The morning of the mealtime standoff
(Column ~ 04/06/12)
The dining roller-coaster with Declan must be on one of its uphill climbs because lately he seems to be less open than ever to the idea of straying from his favorite foods. In his defense, his breakfast of choice is not that bad, he is a fan of the cereals that I would classify as having a healthy balance of nutrition and sweet stuff. Life and Honey Nut Cheerios are among his favorites...
Bring the family together this Easter (Weekend Menu ~ 04/06/12)
Family Features Easter is a time for honored family traditions. From Easter hats, egg hunts and meals shared with those you love, each celebration creates its own special memories. Here are ways to bring some familiar flavors to the Easter table in a whole new way, including savory Slow Cooker Marmalade Pork Tenderloin, a family favorite from Tamie J. ... -
Esch anniversary (Anniversary ~ 04/06/12)
50th anniversary The family of Vernon and Sara Esch of Indianola is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 50th wedding anniversary. They were married April 15, 1962, at St. John's Lutheran Church, Ash Creek, Nebraska, in rural McCook. Their family includes children, Brian and wife, Mary of McCook, Darren and wife, Tyler of Indianola, Nebraska, Gene and wife, Leigh Ann of Waterville, Kansas, Christopher, deceased, and five grandchildren. ... -
DeWalt, Lunzmann engagement (Engagement ~ 04/06/12)
DeWalt, Lunzmann Cyan DeWalt and Derek Lunzmann, both of York, Nebraska, announce their engagement and upcoming marriage. Parents of the bride-to-be are Doug and Keri Ohlson of McCook, Nebraska and Craig and Jeanette DeWalt of Hastings. Parents of the prospective bridegroom are Dan and Amy Lunzmann and Mark and Deb Knopik, both of Auburn, Nebraska... -
Epley, Campbell engagement (Engagement ~ 04/06/12)
Epley, Campbell Morgan Malynn Epley of Lusk, Wyoming and Heath Jarrod Campbell, formerly of McCook Nebraska and now of Lusk, announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the bride-to-be to be are Joel and Donna Epley of Columbus, Nebraska. Grandparents are Dick and Carolyn Barber of Grand Island, Nebraska... -
Rosbrough, Johnson wedding (Wedding ~ 04/06/12)
CULBERTSON, Nebraska -- Chelsea Lyn Rosbrough of Culbertson, Nebraska, and Kyle James Johnson of Boise, Idaho, were united in marriage Oct. 1, 2011, at the Bethel Missionary Church in Culbertson, with the Rev. Dathen Foust officiating. Parents of the couple are Karl and Kelley Wickizer of Culbertson. Grandparents are Patsy Wickizer of Palisade, Nebraska and Terry Osborn of Houston, Texas... -
Glass birth (Births ~ 04/06/12)
Sophia Michelle Georgie Glass Wayne and Michele Glass of Alliance, Nebraska, announce the birth of their daughter, Sophia Michelle Georgie Glass, who was born April 1, 2012 at Alliance. She weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces and measured 20.5 inches long. She has two sisters, Ashlyn Nicole, 10-years-old and Daisy Yvonne, 5-years-old. ... -
Kain birth (Births ~ 04/06/12)
Anne Marie Kain Forrest and Kimberly Kain of Culbertson, Nebraska, announce the birth of their daughter, Anne Marie Kain, who was born March 25, 2012, at McCook Community Hospital. She weighed 5 pounds, 15 ounces and measured 19 inches long. She has one brother, Hans, 2-years-old. ... -
Stone birth (Births ~ 04/06/12)
Olivia Villafañe Stone Josey and Sally Stone of Kansas City announce the birth of their daughter, Olivia Villafañe Stone, who was born March 21, 2012, at the Shawnee Mission Medical Center. She weighed 7 pounds and measured 19.25 inches long. Grandparents are Kathy and Darwin Dueland of McCook, Nebraska, Buck Stone of Trenton, Nebraska and Terri and Raul Villafañe of Walker, Missouri. Great-grandparents are Bill Booher, Joanne Dueland and José Villafañe... -
Ida Marie Nicholson (Obituary ~ 04/06/12)
Ida Marie Nicholson Jan. 1, 1934 - April 4, 2012 LEXINGTON, Nebraska -- Ida Marie Nicholson age 78, died April 4, 2012, at the Lexington Regional Health Center, Lexington, Nebraska. Ida was born on Jan. 1, 1934, in Danbury, Nebraska to John and Nellie May (Thomas) Haag. ... -
Thomas Gene Nation
(Obituary ~ 04/06/12)
Thomas Gene Nation NORTH PLATTE, Nebaska --Thomas Gene Nation, infant son of Robert and Holly (Mohler) Nation, died April 4, 2012, in North Platte, Nebraska. He is survived by his parents Robert and Holly Nation of McCook, Nebraska. Also surviving are siblings Robert, Ryan, Brittanie, Ariana, and Karley...
On the Record
(Local News ~ 04/06/12)
Police activity Activity log These items are taken from reports filed by the McCook Police Department. The locations refer to block numbers, not specific addresses. If you have information about any of these reports, call the police department at (308) 345-3450...
