is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 60th wedding anniversary on Tuesday, Nov. 22. They were married Thanksgiving Day in 1956 at Peace Lutheran Church in McCook. Their family includes children, Kris and Greg Johnson of West Des Moines, Iowa, Deanna and Greg Donohue of Evergreen, Colo., and Todd and Dawn Foster of McCook; grandchildren, Carly and Andy Gioia of Chicago, Ill., Kendell Foster of McCook, Joseph Johnson, West Des Moines, Iowa, Cameron and Jayme Foster of McCook, Sam Donohue of Evergreen, Colo. ... -
Larington anniversary (Anniversary ~ 11/18/16)
25th anniversary Dan and Michelle Larington of rural McCook are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary on Wednesday, Nov. 23. They were married in 1991. Their family includes Sara and Jack Loomis of Hayes Center, Neb., and Dane Larington of McCook... -
Neel, Burbach engagement (Anniversary ~ 11/18/16)
Neel, Burbach Janette Neel of Colby, Kan., and Jeremiah Burbach of Collyer, Kan., announce their engagement and upcoming marriage. Parents of the couple are Richard and Joyce Neel of McCook, Neb., and Rick and Laurita Burbach of Collyer, Kan. The bride-to-be is a graduate of the University of Nebraska - Lincoln and is a registered dietitian employed at Citizens Medical Center in Colby... -
19th annual Community Hospital Health Foundation 'An Evening For Hospice' raises $17,400 (Local News ~ 11/18/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The 19th annual "An Evening for Hospice" hosted by Community Hospital Health Foundation on Sunday included a program that has been described as the best ever, raising a net profit of $17,400. Guests were entertained by a presentation from Dr. ... -
Thanksgiving newspaper stories (Column ~ 11/18/16)
The genealogy library is getting a new look as members move the DAR and miscellaneous state reference library information into a separate space to better utilize the footprint of our rooms. Again, we are deeply indebted to McCook National Bank for the area they have allowed us to occupy in the Merit Building. ... -
'Ultimate gamer' turns dreams into business franchise (Local News ~ 11/18/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- It was 10 years ago. He was working several part-time jobs, -- four he thinks --when his schedule freed him up for a weekend with friends. Over board games, cards and video games, the friends lamented about their diminishing time spent together and that McCook really needed a place like his. Some place they could all hang out. Their own community... -
On the Record
(Other Record ~ 11/18/16)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Activity log These items are taken from reports filed by the McCook Police Department. The locations refer to block numbers, not specific addresses. If you have information about any of these reports, call the police department at (308) 345-3450...
A full, delightful feast (Weekend Menu ~ 11/18/16)
Centering your holiday meal around a turkey cooked to golden perfection is the ideal way to serve a feast. Without the right preparation and execution, however, your bird could fall short. To ensure your holiday dinner centerpiece lives up to expectations, follow these simple tips, from purchase to plate:... -
Zilah Naomi Bailey Powell (Obituary ~ 11/18/16)
Zilah Naomi Bailey Powell July 27, 1914 - Nov. 7, 2016 MOUNT PLEASANT, S.C. -- Zilah Naomi Bailey was born July 27, 1914, in Grant, Neb., and was preceded in death by her parents, Seymour E. Bailey and Nola Pember Bailey, and one brother, Everett Earl Bailey... -
Leanna Mae Young (Obituary ~ 11/18/16)
Leanna Mae Young Sept. 22, 1928 - Nov. 16, 2016 McCOOK, Neb. -- Leanna Mae Young, age 88, went to be with her Lord and Savior Nov. 16, 2016. She died at Hillcrest Nursing Home in McCook. Leanna was born Sept. 22, 1928, at Campbell, Neb., to Frederick and Mollie (Thaut) Trebold. ...