McCook netters fall in state quarterfinals (High School Sports ~ 05/22/09)
LINCOLN -- The McCook Bison girls tennis squad's No. 2 singles players and Nos. 1 and 2 doubles teams were knocked out in the quarterfinals of the Nebraska Class B state tournament Thursday. The Bison were tied for ninth place after the first day of play with 16 points... -
McCook Junior Blue, Red beat Lexington A, B teams
(High School Sports ~ 05/22/09)
The McCook American Legion baseball Junior B Red team and Junior B Red team each won games Thursday night against Lexington. McCook Jr B Red 111 203 -- 8 6 0 Lexington A 010 001 -- 2 3 4 Leading hitters for McCook: Keegan Williams: Double & Triple, Gavin Harsh two singles, Cade Hiatt and Chris Hoffman singles...
Elinor Eisenhart Lemon (Obituary ~ 05/22/09)
Feb. 16, 1919 - April 8, 2009 STERLING, VA -- Elinor (Lennie) Lemon was born and raised in the town of Culberston, where in 1886 her father established a bank that remains in the family. She was one of 15 children. Lennie graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1940 with a degree in Business Administration. Growing up, she loved music and often played the piano for musical events, which established a life-long love of music... -
Sylvia June (Clawson) English (Obituary ~ 05/22/09)
Oct. 22, 1930 - May 14, 2009 CURTIS -- Sylvia English of Atascadero, Calif., formerly of Curtis, passed away Thursday, May 14, 2009, after a nine-month battle with leukemia. Sylvia June Clawson was born Oct. 22, 1930, to Ira James and Vinnie Marie (Hetcht) Clawson a large pioneer farming family in Curtis, one of eight children and 37 cousins. She attended grade school at District 78 south of Curtis, later attended high achool in Curtis graduating in 1947... -
Kansas track regional assignments involving area teams
(High School Sports ~ 05/22/09)
Friday, May 22 Class 2A At Meade: Atwood, Elkhart, Ellis, Hill City, Stanton County, Kinsley, Leoti, Meade, Oakley, Oberlin, Satanta, Spearville, St. Francis, Sublette, Syracuse, WaKeeney Class 1A At Hays: Northern Valley, Cheylin, Brewster, Quivira Heights, Chase, Claflin, Dighton, Wheatland-Grinnell, Healy, Hoxie, Little River, Logan, Natoma, Ness City, Otis-Bison, Palco, Quinter, Western Plains, Golden Plains, Sharon Springs, Greeley County, Victoria, Weskan, Triplains...
Honoring those who preserved our way of life
(Editorial ~ 05/22/09)
Our nation's heroes demand our attention on Memorial Day.
EMS -- A Proud Partner in Your Community
(Letter to the Editor ~ 05/22/09)
Dear Editor, This week the entire country will be celebrating National Emergency Medical Services Week, May 17-23, 2009. It's a time set aside by the American College of Emergency Physicians to salute the more than 750,000 professionals and volunteers who are "serving on health care's front line." These heroes utilize quick actions and selfless behavior every day...
Sometimes friends get it wrong
(Column ~ 05/22/09)
There are five or six of us that hang out together on a regular basis. We golf together, socialize together, and discuss all things related to sports together. Sometimes we go outside the sports world for a discussion topic and that's what happened this past week...
