Alice L. Wade (Obituary ~ 03/04/10)
Jan. 23, 1916 - March 2, 2010 ELWOOD -- Alice L. Wade, 94, died Tuesday (March 2, 2010) at Tri County Hospital in Lexington. She was born on Jan. 23, 1916, to George and Mary Ellen (Kleffman) Fong at the family farm, in the Turkey Creek area south of Elwood. She attended the Robbins country school through the 8th grade, and then graduated from Elwood High School... -
Patricia A. Glenn
(Obituary ~ 03/04/10)
May 24, 1936 - Feb. 28, 2010 OBERLIN -- Patricia A. Glenn, 73, died Sunday (Feb. 28, 2010) at Oberlin. She was born May 24, 1936, in Kimball to Albert Janicek and Helen Kirchner. She grew up in Kimball and graduated from Kimball High School in 1954...
Velma R. Steinke
(Obituary ~ 03/04/10)
Feb. 1, 1908 - March 2, 2010 Velma Rosetta Steinke, 102, died Tuesday (March 2, 2010) at the El Dorado Manor Home in Trenton. She was born Feb. 1, 1908, at Oxford, Neb., the daughter of the late Charlie and Mollie (Reinheimer) Williams. Velma spent her early childhood on a farm northwest of McCook and northeast of Culbertson. ...
Vadna E. Buhler
(Obituary ~ 03/04/10)
Oct. 22, 1913 - March 3, 2010 Vadna E. Buhler, 96, died Wednesday (March 3, 2010) at the Hillcrest Nursing Home in McCook. She was born Oct. 22, 1913, at Bennington to Frederick William and Caroline (Luschen) Cohrs. Funeral services are Saturday, 3 p.m., at Herrmann Memorial Chapel in McCook with Ken Nealeigh officiating. Interment will be in the Trenton Cemetery...
Amendment would support welding program
(Local News ~ 03/04/10)
The Nebraska Department of Corrections Work Ethic Camp in McCook would get $60,000 for its welding program under a bill pending in the Nebraska Legislature. LB 510 creates the Nebraska Crime Victim Fund which would be supported by a $1 surcharge on defendant fines or other penalties for state or local criminal and traffic offenses. An amendment requested by Sen. Mark Christensen would allocate about 25 percent of the fund to the welding program...
'Annie' panorama (Local News ~ 03/04/10)
Officer deaths point out irony of seatbelt use
(Editorial ~ 03/04/10)
Seat belts have been required in cars for nearly 50 years, their use has been mandatory for more than 20 and statistics confirm their value. In Nebraska, for instance, while seat belt use climbed from 31 percent in 1991 to 85 percent in 2009, the death rate per 100 million miles traveled has dropped from 1.95 to 1.10...
Delaying kindergarten 2 1/2 months
(Column ~ 03/04/10)
This week I wanted to talk about a bill that some of you parents with preschool aged children might find interesting. You may not have caught it, but the Legislature advanced LB 1006, introduced by Sen. Adams, to the second round of debate. It is a bill I support that changes the eligibility date for kids entering kindergarten...
The stars, they are a changin'
(Column ~ 03/04/10)
To quote the song of old -- I guess you could call the '60s old -- "The times they are a-changin'." That is true for the stars in the sky as well. It is only a little more than two weeks until the spring equinox, but the stars of spring have been peeking over the eastern horizon earlier each night for a couple of weeks now...
Show me the math
(Letter to the Editor ~ 03/04/10)
In your Feb 24 Editorial, you quoted Nelson's office: "The president's plan essentially extends the Nebraska provision to all states by 'providing significant additional federal financing to all states for the expansion of Medicaid.' This will greatly reduce the unfunded mandate on state budgets."...
Wet conditions wash out MCC home softball games
(High School Sports ~ 03/04/10)
Spring sports teams usually fight unfavorable weather conditions early in the season, with Mother Nature in control. Schedules for outdoor events are regularly altered due to rain and snow, making facilities unplayable, and McCook has not been immune from those weather conditions...
Bison boys just miss trip to state (High School Sports ~ 03/04/10)
The McCook High School boys basketball team came up just short of earning a third consecutive trip to the Class B state tournament. The Bison lost a 54-51 decision to Adams Central Tuesday, March 2, in the Class B-5 District Tournament championship game at the Kearney High School gym. Zach Hunt of Adams Central hit a long 3-point shot with one second remaining for the winning margin...