Mentor Knows Best, The Mother's Day Edition (Weekend Menu ~ 05/08/15)
Whether she's your mom or a "like-a-mother" mentor, chances are you've got a lot to thank her for this Mother's Day. It's a time for celebrating your biggest supporters, number one fans and best friends. In life, we're lucky to form relationships with women we can learn from and grow with. Beth Somers, Elizabeth Nelson and Emily Tatak from the Wilton Test Kitchen consider themselves lucky... -
Gary Alan Gibson
(Obituary ~ 05/08/15)
Gary Alan Gibson LINCOLN, Neb. -- Gary Alan Gibson, 61, of Lincoln, passed away on May 5, 2015, in Lincoln. He was born in Oxford, Nebraska, to Eldon and Carol (Maaske) Gibson. During high school, he worked for Oxford Cheese Factory. Following high school graduation, he was married to Jeri Ruth Borgman in 1975 and worked for Industrial Pipelines. ...
School board to vote on graduation date 2016
(Local News ~ 05/08/15)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The McCook Board of Education will be asked to approve two resignations and set a graduation date for next year, at its regular meeting Monday, 6:30 p.m. at the Junior High conference room. Resignations come from Kimberly Heimann, teacher at McCook Central Elementary for three years and Jeffrey Ellis, physical education teacher. ...
School board to vote on graduation date 2016
(Local News ~ 05/08/15)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The McCook Board of Education will be asked to approve two resignations and set a graduation date for next year, at its regular meeting Monday, 6:30 p.m. at the Junior High conference room. Resignations come from Kimberly Heimann, teacher at McCook Central Elementary for three years and Jeffrey Ellis, physical education teacher. ...
City staff seeks more time on dog dispute
(Local News ~ 05/08/15)
McCOOK, Neb. -- A City Council request for neighbors embroiled in a dispute over a local dog kennel operation to discuss the matter further has yielded no results and it appeared as if councilors would ask to reschedule a vote on imposing a limitation on the business Monday evening...
Dusatko birthday (Birthdays ~ 05/08/15)
70th birthday The family of Maxine Dusatko of McCook is requesting a card shower in honor of her 70th birthday. She was born May 12 in Bruning, Nebraska. Her family includes her husband, Jim Dusatko of McCook; children, Lori Morrissey of Omaha, Nebraska, Lisa and Craig Plummer of Kearney, Nebraska, Jeff and Stephanie Dusatko of Broomfield, Colorado; and nine grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach her at 306 Apache Drive, McCook, NE 69001... -
Tangeman anniversary (Anniversary ~ 05/08/15)
40th anniversary The family of John and Ingrid Tangeman of Arapahoe, Nebraska, is requesting a card shower in honor of their 40th wedding anniversary. They were married May 18, 1975, in Arapahoe. Cards of congratulations will reach them at 1002 4th Street, P.O. Box 507, Arapahoe, NE 68922... -
Not guilty plea entered in $800k theft case
(Local News ~ 05/08/15)
McCOOK, Neb. -- A Culbertson woman accused of stealing more than $800,000 from her former employer pleaded not guilty to a felony charge Monday in Red Willow County District Court. The woman, 54-year-old Trina L. Hoyt, is facing a Class 3 felony alleging theft by unlawful taking; money valued at more than $1,500...
Construction of the McCook Air Base
(Column ~ 05/08/15)
Susan Doak Southwest Nebraska Genealogy Society "Quietly Jubilant" was the response of McCook's businessmen, when Captain Wm. E. Grubb of Kansas City announced the building of what was known to him as the McCook Air Base. Secretary Murphy of the Chamber of Commerce had called a number of McCook citizens to join him for a luncheon with the Captain and the response was that this would be "of a permancy (sic) that would remain always a benefit to the community." (McCook Gazette Sept. 9, 1942)...
True birth (Births ~ 05/08/15)
Henry Sanford True Zach and Heather True of Kearney, Nebraska, announce the birth of their son,Henry Sanford True, born April 21, 2015, at Good Samaritan Hospital in Kearney. He weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces and measured 19 3/4 inches long. He has one brother, Gavin, 3. Grandparents are Bill Hansen of Maywood, Nebraska and... -
Community gardens ready to produce (Local News ~ 05/08/15)
McCOOK, Neb. -- McCook residents once again have the opportunity to connect with nature and one another while growing healthy food. For the second season, McCook Church of Christ is furnishing 11 garden plots, each just shy of 800 square feet, north of the church building at 710 East 7th Street. This offering is for those who wish to have their own garden and don't have land on which to do it... -
Pollmann birth (Births ~ 05/08/15)
Gage Alan Pollmann Justin and Rachel Pollmann of Goldsboro, North Carolina, announce the birth of their son, Gage Alan Pollmann, born April 12, 2015, in Goldsboro. He weighed 5 pounds, 13 ounces and measured 19 3/4 inches long. Grandparents are Jarry and Val Pollmann of McCook and Denise and Larry Taylor of Panama City, Florida. Great-grandparents are Louise Pollmann of McCook and the late John Pollmann and the late John and Florine Fellers... -
The good news you didn't hear
(Column ~ 05/08/15)
The riots in Philadelphia last week were the headlines of practically every major news outlet in the country and perhaps the world. What I learned in Journalism school at the University of Arkansas a few decades ago still holds true today: If it bleeds, it leads. ...
Grateful family
(Local News ~ 05/08/15)
My dad recently passed away and he had family come from all over for his funeral. Dad's wife works at the Chief, so we arranged to stay there. When we arrived, we learned the owners of the Chief had given us all complimentary rooms. I, and I am sure, the rest of Dad's family, appreciated their Christian act...
Long-time MCC teacher wins Budig award (Local News ~ 05/08/15)
McCOOK, Neb. -- A long-time teacher on the McCook Community College campus has been named the 2015 winner of the Gene A. Budig Outstanding Faculty Award. At Friday's commencement ceremonies Jim Hall was named winner of the Budig award, which also comes with a $1,000 cash prize. The MCC Instructor has been a pillar in the mathematics and science divisions for the past 39 years... -
MCC confers 135 diplomas, certificates (Local News ~ 05/08/15)
McCOOK, Neb. -- A City Council request for neighbors embroiled in a dispute over a local dog kennel operation to discuss the matter further has yielded no results and it appeared as if councilors would ask to reschedule a vote on imposing a limitation on the business Monday evening... -
Windblown woman of the plains
(Letter to the Editor ~ 05/08/15)
The relentless Nebraska wind has shaped her body, character, and her life. Years of leaning into the wind have molded her small frame into the shape of a scythe. Much like the sand hills of the countryside, pelting dirt and sand have left waves of creases upon her skin. ...
How do Nebraska moms do when it comes to working?
(Editorial ~ 05/08/15)
Some of us may long for the old days when family life was like "Father Knows Best," but most of us know it's more like "The Middle," where a working mom struggles to keep food on the table and the washer duct-taped shut long enough for the load to get clean...