MCC instructor Esch recognized for teaching (Community News ~ 05/20/16)
MCCOOK, Neb. -- Three instructors from Mid-Plains Community College have been named Excellence in Teaching recipients by the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD). The full-time instructors are Tyler Esch, who teaches early childhood education in McCook, and Ann Reichle, who teaches accounting in North Platte. One part-time instructor was also selected, Jack Ramos-Needham, an adjunct Spanish and dual credit instructor from Arthur County High School... -
Students from McCook receive degree in nursing (Community News ~ 05/20/16)
FREMONT, Neb. -- Twenty-eight Midland University School of Nursing graduates, including two from Southwest Nebraska, recently received their pins in a ceremony in Kimmel Theatre on the Midland campus. Area graduates who received their pins are Kimberly Holthus and Morgan Jones, both of McCook... -
Weiss anniversary (Anniversary ~ 05/20/16)
60th anniversary The family of Bill and Connie Weiss of McCook is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 60th wedding anniversary. They were married May 27, 1956 at the Stockville Neb., Congregational Church. Their family includes three children, Don and Evelin Weiss, Murry and Liz Weiss of McCook and Leisa and Brian Vaught of Lincoln; seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach them at 71422 Road 387 McCook, NE 69001... -
Victory Addition, peach leather and other items (Column ~ 05/20/16)
It's time for another one of my tidbits columns, little pieces of information, questions still unanswered and all the kind of stuff that makes for a good stew on days when the weather is cloudy and a gentle rain is falling. First off, I'm still searching for anyone who might remember the Hannum family. ... -
Councilman: City not paying huge pensions
(Local News ~ 05/20/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- City of McCook workers participating in the employee retirement plan contribute 7 percent of their salary to the plan each pay period and the city matches 100 percent of those contributions on a monthly basis. The city's contribution is small potatoes, according to one City Councilman, who spoke up earlier this week in hopes of setting the record straight...
City officials confident in new airline (Local News ~ 05/20/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- In less than two weeks Southwest Nebraska residents will fly from McCook to Denver for as low as $49 one-way and local airport officials are beginning to get excited. Commercial air service provider Boutique Air is set to take the reins at McCook Ben Nelson Regional Airport on June 1... -
Cows trash, volunteer restore pioneer-era cemetery (Local News ~ 05/20/16)
STOCKVILLE, Neb. -- The president of the Frontier County Historical Society reports that cows had found "the grass is greener" inside the fence of the pioneer-era Independence Cemetery east of Stockville. In an update, however, Virginia "Ginny" Roberts happily reports that toppled tombstones have been righted, fences rebuilt and irises planted... -
Plea reached in meth case, $100 fine ordered (Local News ~ 05/20/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- A plea agreement was reached last week in Red Willow County District Court dismissing a felony drug charge filed against a McCook woman and admitting guilt to an infraction for possession of drug paraphernalia. The woman, 54-year-old Patricia A. Stark of 708 E. Fifth Street, was subsequently fined $100... -
The hidden killer
(Column ~ 05/20/16)
Most people don't like doctors and hospitals. It's really an indirect effect instead of a direct one because when we have to go to one or the other, it means something is wrong with us and that's the part we don't like. But I also know people who say they don't want to go to the doctor for fear of finding out something's wrong with them they didn't already know about. ...
Ensuring summertime safety takes special precautions
(Editorial ~ 05/20/16)
Summer's supposed to be a fun time as kids and families take advantage of free time to get outdoors to vacation, play organized and improvised sports and enjoy the warm weather. But it can also be a dangerous time for unsupervised kids and adults who overdo it or indulge in risky behavior...
Anti-death-penalty group here Tuesday
(Local News ~ 05/20/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- State Sen. Colby Coash will stop in McCook Tuesday on a statewide tour to explain why he, and a bi-partisan supermajority of his colleagues in the Unicameral, voted to end the death penalty and why he wants Nebraskans like you to vote to retain their work this November...
Owners asked to restrain dogs
(Local News ~ 05/20/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- McCook area letter carriers have seen an increase in the number of encounters with dogs recently and they're asking dog owners for help. "We're very concerned about the increase in the number of close calls involving dogs as carriers attempt to deliver the routes safely," said Postmaster Kelly Lacey. "We're asking pet owners to please restrain their dogs for the safety of letters carriers and the community. We can't control people's dogs; only dog owners can do that."...