Elevate your Easter brunch (Weekend Menu ~ 03/25/16)
If you'll be hosting friends and family to honor Easter this year, make your gathering as simple as it is scrumptious with a decadent brunch menu. If you're daunted by the diversity of dishes a brunch menu demands, remember that quality ingredients -- not complex preparation -- is what makes dishes truly stand out. Fresh produce and superior products instantly elevate a recipe from good to great... -
Candy's not key part of Easter
(Editorial ~ 03/25/16)
A popular cartoon shows two chocolate Easter bunnies. One, which has its tail bit off, says "My butt hurts!" The other, missing its ears, says "What?" If you're like most Americans, the first one belongs to you. Eighty-nine percent of us eat the ears first, 6 percent start with the feet and 5 percent with the tail...
How many friends do you have?
(Column ~ 03/25/16)
Not nearly as many as you think you do because we confuse friendships with acquaintances and they're nowhere close to the same. Most people know a lot of people and most people think the people they know are their friends but they're often mistaken. Through the years, I've put together kind of a check list to help me figure this out if I don't already know. Maybe the check list will help you too...
Requiring lawyers for every juvenile an unfunded mandate
(Column ~ 03/25/16)
I spoke on the floor against a bill, LB 894, which would have required every juvenile charged with a crime in the state of Nebraska to have an attorney appointed to him or her immediately. It is extremely important that each and every person who engages with the legal system has the representation he or she desires. ...
Paintings honor state's 150th (Local News ~ 03/25/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- Inspired by Nebraska's spectacular, breathtaking sunsets, Central City native and fine artist Todd Williams has created a 93-piece collection of oil paintings to help the state celebrate the 150th anniversary of its statehood. Each of Williams' framed paintings represents one of the state's 93 counties. ... -
New felonies draw prison time (Local News ~ 03/25/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- A local burglar sentenced to state prison time in 2014 was sentenced to another two-year stretch on drug and weapons charges earlier this month in Red Willow County District Court. The offender, 27-year-old Jesse L. Morrison of McCook, accepted a plea agreement in February admitting guilt to a Class IV felony offense for operating a motor vehicle to avoid arrest; a Class I misdemeanor for attempted possession of methamphetamine; and a Class IV felony for attempted possession of a deadly weapon by a convicted felon. ... -
Hospital hosting two-day Wellness Fair March 30-31
(Local News ~ 03/25/16)
McCook, Neb. --The public is invited to a two-day wellness fair hosted by Community Hospital, Wednesday and Thursday, March 30 and 31 from 7-9 a.m. each day in Community Hospital's Prairie View meeting rooms at 1301 East H Street in McCook. The health fair will highlight Community Hospital's services, offer continental breakfast, and a variety of health screenings at a free or reduced rate...
Officials worry Medicaid could rob tobacco funds
(Local News ~ 03/25/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The latest effort to expand Medicaid at the state level in Nebraska could end up taking its funding from other regional healthcare programs, at least according to one state senator. District 44 State Sen. Dan Hughes said Thursday recent modifications to a bill targeting Medicaid expansion would take some $60 million a year from the tobacco settlement fund, money which is already allocated to programs like the Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department in McCook...
Nursing home board discusses safety issues
(Local News ~ 03/25/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- How and why residents fall was discussed by the Hillcrest Board of Trustees meeting Tuesday. Falls, moderate/severe pain, incontinence and 14 other measures from June-November 2015 at Hillcrest were compared percentage-wise with the state and national level, on the "CASPER Quality Measure Monthly Comparison Report." The report includes short and long stays of residents...
Reflections on the cross (Local News ~ 03/25/16)
Mother Claudia, of Tyburn Convent in London, believes there's a whole world of meaning in even the simplest cross (such as this one in the Beaver City town square): "There's a vertical coming down from heaven, entering into the earth, implanted in the earth. ... -
Optimists donation for 'Alice' (Local News ~ 03/25/16)
McCook Optimists donate $600 to the Southwest Nebraska Community Theatre Association for the upcoming Missoula Children Theater production of "Alice in Wonderland." Taking part, from left, are Jason Grigg, Optimists president; Tom Bredvick, member; Mark Graff, treasurer; JeriLynn Karr, SWNCTA Historian and Missoula producer; Gene Weedin, SWNCTA president; and Bill Marshall, Lifetime Optimist Club member and SWNCTA board member. ... -
Family Fun Night April 1
(Local News ~ 03/25/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- McCook Elementary PTO's Family Fun Night will be 4 to 9 p.m. Friday, April 1 at the school. An incorrect day was listed in the school calendar in Thursday's edition.