Picturesque home facing demolition (Local News ~ 05/22/09)
CAMBRIDGE -- The Georgian Colonial two-story brick home west of Cambridge Memorial Hospital on Highway 6&34 in Cambridge will be demolished by July 15 to make room for the hospital expansion project. Roger Steinkruger, CEO of the Tri Valley Health System, told the Cambridge Clarion that the board of trustees would have preferred that the house, which is owned by the health system, was moved and preserved... -
Region ready to honor those who gave their all (Local News ~ 05/22/09)
McCook American Legion Post No. 203 plans Memorial Day services Monday, at 10:30 a.m., at the Veterans' Memorial Monument in Memorial Park Cemetery in McCook. The public is encouraged to attend this brief yet honorable Memorial Day service. Originally known as "Decoration Day," a day to decorate veterans' and family graves, Memorial Day has grown to encompass also a time to recount the sacrifice of all American soldiers, to honor the memory of America's fighting men and women who have died defending their country and to honor family heritage.. ... -
Building activity is gaining steam (Local News ~ 05/22/09)
McCook is experiencing a "renaissance" of sorts, in the form of new construction. "There's been a lot going on in the past two years," McCook City Manager Kurt Fritsch told the crowd of about 200, at the annual volunteer appreciation luncheon Tuesday at the Heritage Senior Center... -
McConville, Kennedy engagement (Engagement ~ 05/22/09)
Krista McConville and Tyler Kennedy of Bartley announce their engagement and upcoming marriage. Parents of the couple are Steve and Kerry McConville of Bartley, Fred and Holly Kennedy of Indianola and Mike and Marsha Sides of Bartley. The bride-to-be graduated from Southwest High School and is attending UNK and pursuing a degree in Family Studies with a Psychology Minor... -
Gigax birthday (Birthdays ~ 05/22/09)
The family of Vonda Gigax is requesting a card shower in honor of her 80th birthday on June 1, 2009. Her family include her children, Lonnie Loomis, LeAvis Sullivan, Kirt and Sharon Loomis and grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Cards will reach her at 35811 Road 736A, Hayes Center NE 69032... -
Colling, Jones engagement (Engagement ~ 05/22/09)
Kathleen Colling and Al Jones of Beaverton, Ore., announce their engagement and upcoming marriage. The bride's parents are of McCook and parents of the bridegroom are of Altadena, Calif. The bride-to-be is a 1996 graduate of Palacios High School in Palacios, Texas. ... -
Schaaf anniversary (Anniversary ~ 05/22/09)
Donald and Mary Kathleen Schaaf will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. They were married May 30, 1959 in Chicago, Ill. Their family includes Lorri and husband Harry Sughroue of McCook and Lisa and husband John Lee of Germany. They have six grandchildren.Cards of congratulations will reach them at 1010 E. Second, McCook, NE 69001... -
Leopold birthday (Birthdays ~ 05/22/09)
Friends of Ruth Leopold are requesting a card shower in honor of her 89th birthday on May 26. Cards will reach her at Cedar Living Center, Oberlin, KS, 67749. -
Fagot, Purvis engagement (Engagement ~ 05/22/09)
Whitney Danielle Fagot and Anthony Keith Purvis, both of McCook, announce their engagement and upcoming marriage. Parent of the couple are Shane and Pam Fagot and Mark and Kathleen Eiler, all of McCook. Both the bride-to-be and the prospective bridegroom are students at K-State University... -
Wendling, Symington engagement (Engagement ~ 05/22/09)
Lora Wendling of Overland Park, Kan., formerly of Topeka, Kan., and Chris Symington of Kansas City, Mo., formerly of McCook announce their engagement and upcoming marriage. Parents of the couple are John and Louise Wendling of Topeka, Kerrilyn Symington of McCook and John Symington of Shellsburg, Iowa... -
Haller anniversary (Anniversary ~ 05/22/09)
Rice birthday (Birthdays ~ 05/22/09)
The children and grandchildren of Jerry Rice of Cambridge are hosting a card shower in honor of his 75th birthday on June 1. Cards will reach him at P.O. Box 432, Cambridge NE 69022. -
Ommert anniversary (Anniversary ~ 05/22/09)
The children of Larry and Carol (Verraneault) Ommert are requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 40th wedding anniversary. They were married on May 31, 1969. Their children are Jeff Ommert of Cambridge, Tim and wife Chrystal Ommert of Auburn, and Ryan Ommert of Kansas City. They have two grandsons. Cards of congratulations will reach them at P.O. Box 7, Cambridge, NE 69022... -
Fritz anniversary (Anniversary ~ 05/22/09)
The family of Ron and Zona Fritz of McCook is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 25th wedding anniversary. They were married May 26, 1984, at St. John's Lutheran Church at Oxford. Children of the couple are Mike Fritz and family of Kearney; Ann Brown and family of McCook; Heather Knea and family of Minnesota; Suzy Falkinburg and family of Colorado; Nicole Hollers and family of Omaha; James Von Loh of Culbertson; and Matt Fritz of Camp Pendleton. ... -
Henderson anniversary (Anniversary ~ 05/22/09)
The children of Gary and Beverly Henderson are requesting a card shower in honor of their 35 wedding anniversary. They were married June 1, 1974, at the Eden Missionary Church of Wauneta. Children of the couple are Ted and wife, Christina Henderson of Stratton, Julie and husband, Jarrod Hilker of McCook, Joey Henderson and fiancee, Bekah Dunn of Lincoln and Josh Henderson of Kearney. They have two granddaughters. Cards of congratulations will reach the couple at 35117 Rd 715, Stratton NE 69043... -
Hyde anniversary (Anniversary ~ 05/22/09)
The family of Don and Vaunda (Fortkamp) Hyde is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 50th wedding anniversary. They were married May 31, 1959 at St. Paul's Lutheran church in Wauneta. Cards of congratulations will reach the couple at 1405 E. Fairacres Drive, McCook, NE 69001...