Some of my favorite TV and movies of 2010 -- in no particular order
(Column ~ 02/11/11)
For my first column of 2011, I decided to make one last list, one to close out the year just past. I thought I'd cover some television programs I really liked, plus highlight a few movies that I also enjoy -- some I've mentioned before, some I haven't. (Please indulge my occasional redundancy; some things just bear repeating.)...
'Red Riding' resolution resolved
(Column ~ 02/11/11)
I wasn't joking when I resolved to start watching the DVDs I've purchased, then neglected. And I certainly wasn't joking when I said that I'd begin the process by watching the trio of British crime dramas that are collectively known as "Red Riding." I had the full intent of watching them -- you know, when I got around to it...
Johnson, Lucero engagement (Engagement ~ 02/11/11)
Alisha Marie Johnson and Levi Joe Lucero, both of Trenton, Nebraska, announce their engagement and upcoming marriage. Parents of the bride-to-be are Jim and Lesa Johnson of Hayes Center, Nebraska and Benjie and Marie Loomis of Maywood, Nebraska. Parents of the prospective bridegroom are Dana Lucero and Dennis Chambers of Culbertson, Nebraska... -
Sayer, Petersen engagement (Engagement ~ 02/11/11)
Marcia Sayer, formerly of Cambridge, Nebraska, and John Petersen, both of Lincoln, Nebraska, announce their engagement and upcoming marriage. Parents of the bride-to-be are Cheryl Sayer of Cambridge, and the late John G. "Jerry" Sayer. Parents of the prospective bridegroom are Ted and Donette Petersen of Lincoln, Nebraska. ... -
Sutton birthday (Birthdays ~ 02/11/11)
The family of Ellis Sutton of McCook, Nebraska is requesting a card shower in honor of his 90th birthday, Feb. 21. Cards of congratulations will reach him at 201 Seminole, McCook, NE 69001. -
Kleinschmidt birthday (Birthdays ~ 02/11/11)
The family of Gene Kleinschmidt of McCook, Nebraska is requesting a card shower in honor of his 80th birthday, Feb. 17. His family includes wife, Marie of McCook; children, Anne and Vince Cisar of Longmont, Colorado, Susan and Ben Hardin of McCook, and Nancy and Loran Wach of Hayes Center, Nebraska; and 11 grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach him at 1500 East 11th Street, McCook, NE 69001... -
Rogers birth (Births ~ 02/11/11)
Taylor and Jennifer Rogers of Gering, Nebraska announce the birth of a son, Holden Jonas Rogers. He was born Jan. 19, 2011 at Regional West Medical Center in Scottsbluff, Nebraska, weighing 8 pounds, 7 ounces and measuring 21.25 inches long. He has a sister, Lily Harper, 4. ... -
McCorkle birth (Births ~ 02/11/11)
Daniel and Shannon McCorkle of Maywood, Nebraska announce the birth of a daughter, Kassady June McCorkle. She was born Dec. 11, 2010, at Great Plains Medical Center in North Platte, Nebraska, weighing 7 pounds, 3 ounces and measuring 20 inches long. ... -
Tasty ways to love your heart (Weekend Menu ~ 02/11/11)
Family Features Valentine's Day naturally brings thoughts of hearts, flowers, sweetness and love. But did you know that it also falls during American Heart Month? A perfect time to start taking care of your heart and the hearts of the ones you love... -
Claire Marie (McCarthy) Volf (Obituary ~ 02/11/11)
April 20, 1930--Feb. 10, 2011 CAMBRDIGE, Nebraska -- Claire Marie (McCarthy) Volf, 80, went home to the Lord on Thursday (Feb. 10, 2011), at the Cambridge Manor. Claire was born April 20, 1930, to Edward and Agnes (Smyth) McCarthy in Greeley, Nebraska. She graduated from Sacred Heart High School in 1947, and in 1948 married Robert "Bob" Volf in Greeley... -
Mary A. (Sis) Brooks
(Obituary ~ 02/11/11)
Dec. 9, 1918--Feb. 1, 2011 OBERLIN, Kansas -- Mary A. (Sis) Brooks, 92, died Feb. 1, 2011, at her residence in Oberlin. She was born Dec. 9, 1918, in Logansport, Indiana, to Clyde and Anna May (Downs) Fauset. She was raised in Dephi, Indiana, and graduated from Delphi High School...
Kirkpatrick waives preliminary hearing
(Local News ~ 02/11/11)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The Bartley, Nebraska, man accused of murdering a 14-year-old McCook girl waived his preliminary hearing this morning in Red Willow County court in McCook. Judge Anne Paine ordered Stathis Sebastian Mobley Kirkpatrick to appear in district court on Monday, March 7, at 3 p.m., to face first degree murder charges in the death of Kailee Nichole Clapp, a freshman at McCook Senior High...
School board to discuss gun legislation
(Local News ~ 02/11/11)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- McCook Public Schools board of education members will discuss at its meeting Monday evening proposed state legislation that would allow security guards, school teachers and administrators to carry concealed handguns at school. The board meeting begins at 6 p.m., in the junior high conference room...
Two-truck wreck may result in charges (Local News ~ 02/11/11)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Charges may be filed against both drivers involved in a two-vehicle accident that resulted in minor injuries, substantial damages and traffic disruption east of McCook about noon Thursday. An accident report filed by Nebraska State Patrol Troopers Robert Golden and Daniel Thompson indicates that the collision happened about 11:57 a.m., when a Freightliner semi-tractor-trailer rig driven by Terry Hartman, 41, of Gering, Nebraska, attempted to pass a pickup, pulling a stock trailer, driven by Todd Helm, 45, of rural Indianola on U.S. ... -
Speaker brings message of peace (Features ~ 02/11/11)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- In that momentary interlude between dreams and full awakening, the message came like a clarion call, "The peace that passes understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus." The message was repeated, with increasing intensity until Sarah Stevens came fully awake the morning of Jan. 11, 2008, wondering, "what was that all about?"... -
Finding options for maintaining our highways
(Editorial ~ 02/11/11)
We've always felt that the taxing system used to pay for road repair was one of the fairest ones possible. Before you can drive on highways, you have to fill your fuel tank, paying a portion to the government to keep those highways in repair. All was well and good until a couple of factors combined to put a crimp on the system -- higher gas prices, and more efficient cars...
Jack Nicholson and me
(Column ~ 02/11/11)
Jack Nicholson, the actor, in expressing sadness about his age, was quoted this week in Time magazine as saying "There were points in my life where I felt oddly irresistible to women. I'm not in that state now." Although Jack's a decade older than me, I know exactly what he means. ...
E-File this tax season
(Local News ~ 02/11/11)
As we begin to think about our final accounting for tax year 2010, I want to encourage every Nebraskan to consider filing their individual income taxes electronically. E-filing is a convenient and secure way to file state and federal taxes. E-filing allows taxpayers to submit both their federal and state tax returns together. ...
Ingels birth (Births ~ 02/11/11)
Jason and Laci Ingels of McCook announce the birth of a son, Eli Alexander Ingels. He was born Jan. 24, 2011, at Good Samaritan Hospital in Kearney, Nebraska, weighing 6 pounds, 4 ounces and measuring 20 inches long. He has a brother, Marcus, 1. Grandparents are Cheryl Collins, Duane and Jan Collins, and Bob and Kim Ingels, all of McCook...