Clyde Edson Smith
(Obituary ~ 06/29/10)
Nov. 16, 1921-June 26, 2010 ST. FRANCIS, Kansas -- Clyde Edson Smith, 88, died Saturday (June 26, 2010) at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Kearney, Nebraska. He was born Nov. 16, 1921, in Cheyenne County. He was preceded in death by his wife, Lela Smith in 2007...
Oil price to boost paving costs
(Local News ~ 06/29/10)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The application rate of the oil on the two county roads set to get a new armor coating this summer will likely increase the projected cost of the 11 miles of roadwork. Early estimates of $13,500 per mile could increase to $14,600 a mile because, county surveyor Gary Dicenta told Red Willow County commissioners Monday morning, "the road controls the application rate" of the oil. ...
Cattle trail tunes to come to live at Norris Park tonight (Local News ~ 06/29/10)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Tunes that were heard in Southwest Nebraska more than 130 years ago will pour from the Norris Park Bandshell tonight. Rex Rideout of Confer, Colorado, will perform cowboy songs and frontier ballads in a free-will concert 7 p.m. in Norris Park... -
Sprucing up M Hill (Local News ~ 06/29/10)
Otto Weigel, left, and Dale Hofman, both of McCook, Nebraska, spray a fresh coat of whitewash paint on the stone M of "M Hill" in the early-morning sunshine today, preparing for the McCook High School "Bison Fever" all-school reunion Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. ... -
Weekend shaping up to be one big special celebration
(Editorial ~ 06/29/10)
This weekend is shaping up to be a "whole 'nother" Fourth of July celebration, with the all-class Bison reunion Friday through Monday keeping McCook hopping in addition to Independence Day on Sunday. Highlighting the weekend will be the dedication honoring Sen. Ben Nelson, his parents and the Boy Scouts. That event takes place at 11:30 a.m. Saturday at the Nelson house on Norris Avenue...
Bloom where you are planted
(Column ~ 06/29/10)
For some reason it has fallen to me to be the focal point of communication with my high school graduating class. Obviously that duty also includes planning for reunions on an occasional basis. I suspect that the yoke falling on my shoulders is my classmate's getting even for electing me class president long ago. ...
Rethink pharmacy decision
(Letter to the Editor ~ 06/29/10)
What is Hillcrest Nursing Home trying to do, put our drugstores in McCook out of business? Maybe they need to rethink what they are doing. If you run them out of business, all you have left is an out of city business and Walmart to take care of our needs for meds. Everyone needs to call them and protest, and if they go ahead, don't let them get your family's meds from them...
More on Macklin
(Letter to the Editor ~ 06/29/10)
As a follow-up to my letter printed in your paper June 28, about Macklin Bay at Swanson Lake. I would like to add a few things. It is too late to worry about the trees in the channel this year unless someone wants to spring for the cost of having History Channel's swamp loggers come in and clear it, and I doubt that will happen...