Anna Marie Unrein (Obituary ~ 03/25/16)
Anna Marie Unrein Nov. 10, 1929 - March 17, 2016 LYNDEN, Wash. -- Anna Marie Unrein, age 86, passed away on Thursday, March 17, 2016, in Lynden. Anna was born Nov. 10, 1929, in Norton, Kan., to Clemmens Robben and Catherine Wieland. Anna married Augustine Eugene Unrein on June 6, 1948. In 1961, Augie and Anna purchased Joe's Sporting Goods in McCook, Neb. In 1981, Anna worked for the Farmers Home Administration (FmHA), where she continued working as a county office clerk until 1994... -
Bonnie Mae (LaShell) Moon (Obituary ~ 03/25/16)
Bonnie Mae (LaShell) Moon Oct. 30, 1936 - March 23, 2016 LINCOLN, Neb. -- Bonnie Mae (LaShell) Moon, 79, of Lincoln, died Wednesday (March 23, 2016). She was born Oct. 30, 1936, to Ralph and Ella Mae (Bethel) LaShell of Hayes Center, Neb. She married Harold Moon, who preceded her in death... -
James LaVern Smith (Obituary ~ 03/25/16)
James LaVern Smith Dec. 3, 1955 - March 23, 2016 BEAVER CITY, Neb. -- James LaVern Smith, 60, of Beaver City, died Wednesday (March 23, 2016), at his home. He was born on Dec. 3, 1955, at Norton, Kan., to Vern and Carol (Martin) Smith. He graduated from Wilsonville High School in 1974. He entered the U.S. Army and spent much of his time serving in Germany. He was honorably discharged in 1980... -
Mary A. Cox (Obituary ~ 03/25/16)
Mary A. Cox Aug. 30, 1946 - March 22, 2016 LINCOLN, Neb. -- Mary A. Cox, 69, of Lincoln, widow of Ronnie, died Tuesday, March 22, 2016. She was a retired librarian and a member of St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Lincoln. Survivors include her daughter, Terri (Jason) Bell of Lincoln, son, Brian (Jamie) Cox of Bennet, Neb. ... -
Newcomb baby (Births ~ 03/25/16)
Drew Kevin Newcomb Matt and Tristan Newcomb of Eustis, Neb. announce the birth of their son, Drew Kevin Newcomb, who was born Dec. 18, 2015, at Good Sarmaritan Hospital in Kearney. He weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces and measured 21 1/4 inches long. He has one sister, Kellan and one brother of Curtis, Chase. Grandparents are Dow Newcomb of Cambridge and the late Janet Newcomb and Kevin and Karen Lehmann of Lincoln. Great-grandparents are Ted and Phyllis Thomas of Cozad... -
Schultz anniversary (Anniversary ~ 03/25/16)
50th anniversary The family of Arvene and Judy Schultz of Maywood, Neb., is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday, April 9, 2016. They have four grandchildren. Best wishes may be sent to them at Box 21, Maywood, NE 69038... -
Hope chests popular with women prior to World War II (Column ~ 03/25/16)
Before World War II, every young woman's grandest hope was to get married and have a home of her own. In order to facilitate this grand scheme, most young girls initiated the start of their hope chest by the age of 13-14 years of age. Within the confines of this wonderful trunk, or box, or veritable chest, were the seeds of a well-appointed home. ... -
Farmers are front page news in 1898 (Column ~ 03/25/16)
Last week I covered what consisted of front page news concerning the railroad and now I want to share the farm news from the front page of the McCook Tribune, Jan. 14, 1898. You might be surprised at what information these farmers were willing to share with the general public!...