Robert "Bob" Lee Duysen (Obituary ~ 02/26/13)
Robert "Bob" Lee Duysen May 17, 1928 - Feb. 25, 2013 NORTH PLATTE, Nebraska -- Robert "Bob" Lee Duysen, 84, died Monday (Feb. 25, 2013). Bob was born on May 17, 1928, in Imperial to Rudolph and Luella (Kleist) Duysen. He grew up in Imperial and after school he worked for a rancher until he began working for the State of Nebraska... -
Bison-Bearcat showdown for boys B-6 District title (High School Sports ~ 02/26/13)
SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb. -- Hollywood screen writers couldn't write a more fitting script to the end to the boys Class B-6 District basketball tournament. Two of the top teams in the state will clash Tuesday, Feb. 26, in Scottsbluff to decide the B-6 District title and the automatic berth in the Class B state tournament at Lincoln March 7-9. McCook and Scottsbluff will tip-off at 8 p.m. Central time at the Cougar Palace on the Western Nebraska Community College campus in Scottsbluff... -
Art Education (Features ~ 02/26/13)
Youth Art Month (YAM) is being celebrated in March. The Nebraska Art Teachers Association sponsors a youth art show at the state capital each year. Elementary art teachers can send one work of art per building. Mrs. Goodenberger, art teacher from McCook Elementary and Central Elementary has selected and sent two works of art. ... -
Roy Littrel
(Obituary ~ 02/26/13)
Roy Littrel WAUNTEA, Nebraska -- Roy Littrel, 78, died Saturday (Feb. 16, 2013), in Lincoln, Nebraska. Survivors include sons, Jamie Littrel and wife, Liz, of Lincoln, Nebraska, Jerry Littrel and wife, Sharon, of Davenport, Nebraska, Brent Littrel of Hastings, Nebraska, Troy Littrel of Wauneta, Nebraska; sisters, Rosemary Darsa of Rockville, Maryland, and Virginia Krausnick of Benkelman, Nebraska; brother, Virgil Littrel and wife, Connie of Palisade, Nebraska; seven grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren.. ...
Mid-Plains Education Association raising funds for scholarships
(Features ~ 02/26/13)
NORTH PLATTE, Nebraska -- The Mid-Plains Education Association (MPEA) at North Platte Community College plans to offer two scholarships to Mid-Plains Community College students thanks in great part to several recent fundraisers. According to Dr. Aaron McLean, MPEA President, the association has raised $817.50 through 50/50 raffles at home games and $743.50 from their Scholarship Soup Supper held during the SPVA tournament in January...
Scholarship winners (Features ~ 02/26/13)
Six students in North Platte Community College's building trades programs were presented with scholarships from the North Platte Home Builders Association during the opening ceremonies at the 2013 Home Sweet Home Show on Friday. Pictured: Back from left, Zac Eickhoff, Chair of this year's Home Show, Marshall Clark, Walter Zarkowski, Austin Brooks, Antonio Leslie and Jenn Kleewein, North Platte Builders Association Executive Officer. ... -
MCC Science Classroom (Local News ~ 02/26/13)
McCook Community College Instructor Jim Hall (left) helps sophomores Morgan Jones (center) and Kimberly Holthus find a dissection point on a sheep heart recently used by students in his Human Anatomy-Physiology II laboratory. The MCC class is a continued study of the processes of the human body including the endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, excretory and reproductive systems... -
Doane dean's list
(Local News ~ 02/26/13)
CRETE, Nebraska -- Doane College has announced students named to the Dean's List for Fall 2012. Students must achieve a minimum 3.7 grade point average on a 4.0 scale to qualify for this academic distinction. Area recipients and their high schools are:...
E-Day business plan competition on MCC campus
(Features ~ 02/26/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- McCook Community College's Business and Technology Division will be hosting high school students Wednesday for Entrepreneurship Day (E-Day) Business Plan Competition on campus. Area high school students will participate in the business competition at the auxiliary gym in the MCC Events Center as well as Walsh-Brady Hall and the Wrightstone Fine Arts Building...
Blomme honored at Dubuque
(Features ~ 02/26/13)
DUBUQUE, Iowa -- The University of Dubuque congratulates Lauren Blomme of Stratton, Nebraska for being appointed to the Fall Semester 2012 Academic Dean's List. To be named to the dean's list, a student must earn a grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale for that semester...
MCC Choir in concert Saturday in Weeth Theater
(Local News ~ 02/26/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook Community College Choir is in concert Saturday at 3 and again at 5 p.m. in the Weeth Theatre on campus. Both shows will be the same, according to Choir Director Tiffany Gapp, but based on the high number of attendees at the last concert she just wanted to give everyone two opportunities to see and hear the choir...
MHS and MCC Career/College Fair set for Wednesday
(Features ~ 02/26/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- McCook Community College in joining forces with McCook High School to host a Career and College Fair at the MCC Events Center Wednesday. McCook High School will be hosting the Career & College Fair for their freshman and seniors from 1-3 p.m...
Sentinels of the Plains (Local News ~ 02/26/13)
A golden sunrise on Feb. 15, reveals grain bins, the sentinels of the High Plains, southeast of Wilsonville, Nebraska. The McCook Daily Gazette would love to showcase your weather photos. Readers can contribute to our daily weather page, subject to space and color availability, by emailing photos to editor2@ocsmccook.com or bringing them into the Gazette offices at West First and E Streets. ... -
Innocent or enemy?
(Column ~ 02/26/13)
His given name was Warner Worth but his nickname was "Windy," Windy Worth. He hailed from Brooklyn, New York and honestly he was a fish out of water here in rural Nebraska. Dad found him at the local labor exchange. It was potato harvest and dad needed a driver for our Model A John Deere...
Shared parenting
(Letter to the Editor ~ 02/26/13)
It was with great disappointment that I read Sen. Mark Christensen's letter back to McCook printed in the McCook Gazette Feb. 13, 2013. Sen. Christensen's descriptions of LB 22 and LB 212 and their potential problems is simply wrong. LB 22 and LB 212 are based upon recent, peer reviewed, psychological research into parenting plans and their effect on children both in the short and long term...
County waives fees for power districts
(Local News ~ 02/26/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- In recognition of power districts' longtime cooperation with the county, Red Willow County, Nebraska, commissioners Monday morning decided to waive a permit fee for McCook Public Power District/REA and other power districts applying to work or dig in the county's right-of-way...
Annual Holbrook Lions Club auction March 9 (Local News ~ 02/26/13)
Last year, auctioneers sold colanders and potty chairs. This year, the sale bill includes a pony pedal tractor, a barn cupola and a lightning rod and ball ... among the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of other items that will be available for bidding and buying at the 40th annual Holbrook, Nebraska, Lions Club consignment sale Saturday, March 9. ... -
On the record
(Other Record ~ 02/26/13)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Police activity Activity log...