Brunch, the new at-home happening (Weekend Menu ~ 09/30/11)
Family Features Brunch is the ultimate way to gather friends and celebrate special occasions. Instead of going out, host your brunch at home where you can relax and make everything delicious with your favorite flavors from McCormick. "An at-home brunch is the perfect opportunity to express the flavors of the season with herbs and spices -- sweet and warm cinnamon brightens Stuffed French Toast, while lively ginger, savory thyme and unmistakable vanilla all contribute to an unforgettable occasion your guests will enjoy," said Mary Beth Harrington of the McCormick Kitchens.. ... -
The hardest part of a kindergartner's day (Column ~ 09/30/11)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- My first parent-teacher conference is officially behind me. It was a great experience, of course, and as you might have guessed not without a little humor. Declan's kindergarten teacher knows him pretty well already, even with only a few school weeks under their belt. She talked about what a sharp guy he was and said that her concerns were not at all pertaining to his academic progress, which is of course a relief... -
Two new dramas fail to meet expectations
(Column ~ 09/30/11)
The new network television season rolls on with the addition of several new dramas on Thursday night. I watched two of them -- "Person of Interest" (which airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. on CBS) a dark crime procedural-with-a-twist, as well as ABC's update of "Charlie's Angels," which airs at 7 p.m. -- and I'm sorry to report that both are rather disappointing, no matter what the expectations might have been...
Prohaska, Sanderson marriage (Wedding ~ 09/30/11)
CURTIS, Nebraska -- Kayla Prochaska of Wellfleet, Nebraska and Nathan Sanderson of Hecla, South Dakota, were united in marriage July 30, 2011, at St. John's Lutheran Church with the Rev. Derrick Brown officiating. Parents of the bride are Paul and Kathy Prochaska of Wellfleet. Parents of the bridegroom are Lynn and Joan Brockel of Glenham, South Dakota and David and Georgia Sanderson of Huron, South Dakota... -
Dack, Hamilton wedding (Wedding ~ 09/30/11)
NORTH PLATTE, Nebraska -- Holly Dawn Dack of Richmond, Missouri and Justin Robert Hamilton of Hayes Center, Nebraska were united in marriage June 18, 2011, at the First Baptist Church in North Platte with Tom Wiles officiating. Parents of the couple are the late Sherry Lee Dack, Lesa Marie Johnson of Hayes Center and David Matthew Hamilton of Wauneta, Nebraska... -
Miller, Marble wedding (Wedding ~ 09/30/11)
JACKSON HOLE, Wyoming -- Michelle Miller of Salida, Colorado and Chance Marble of Atwood, Kansas, were united in marriage July 28, 2011, at Teton View Bed and Breakfast with the Rev. Tom Jordan officiating. Parents of the bride are Brenda Miller of Salida, Colorado and Stanley Miller of Penrose, Colorado. ... -
Trupp birthday (Birthdays ~ 09/30/11)
90th birthday The children of Lorna Trupp will host an open house 2-4 p.m. in honor of her 90th birthday, Saturday, Oct. 8, at the McCook Senior Center, 1400 W. Fifth. Her children include Mike Wagner of Fort Laramie, Wyoming, Patty Zimmerman of McCook, Mary Carlson of Lincoln, Nebraska, Sharon Frimann of Stapelton, Nebraska, Kathie Cappel of McCook, Karen Allen of Surprise, Arizona and the late Jim Trupp. Cards of congratulations will reach her at 722 W. 14th, McCook, NE 69001... -
Shields birthday (Birthdays ~ 09/30/11)
80th birthday The family of Harley Shields is requesting a card shower in honor of his 80th birthday. He was born Oct. 4, 1931, in McCook. His children include Lavenda and Lewis Elmer of Cedar Park, Texas, Larry and Serena Shields of McCook and Eldon Shields of Chadron, Nebraska. He has seven grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach him at 70897 Drive 389, McCook, NE 69001... -
Huet anniversary
(Anniversary ~ 09/30/11)
50th anniversary The family of Ward and Joan Huet is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 50th wedding anniversary. They were married Oct. 8, 1961 in Lexington, Nebraska. Ward Huet grew up in McCook and graduated from McCook High School. ...
