Donna B. Smith
(Obituary ~ 02/10/12)
Donna B. Smith Jan. 4, 19 31 - Feb. 7, 2012 LINCOLN, Nebraska --Donna Belle Smth, 81, died Tuesday ( Feb. 7, 2012), at Bryan LGH East Hospital in Lincoln. She was born Jan. 4, 1931, to Orion L. and Chloe M. (McKay) Deardoff in St. Francis, Kansas...
Powell, Haag wedding (Wedding ~ 02/10/12)
INDIANOLA, Nebraska -- Kaitlin Anne Powell of McCook, Nebraska, and Buckley Emerson Haag of Bartley, Nebraska, were united in marriage on June 18, 2011, at St. Catherine's Catholic Church in Indianola. with the Rev. Robert Barnhill officiating. Parents of the couple are Vicki League of McCook and Gayle and Elaine Haag of Bartley. ... -
Hinz anniversary (Anniversary ~ 02/10/12)
The family of Harvey and Erma Hinz of McCook, Nebraska is requesting a card shower in honor the couple's 60th wedding anniversary. They were married Feb.17, 1952, at Ash Creek. Their children are Lynda and Larry Ruppert, Gary and Barb Hinz, all of McCook, the late Russell Hinz, Connie and Phil Gildersleeve of O'Neill, Nebraska, Vickie and James Polk of Lincoln, Nebraska, Lisa Hinz of Denver, Colorado, 14 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. ... -
Ruppert anniversary (Anniversary ~ 02/10/12)
The family of Larry and Lynda (Hinz) Ruppert of McCook is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 40th wedding anniversary. They were married Feb. 20, 1972, at St. John's Lutheran Church at Ash Creek. Their children are Marty and Cherri Lashly and Tim and Dixie Honn, all of McCook, JC and Jackie Johnson of Sutherland, Nebraska, Levi Ruppert of St. Petersburg, Florida and six grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach them at 71236 Drive 387, McCook, NE 69001... -
Deatrich, Doyle engagement (Engagement ~ 02/10/12)
Shoni Marie Deatrich of Alliance, Nebraska and Davin William Doyle of Bartley, Nebraska, announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the bride-to-be are Todd and Jan Deatrich of Maywood, Nebraska. Grandparents are Duane and Beverly Dodson of Maywood and Patricia Deatrich of North Platte, Nebraska... -
Garrett birthday (Birthdays ~ 02/10/12)
The family of Dorothy Garrett of Hayes Center is requesting a card shower in honor of her 75th birthday Feb. 17. Cards of congratulations will reach her at P.O. Box 123, Hayes Center, NE 69032. -
Thorpe birthday (Birthdays ~ 02/10/12)
The family of Berdeen Thorpe is hosting a card shower in honor of her 85th birthday on Feb. 19. Her family includes her husband, George and sons, Dan Yost, Ron Yost and Randy Yost. Cards of congratulations will reach her at Sutherland Care Center, P.O. Box 307, Sutherland, NE 69165-0307... -
Tabor birthday (Birthdays ~ 02/10/12)
The family of Violet Tabor is requesting a card shower in honor of her 95th birthday Feb. 17. Cards of congratulations will reach her at 1500 E. 11th, Apt. 200, McCook, NE 69001 -
Helms anniversary (Anniversary ~ 02/10/12)
The family of Clarence and Lois Helms is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 68th wedding anniversary Feb. 16. Their children are Lanny, Randy, Dick, and Bruce. Cards of congratulations will reach them at P.O. Box 448, Arapahoe, NE, 68922... -
Jesch birthday (Birthdays ~ 02/10/12)
Family and friends of Kay Carmin Jesch are requesting a card shower in honor of her 75th birthday Feb. 17. Cards of congratulations will reach her at 306 S. Veennum Street, Apt. 3, Palisade, NE 69040 -
Friesen birth (Births ~ 02/10/12)
Miriam Marie Friesen Josh and Krystle Friesen of Wallace, Nebraska, announce the birth of their daughter, Miriam Marie Friesen, who was born Feb. 3, 2012, at Great Plains Regional Medical Center in North Platte. She weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces and measured 21 1/4 inches long. She has one sister, Lydia, 2 years old. Grandparents are Wayne and Noreen Christner of Hamlet, Nebraska and Vern and Carol Friesen of Wallace... -
Bales birth (Births ~ 02/10/12)
Steve and Jayme Bales of McCook, Nebraska, announce the birth of their daughter, Atissyn Myleigh Alaine Bales, who was born Dec. 24, 2011, at McCook Community Hospital. She weighed 6 pounds, 14.6 ounces and measured 19 1/2 inches long. She has one brother, Mason, 9 years old and two sisters, Aspyn, 3 years old, and Rhilynn, 17 months. ... -
Houghtelling birthday
(Birthdays ~ 02/10/12)
The family of Devona Houghtelling is requesting a card shower in honor of her 80th birthday Feb. 15. Cards of congratulations will reach her at 804 East G, McCook, NE 69001
Bobo birth (Births ~ 02/10/12)
