Fight over ag tourism bill started early
(Local News ~ 09/28/15)
McCOOK, Neb. -- Legislators recently passed an agri-tourism bill that local tourism officials believe would benefit the region. It passed 46-0, but the fight started long before the floor debate, according to District 44 Sen. Dan Hughes. LB 329 had been introduced at least a couple of times before, but failed to advance out of the Judiciary Committee, Hughes said during last week's McCook Area Chamber of Commerce legislative breakfast. ...
Work Ethic Camp inmates get into dirty business (Local News ~ 09/28/15)
McCOOK, Neb. -- Gardener Janet Hepp believes in the therapeutic value of "getting your hands dirty" in a garden. Earlier this summer, Janet and her husband, Greg, donated garden vegetables and an extra, unused garden storage shed to the Nebraska Department of Corrections Work Ethic Camp in McCook, Nebraska, with the hope that inmates would get their hands dirty planting, watering, caring for and harvesting their own garden produce... -
'Let the Good Times Roll' (Local News ~ 09/28/15)
McCook, Nebraska "let the good times" roll during its annual "Heritage Days" week of fun, capping it all off with a parade of 92 entries Saturday morning. Cappel Sales honored America's veterans with its float -- veterans facing the east side of Norris Avenue were, above from left, Dan Stramel, John Mabile, Art Skinner, Tyler Hayes, Dick Cappel and Willis Jones. ... -
Should it be German Heritage Days again?
(Editorial ~ 09/28/15)
Congratulations to the McCook Area Chamber of Commerce and the dozens of other enthusiastic organizations and individuals who helped "The Good Times Roll" for this year's Heritage Days celebration. The parade seeemed to be one of the longest in memory, but it was over all too quickly as we enjoyed a day of pleasant weather outdoors...
Clara Ruby Dake
(Obituary ~ 09/28/15)
Clara Ruby Dake May 24, 1926 - Sept. 24, 2015 AVONDALE, Ariz. -- Clara Ruby Dake, 89, passed away Thursday (Sept. 24, 2015), in Avondale. She was born to Charles and Ruth Hall on May 25, 1926. She graduate from Trenton High School. She was married to Dale Dake for 52 years, before he passed away...
MHS 1952 class reunion (Community News ~ 09/28/15)
Members of the McCook High School Class of 1952 met in McCook over the Heritage Days weekend. Classmates who attended the reunion included, first row, from left, Alice Hiatt Harpst, Byron Neimon, Enid Miller Ruckman and Peggy Appleyard. Second row, Lesta Dinnel Jaggers, Venee Kramer Heimel, Donna Madron Maloney, Barbara Bender O'Dea, Lila Mapes Fisher, Millie Wisdom Johnson, Freda Shreffler Clapp and Donna Carter Nicholson. ... -
Norris video (Local News ~ 09/28/15)
David Landis studies his script as Brian Kreikemeier of B&B Video in West Point, Neb., and Dawna Bates of the Norris House in McCook looks on Thursday afternoon. The Norris Institute commissioned several videos about the late Sen. George W. Norris's accomplishments such as the nonpartisan Unicameral, public power and others, to be used on the website, http://www.norrisinstitute.com/ , about McCook's most prominent historical figure. ... -
MCC teacher using global approach to infuse English classes with energy (Community News ~ 09/28/15)
MCCOOK COMMUNITY COLLEGE McCOOK, Neb. -- When some English 1010 students at McCook Community College showed up for their first week of classes this fall, their instructor was briefly away from her office -- 8,983 miles away from her office. In late August, MCC English Instructor Summer Dickinson was in Melbourne, Australia where she was presenting a writing studies presentation at the Queen Victoria library. ... -
Take cover! (Local News ~ 09/28/15)
Dwain Rosse adjusts the camouflage tents which were to become rocks during the laser tag event at the Graff Events Center Friday night, a popular part of the new Fifth Quarter celebration. -
Ray McCarl, Watchdog of the Treasury (Column ~ 09/28/15)
(Note: Recently we brought you a story about Wm. Valentine, one of McCook's early (and great) Superintendents. Today we bring to you the story of one of the early graduates of MHS, during Mr. Valentine's tenure, and a fellow who credited Mr. Valentine for steering him on the path of success.)...