Easter and incomplete answers (Column ~ 04/06/12)
On Easter morning a Sunday School teacher began to quiz her class of young children about the real meaning of the day. She asked them, "What is Easter?" and the students were quick and ready to respond. A little boy jumped up and said, "Oh, I know! Easter is that holiday when we get together with our families, eat turkey, and everyone is thankful." The teacher answered, "No, not quite. ... -
It Is Finished (Column ~ 04/06/12)
Dear Friend, INTRO Jesus' last three words from the cross "IT IS FINISHED" meant, his work was finished, the task is completed, and the battle is over. His death on the cross at Calvary, the greatest work that ever took place on this earth was accomplished. ... -
Jail comments, townhall meetings on county agenda
(Local News ~ 04/06/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Red Willow County, Nebraska, commissioners will have a long day Monday, starting their weekly meeting at 9 a.m. and ending after 2 p.m. -- and after discussing three agenda items dealing with the county's law enforcement center. The meeting may begin with comments about the jail also, but no action can be taken on comments made during citizens' comments allowed at 9 a.m...
School board asked to boost price for lunch
(Local News ~ 04/06/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook School Board will be asked to approve increased lunch prices and contracts for new teachers, at its regular meeting Monday, 6:30 p.m. at the Junior High conference room. The increase is needed to meet new federal guidelines concerning government reimbursements to schools offering free- and reduced-price lunches. To meet the new federal guidelines, the McCook School system was notified last year that it will have to increase meal prices by 30 cents...
Water slide delayed until 2013 or beyond
(Local News ~ 04/06/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- City staff informed members of the Parks Advisory Board, Thursday morning during their regular meeting at the Heritage Senior Center, that the proposed water slide at McCook Municipal Pool would be delayed at least until next year. The water slide was already on hold while a new manufacturer was found and then city staff discovered that state statutes required an engineering study to be completed...
Board approves tearing down of old Bartley school
(Local News ~ 04/06/12)
BARTLEY, Nebraska -- The Southwest Public Schools board of education has agreed to a plan to demolish the old Bartley, Nebraska, school building. The "Southwest Star" -- Section B1 of the Cambridge Clarion -- reports that demolition and then construction of a new structure on the west end of the old gym will cost $270,000-$410,000...
Smells of the season (Local News ~ 04/06/12)
The bulletin-board bunny seems to be taking in the fragrance of tulips, but the smell of baking ham and hot-cross buns will be wafting through kitchens this Easter weekend. -
Easter weekend not good time for changing diets
(Editorial ~ 04/06/12)
If Thursday's editorial about the evils of sugar resonated with you, you might want to wait a few days before implementing dietary changes with your children. That's because you'd be fighting a losing battle this weekend. Easter is the second-most important candy-eating holiday of the year, with $1.9 billion worth of candy consumed, behind Halloween with about $2 billion and Valentine's day, just over a billion dollars...
Like sands through the hourglass
(Column ~ 04/06/12)
So are the days of our lives. That was the voiceover for one of the most popular soap operas ever and one that Linda and I never missed when we were in graduate school at Oklahoma State University. In fact, we would arrange our class schedules so we could watch it together at home. It was the only soap opera I've ever been a regular viewer of but the compelling and often controversial storylines grabbed me and wouldn't let go...
Food donation (Local News ~ 04/06/12)
Alicia Aguilar, owner of the McCook, Nebraska, Curves location stands with Bob Hardy of the McCook Food Pantry on Friday behind the women's exercise club's donation of non-perishable food items and paper goods. The items were collected in conjunction with a 4-week-long promotion in which the club would waive its regular service fee in exchange for donations of canned goods, boxed goods, flour and sugar, and paper products. ... -
Big cat (Outdoors ~ 04/06/12)
After years of hearing reports of mountain lions in the area, the Gazette finally received a photo of one, albeit a grainy, black-and-white one taken by a trail camera recently southeast of Stratton, Nebraska. The husband of a family who asked not to be identified saw big tracks about a week before the photo was taken and set up the camera. ... -
Focus on Pheasants incentive still available
(Outdoors ~ 04/06/12)
LINCOLN, Nebraska -- Farmers and ranchers in Nebraska's expanded Focus on Pheasants areas still may offer eligible land for the Conservation Reserve Program general sign-up. The sign-up deadline has been extended to April 13. Landowners in the focus areas also may be eligible for FOP incentives...
Good Friday lessons recall betrayal, arrest, trial and crucifixion (Features ~ 04/06/12)
The closing stanza in the fourth verse of "O Sacred Head" offers the prayer, "Lord, let me never, never outlive my love for thee." To that end, the 2012 Community Lenten congregation took part in the reading of the Liturgy of Good Friday, taken from the Gospel of John: 18:1-40 and 19:1-37, detailing the betrayal, arrest, trial and crucifixion of the Son of God... -
Dennis J. Wurm (Obituary ~ 04/06/12)
Dennis J. Wurm OBERLIN, Kansas -- Dennis J. Wurm, 71, died Thursday (April 5, 2012) at Oberlin. Services are pending with Pauls Funeral Home in Oberlin. -
Mailbox bomber caught after returning to put out fire
(Local News ~ 04/06/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- A disgruntled former employee who decided to light an explosive in a McCook company's mailbox might have gotten away with it had he not returned to stomp the resulting fire. The offender, 50-year-old Kenneth E. Yeager of 1006 East B Street, was sentenced in Red Willow County District Court, April 2, to serve 24 months probation and pay $700 in restitution stemming from the May 2011 incident...