GNAC Basketball Tournament update (High School Sports ~ 12/30/11)
GREATER NEBRASKA ATHLETIC CONFERENCE HOLIDAY BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT Wednesday-Friday, Dec. 28-30, at Lexington High School GIRLS DIVISION Wednesday, Dec. 28 First-Round Results Columbus 47, Hastings 25 North Platte 59, Scottsbluff 40 McCook 54, Norfolk 32... -
Silverware is overrated
(Column ~ 12/30/11)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Pronunciation has become Declan's most recent challenge and seems to be the basis for the majority of our humorous scenarios in the evening. The latest was when his Uncle Casey was attempting to instruct him on why using a fork at the dinner table was the preferred method to eat your vegetables...
First Night great time to enjoy talent, reconnect
(Editorial ~ 12/30/11)
The weather promises to be relatively mild for this year's First Night activities in downtown McCook, but if you've ever been to one of the events, you know that it's a great time even if it's frigid. Started by the McCook Young Leaders Group three years ago as an alcohol-free showcase for local talent, First Night is a great tradition now being carried on by the McCook Rotary Club...
(Letter to the Editor ~ 12/30/11)
I hope most of you read [Tuesday's] letters to the editor, because if you have, you have been misinformed. Particularly the one letter in response to my own. I would like to talk to both the author of that letter, and all readers. I'm sorry, I did not realize that you did not live in America. For you said that you lived in a Christian nation, which most certainly does not describe the USA...
Mayor can decide how to fill vacancies
(Local News ~ 12/30/11)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook City Council will direct city staff to declare notice of vacancies for the seats formerly occupied by Council members Aaron Kircher and Shane Hilker, Tuesday evening, 7:30 p.m., during their semi-monthly meeting at Memorial Auditorium...
City, MEDC target lack of local housing
(Local News ~ 12/30/11)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- City Manager Jeff Hancock will be participating in a four-hour strategic planning session with the McCook Economic Development Corp. Housing Committee, MEDC Executive Director Rex Nelson and MEDC Housing Development Director Mary Kircher, Jan. 10...
Community Hospital Phase 2 construction nearly complete
(Local News ~ 12/30/11)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Construction crews are 90-95 percent complete with drywall work on phase two of the Community Hospital expansion project, according to an update provided to the Community Hospital Association Board of Directors during their Dec. 21 meeting. Community Hospital President Jim Ulrich said they are installing ceiling grids and flooring in some areas, including a seamless floor that will be poured in the surgery areas...
Man pleads no contest to reduced charge of sexual assault (Local News ~ 12/30/11)
MULLEN, Nebraska -- In Hooker County, Nebraska, district court Dec. 19, a McCook man pleaded no contest to a charge reduced from felony sexual assault of a minor, a 6-year-old relative whose family lives in Mullen. George Vinton, Hooker County attorney, said this morning that Timothy Robert McCarville, 55, of 1301 Missouri Avenue, McCook, was found guilty by the Hooker County judge of a reduced charge of third degree sexual assault (with no bodily injury), a Class 1 felony... -
Accused burglar captured shortly after escape
(Local News ~ 12/30/11)
CURTIS, Nebraska -- A Frontier County, Nebraska, prisoner enjoyed only 13 minutes of freedom after scaling the wall of the exercise area of the jail in Curtis late Wednesday afternoon. Sheriff Dan Rupp said this morning that at 4:46 p.m., a citizen spotted a prisoner, identified as Hap E. ...
Vernon C. LeMon
(Obituary ~ 12/30/11)
Vernon C. LeMon McCOOK, Nebraska -- Vernon C. LeMon, 94, died Thursday (Dec. 29, 2011), at Hillcrest Nursing Home. Services will be 10 a.m. Wednesday at the Herrmann Funeral Chapel in McCook with the Rev. Lance Clay officiating. Interment will be in the Bartley Cemetery at Bartley...
2011 in review
(Column ~ 12/30/11)
The new year presents the opportunity to reflect upon the important issues that have been addressed during the past year. In 2011, Nebraska has been able to build upon the momentum we were experiencing regarding job creation, education, public safety and growing Nebraska's innovation economy...
New trade partnership will benefit Nebraska
(Column ~ 12/30/11)
As we close the book on 2011, there is no question political brinksmanship prevented opportunities for America to move forward. There were, however, consequential, bipartisan accomplishments which will benefit the country. One area where Republicans and Democrats, Congress and the White House were all able to come together was advancing an aggressive trade agenda...
Lawrence D. Richard (Obituary ~ 12/30/11)
Lawrence D. Richard Lawrence D. Richard was born northeast of Parks, Nebraska in Dundy County on April 12, 1929, to Nellie & Jasper Richard. He grew up farming on his grandfather's home place with his three brothers and three sisters. He attended country school and was drafted into the Army in Sept. ... -
Three things that will change human relationships
(Column ~ 12/30/11)
Three things have happened in recent months that promise to change the nature of human relationships forever. A recent report indicates that the marriage rate in the United States is lower than it's ever been and the birth rate continues to decline as well...