Decker death (Obituary ~ 09/30/11)
Obituary Betty M. Decker Dec. 24, 1930 - Sept. 28, 2011 BERTRAND, Nebraska --Betty Maxine Decker, 80 years of age, of Holdrege, passed away on Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2011, at the Bertrand Nursing Home in Bertrand, Nebraska. Betty was born Dec. 24, 1930, at Cambridge, Nebraska, the youngest of ten children born to Frank and Ida (Rheinheimer) Cady. She received her education at McCook, Nebraska, graduating from McCook High School with the class of 1948... -
Green death
(Obituary ~ 09/30/11)
Dennis M. Green McCOOK, Nebraska -- Dennis M. Green, 67, died Thursday (Sept. 29,2011) at Community Hospital. Services are pending. Carpenter Breland Funeral Home of McCook is in charge of the arrangements.
2011 leaders in Workplace Wellness
(Column ~ 09/30/11)
Recently, we recognized several Nebraska employers for their efforts to promote wellness at work. In 2008, we developed an award to highlight successful workplace wellness programs. Now in its fourth year, the Governor's Excellence in Wellness Awards will honor 28 winners this year...
Standing up for the U.S.-Israel relationship
(Column ~ 09/30/11)
Last week, during a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly, the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) began the process to be recognized as an independent "state." The P.A. submitted a now-pending request to the U.N. Security Council for consideration. If the proposition does not pass the Security Council, the Palestinian leadership then may attempt to bring its efforts to the floor of the U.N. General Assembly for an up or down vote by all members...
On the agenda (Local News ~ 09/30/11)
An apartment house at 520 Norris Ave., is on the agenda for Monday when the Red Willow County Commissioners meet with the owners, Greg and Janet Hepp, in executive session at 9:15 a.m. The structure is the last one on the east half of the block not owned by the county, which is considering building a jail on the space. ... -
City Council to negotiate with manager candidate
(Local News ~ 09/30/11)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook City Council will be asked to authorize the city attorney to enter into negotiations with a city manager candidate during their semi-monthly meeting, Monday, 7:30 p.m., at Memorial Auditorium. The identity of the candidate has not yet been released, but only one of the public interviews coordinated thus far has resulted in council members calling for an executive session afterward to discuss the candidate further. ...
Head-on collision (Local News ~ 09/30/11)
Emergency personnel prepare to remove the injured from a car involved in a head-on collision on West B Street in McCook. At least two ambulances responded to the scene of the wreck, which occurred before 11 a.m. Friday, when the car apparently somehow ended up westbound in the eastbound lanes. Another ambulance call on West J Street about a half-hour later left rescue squads stretched thin. More information will be published when it becomes available... -
Cornhuskers ready for a new beginning
(Editorial ~ 09/30/11)
It's hard to believe anything can beat the Big Red fever that surrounds a normal football Saturday, but it's been a long time since we've experienced the anticipation surrounding Nebraska's Big 10 debut in Madison, Wisconsin. Some 20,000 to 30,000 Nebraskans are expected to pour into the cheese state, pushing Internet bidding for a $49 ticket as high as $1,500...
Don't count on Keystone for big employment boost
(Editorial ~ 09/30/11)
You can argue that we need the oil the Keystone XL pipeline will provide. You can contend that the pipeline endangers the Ogallala Aquifer, Nebraska's most important resource. But it's hard to make a legitimate case that TransCanada's project will provide meaningful, long-term employment for many Nebraskans...
Summer's drawing to a close
(Column ~ 09/30/11)
I've always loved the change of seasons because the change reminds us that we're still alive. Although there are a lot of things to do in the summer, there are other things I don't like to put up with and two of those are the sometimes oppressive heat and the bugs that seem to be everywhere. ...
Gerald D. Gilliland
(Obituary ~ 09/30/11)
Sept. 11, 1930-Sept. 30, 2011 CAMBRIDGE, Nebraska -- Gerald D. Gilliland, 81, died Friday (Sept. 30, 2011), at Cambridge Memorial Hospital. He was born Sept. 11, 1930, in Frontier County near Stockville, Nebraska, to Roy and Lenna (Hinton) Gilliland. He graduated frorn the University of Nebraska School of Agriculture in 1948...
Bison roll to another big win (High School Sports ~ 09/30/11)
Another Friday night, another Bison stampede at Weiland Field. Sidney became McCook's sixth straight victim on the final night of September, as the Bison hit on all cylinders and ran to a 49-6 victory in high school football action on the McCook home turf...