Angela and Gerrad Bobo of Princeton, Texas announce the birth of their son, Parker Lewis, who was born Jan. 3, 2012. He weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces and was 19 1/2 inches long. Grandparents are Gayle and Caroline Kircher of Indianola, Nebraska, Greg and Janice Bobo of Springtown, Texas, and Sherry and Ed Simpson of Weatherford, Texas... -
Voters may be asked to approve jail bonds (Local News ~ 02/10/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Red Willow County, Nebraska, commissioners are still investigating all the pros and cons, the legalities and the financial ramifications involved in the possible construction of a jail in McCook. "We don't want to rush us into a situation that creates a financial burden for future generations," commission chairman Earl McNutt said. "In all reality, the bottom line is, we need to explore all the options."... -
Three resignations, five contracts on school board agenda
(Local News ~ 02/10/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook School Board of Education will be asked to approve three teacher resignations, three teaching contracts and two contracts for principals, at the regular meeting Monday night, 6:30 p.m. at the Junior High cafeteria Teachers resigning effective the end of this school year include Denise Lee, a teacher at Central for 24 years; George Briggs, who has taught at MHS for 40 years and Kari Quigley, a special education teacher...
FAA bill ensures air service for two years
(Local News ~ 02/10/12)
BRUCE BAKER City Editor McCOOK, Nebraska -- An essential air service bill that passed in the U.S. Senate earlier this week has ensured that McCook Ben Nelson Regional Airport will continue commercial air service for at least two more years, but in order to guarantee service beyond that at least one member of the Airport Advisory Commission believes increasing the number boarding locally must be a priority...
They're off! (Local News ~ 02/10/12)
Elise Kerchal, possibly the newest newcomer to McCook, Nebraska, rides "Sandy," the mechanical hobby horse at the Museum of the High Plains in downtown McCook. Museum board president John Hubert, left, had help from fellow board members Linda Hedges and Duane Tappe to inspect the horse's mechanics before "kicking" her into full gallop Thursday morning. ... -
New ethics code laudable, personal convictions still vital
(Local News ~ 02/10/12)
A group of business administration students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln have come up with a Students Ethic Code. Integrity: Honesty: Professionalism: Respect and Compassion: Organizers surveyed hundreds of business students to find out what values were important to them, wrote a first draft, shared it with classes and get feedback from students and faculty and then wrote the final draft...
Practicing prejudice
(Letter to the Editor ~ 02/10/12)
Dear Editor, Re: USAF Rapid Capabilities Office decision to remove reference to God in logo. There will always be men whose sole creed is reason, who despise eternal truths and who mock any law derived beyond that which is found within the sphere of sensory perception; but to insist they hold to no "faith" is dishonest, for they do believe in "something." Atheists have their system: secular humanism is their "faith." A minority view -- but, under our Constitution, one to which they are free to hold -- yet by what reasoning is their dissent given permanent dominion? That prejudice has a name -- tyranny.. ...
Looking a gift horse in the mouth
(Column ~ 02/10/12)
A year ago Barack Obama was prime for the picking. The economy was in the tank and as James Carville proposed when Bill Clinton ran for President in 1992, "it's the economy, stupid" because people always vote their pocketbook. Combine the economy with all the character assassination charges being leveled at Obama by every right-wing critic on television and radio and it looked like he was a loser for sure in 2012...
We need a serious budget
(Column ~ 02/10/12)
As a former chairman of the House Budget Committee once said, "If you can't budget, you can't govern." Budgeting is one of the most basic things people do. Families and businesses in Nebraska budget every day, figuring out what their needs are and how they are to be met...
Nebraskans need tax relief
(Column ~ 02/10/12)
Throughout our nation, citizens are focused on one issue -- the economy. One of the best ways to help hard-working, middle class citizens and spur economic development is through tax relief. This year, Nebraska is not the only state focused on tax relief. Kansas, Oklahoma, Idaho, Ohio, Maine, and New Jersey are all debating income-tax cuts this year...