Award-winning songwriter to perform at Fox Theater (Local News ~ 02/18/16)
McCook, Neb. -- In less than a month, one of America's premier songwriters and performers will appear on the historic Fox Theater's stage in McCook. Award-winning songwriter Darrell Scott will perform Saturday, March 12, at the Fox Theater in a unique, live event sponsored by the McCook Chamber of Commerce... -
Hometown Talent Showcase set for Feb. 28
(Local News ~ 02/18/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The McCook area's reputation for outstanding musical talent will be demonstrated Sunday, February 28, when the Fox Theatre presents the ninth annual Hometown Talent Showcase. The winners of statewide and regional talent shows will be among the ten acts featured at the show, which will begin at 2.m. Free will donations will serve as the cost of admission for the event, with all receipts going for theatre improvements...
Students, sponsors making important investment in future
(Editorial ~ 02/18/16)
Your life depends on agriculture. In Nebraska, especially, your livelihood and your life itself depend on producing food from the earth itself. Five pages in today's edition celebrate FFA and the Future Business Leaders of America. It's a happy marriage between education and enterprise, raising up tomorrow's agricultural producers and business people who will make sure those products reach the people who need them...
Furnas County Relay For Life July 15
(Letter to the Editor ~ 02/18/16)
We have seen many changes take place in politics and our economy. However one constant is that many people are battling cancer and many others are supporting their loved ones each and every day. These realities make dollars donated and hours volunteered to the American Cancer Society in Furnas and Red Willow Counties so important...
My first Sweet Sixteen
(Column ~ 02/18/16)
I've been putting off writing this for as long as I can because I didn't want to face the emotions hiding just beneath the surface. Plus, sometimes I think there is something wrong with me that I get so emotional about milestones in my children's lives that should be happy, momentous occasions...
TIF bills down in flames; sales tax housing bill advances
(Local News ~ 02/18/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- Several bills introduced this session at the state level and proposing a variety of changes to Tax Increment Financing will most likely fail to advance out of committee. The discussion the legislation prompted, however, could prove vital to addressing TIF concerns in the future, at least according to one legislator...
Plan modified after cost question, but impact minimal
(Local News ~ 02/18/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- A McCook City Council member called into question the listed cost to acquire property associated with construction of a new Holiday Inn and Suites earlier this week. The discussion led to an amendment changing how Tax Increment Financing would be used to support the redevelopment project, but ultimately didn't impact the level of assistance authorized, and amounted to a shift in expense categories where the assistance would be applied...
Prom Shop set for Feb. 27
(Local News ~ 02/18/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The one-of-a-kind "Prom Shop" of fancy and formal dresses will be open for business Saturday, Feb. 27, from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m., in downtown McCook. High school girls from throughout Southwest Nebraska and Northwest Kansas are encouraged to come shopping for their spring prom or color day dresses, none of which will be priced more than $25...
Head Start recruiting for 2016-17 year
(Local News ~ 02/18/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- Head Start, a program of Community Action Partnership of Mid Nebraska (Mid), provides comprehensive services to children and families. McCook Head Start is now taking applications for the 2016-2017 year. The objective of the Head Start program is to enhance the cognitive, social and emotional development of income eligible children through the provision of comprehensive health, educational, nutritional, social and other services and to involve parents in their children's learning and to help parents make progress toward their educational, literacy and employment goals.. ...
Townsend scholarship deadline March 4 (Local News ~ 02/18/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The deadline for McCook and Southwest high schools seniors to apply for Col. Delbert L. Townsend Scholarships to attend University of Nebraska (Lincoln, Kearney, Omaha or NCTA-Curtis) schools is Friday, March 4. The late Col. Delbert L. Townsend created the endowed scholarship fund in 1997 through the University of Nebraska Foundation; it allows four scholarships to be awarded to graduating high school seniors from McCook and Southwest high schools... -
Wilda Alsbury
(Obituary ~ 02/18/16)
Wilda Alsbury BENKELMAN, Neb. -- Wilda Alsbury, 96, formerly of Benkelman and Imperial, died Tuesday (Feb. 16, 2016), at the Dundy County Hospital in Benkelman. Survivors includer her sister, Deloris Conley of Louisiana and many nieces, nephews and friends...