Unemployment extension should have been paid for
(Column ~ 07/27/10)
With our national debt at $13.2 trillion and climbing, the Senate last week inflated that number even further by refusing to pay for an extension of unemployment benefits. I voted against the bill because I will not contribute further to the runaway train of federal spending that has been tearing through Washington. ...
McCook team finishes 2nd at USTA junior tennis district meet (High School Sports ~ 07/27/10)
A group of McCook High School tennis players recently concluded the Nebraska Junior Team Tennis summer season with a runner-up finish at district competition in Kearney. Three other teams joined McCook in the district competition, including Holdrege and two squads from Omaha. McCook topped the Omaha Ballers, 22-17, in the district semifinals, before losing to Omaha, 25-17, in the championship round... -
Ardith Rose Wayne
(Obituary ~ 07/27/10)
June 23, 1934-July 26, 2010 OBERLIN, Kansas -- Ardith Rose Wayne, 76, died Monday (July 26, 2010) in Oberlin. She was born June 23, 1934, in Madison, Nebraska to Arthur and Rosa (Sundermann) Just. She was raised in Madison where she went to Lutheran Parochial School and Madison High School...
Truly something for everyone at the Red Willow County Fair
(Editorial ~ 07/27/10)
Southwest Nebraska is blessed with an abundance of community activities -- just ask Regional Editor Connie Jo Discoe, who plots her schedule like a championship chess master in order to cover the maximum number of events in time for the deadlines. McCook's Buffalo Commons Festival and Reunion 2010 already made this summer one to remember, but this week is like no other on the calendar...
More reasons to eat local vegetables
(Editorial ~ 07/27/10)
If you haven't yet visited Saturday morning's Farmers Market at the old West Ward building, or local vegetable farms and roadside stands, here's one more reason to do so. The same goes for fruits and vegetables from your own backyard. Food locally grown in small-scale operations and fresh picked is more nutritious than commercially grown, shipped in produce, according to studies cited in the latest Prevention magazine...
I never want to see that again
(Column ~ 07/27/10)
The best description that I can make is to picture a wonderful old friend being run over in the crosswalk by a truck driven by your coworker and good friend. Then imagine that your old friend and the truck exploded into flame as the gas tank ruptured and you helplessly begged your truck driving friend to jump from the burning cab!...
No bones to pick
(Letter to the Editor ~ 07/27/10)
Wow, Open Forum two-fers ... first the letter from Mayor Berry and then an excellent response from Gazette publisher, Shary Skiles. I have the utmost respect for the Mayor and other members of city council; however, I am one of those low-down-dirty dogs who has the gall to disagree with some of their decisions...
Big Red can't win this way
(Letter to the Editor ~ 07/27/10)
It is interesting, and in the case of the Upper Republican NRD, very commendable to see that something is being done about the irrigators who are cheating the system. The Lower Republican is also TALKING a good game. However, there is supposed to be a moratorium on new wells, pivots in all of these NRDS, or so I thought...