Marvin Holle (Obituary ~ 04/06/16)
Marvin Holle March 23, 1928 - April 4, 2016 ATWOOD, Kan. -- Marvin Holle, 88, of Atwood, died Monday (April 4, 2016), at Rawlins County Health Center. He was born March 23, 1928, near Ludell, Kan., to Rennig and Frieda (Rippe) Holle. He served in the U.S. Army from 1950 to 1952. He married Mary Ann Focke on Nov. 29, 1959, at Grace Lutheran Church in Atwood. He was a farmer and rancher... -
Helping area pantries (Community News ~ 04/06/16)
Tracy Huxoll, right, and other Tri Valley Health System employees, present donations on behalf of Tri Valley Health System's Employee Activity Committee to representatives of the McCook, Arapahoe, and Cambridge Food Pantries. As a fundraiser, employees at Tri Valley Health System pay to wear jeans on Fridays and a portion of the "Jean Day" money is donated to the food pantries covering the same service areas as Tri Valley Health System. ... -
$1,000 donation (Community News ~ 04/06/16)
McCook Community College freshman theater major Allison Priddy accepts a $1,000 check from Gene Weedin, President of the Southwest Nebraska Community Theater Association to help MCC bring in noted actor Tim Mooney for his one-man "Breakneck Hamlet" at the Fox Theater April 26 at 7 p.m. ... -
Fischer birthday (Birthdays ~ 04/06/16)
95th birthday The family of Maxine E. Fischer of McCook is requesting a card shower in honor of her 95th birthday Saturday, April 9. She was born 1921 in Denver, Colo. Her family includes children, Mary Law of Orange Park, Fla., David and Rosemary Fischer of Jacksonville, Fla., Terry Fischer of Portland, Ore., Bill and Barb Elliott of McCook; six grandchildren and other great-grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach her at Hillcrest Nursing Home, 309 W. Seventh, McCook, NE 69001... -
Cyber criminals finding success in lower profile
(Editorial ~ 04/06/16)
Major hackers like those involved with the Panama Papers, Anonymous or WikiLeaks get all the attention, but others are cashing in by keeping a lower profile. These hackers do it by infecting computer networks to make them inaccessible, then selling the owners the cure...
Time for No. 5 in our Top 10
(Column ~ 04/06/16)
Let's see, where were we? Oh yes, ready for number five on our "Top Ten" list of things to look for on a spring evening. Just remember, we must be at a dark sky place at least an hour after local sunset which in southwest Nebraska is at about 7:15 pm MDT...
U-turn talks hit dead end in City Council
(Local News ~ 04/06/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- City leaders are unlikely to make changes to the Norris Avenue U-turn restriction anytime soon. City Councilwoman Janet Hepp scheduled the topic for discussion earlier this week after indicating she wanted to remove the U-turn ban from the southernmost intersection of Norris Avenue with A Street. ...
Special blood drive April 26-27
(Local News ~ 04/06/16)
NORTH PLATTE, Neb. -- The American Red Cross encourages eligible blood donors to donate blood this spring to ensure a sufficient supply for patients at approximately 2,600 hospitals across the country. A special two-day blood drive in honor of Darin Neben is set for the Community Building on the Red Willow County Fairgrounds later this month. The drive is 12:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 26 and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 27...
Safety first (Local News ~ 04/06/16)
Top left, St. Patrick's Elementary School third graders, from left, Rebecca Peterson, Zach Hinze and Beckett Heskett watch closely as McCook Police Sgt. Kevin Darling demonstrates the figure-eight obstacle course Tuesday afternoon during the annual State Farm Insurance bike rodeo hosted by Linda Maiden. ... -
More rabies confirmed in Southwest Nebraska
(Local News ~ 04/06/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department has confirmed yet another positive rabies case in southwest Nebraska. "In 2015, a total of 28 confirmed rabies cases occurred in Nebraska," states Melissa Propp, RN, Surveillance Coordinator at SWNPHD. "Southwest Nebraska had recorded 25 percent of the state's total. We are reporting our second case for 2016."...