MHS girls golf meeting is Monday
(High School Sports ~ 08/07/08)
The McCook High School girls golf team meeting is 7 p.m. Monday at McCook Elementary School in the commons area. The meeting is for girls in grades 9-12 interested in playing golf for the Bison during the fall of 2008.
McCook YMCA taking registrations for volleyball
(Community Sports ~ 08/07/08)
The Ed Thomas YMCA in McCook is accepting registrations for Adult Fall Volleyball. The registration deadline is Aug. 25.
Sue Ellen Heinbigner (Obituary ~ 08/07/08)
Nov. 7, 1963 - Aug. 4, 2008 CULBERTSON -- Sue Ellen Heinbigner of Culbertson died Monday, Aug. 4, 2008, at Good Samaritan Hospital in Kearney. She was 44 years old. Sue was born on Nov. 7, 1963, in McCook to Jake and Mildred Berniece (Schilz) Heinbigner. She graduated from Culbertson High School in 1982, McCook Community College in 1984, and continued her education at Nebraska Christian College in Norfolk... -
PSC plan brings vital service to rural areas
(Editorial ~ 08/07/08)
Americans lose a million of them a day, and throw away another 426,000. An MIT survey revealed they were the No. 1 gizmo people hated the most, yet couldn't live without. And, as of November, there were 3.3 billion of them on Planet Earth, or one for every two people...
Watch out, Andromeda's on its way
(Column ~ 08/07/08)
As if we didn't have enough to worry about what with global warming, high gasoline prices, the energy crunch, and wars and rumors of wars, now we have this--the Andromeda Galaxy is going to crash into our own Milky Way Galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy, M31, is our closest neighbor in the local group of galaxies at 2.5 million light years away. It is rushing toward us at the calamitous speed of 270,000 miles per hour. At that speed we can expect the crash to begin in about, oh say, two billion years...
Special shirt allows child with special needs to use city pool
(Local News ~ 08/07/08)
Misty Schmidt of McCook told the McCook City Council at Monday's regular meeting she hopes others will become more aware of children with special needs. Schmidt addressed the council at the beginning of the meeting and explained that her son suffers from albinism, a congenital disorder characterized by a lack of melanin pigment. She told the council that her child was not allowed to wear a shirt at the city pool July 21, although for the past two years he was allowed to do so...
Citizen urges restrained use of city sales tax receipts
(Local News ~ 08/07/08)
A McCook citizen urged the McCook City Council Monday night at the budget hearing to use caution when spending city sales tax dollars and other city revenue. Wayne Michaelis, a former member of the city sales tax committee that defined what projects would benefit from sales tax proceeds, was the only citizen who spoke at the hearing...
McCook brothers play key part in delivering Olympic coverage (Local News ~ 08/07/08)
BEIJING -- McCook resident Brett Warren and his brother Toby Warren of Denver are in Beijing, China to broadcast the Summer Olympic Games. The Warren brothers are part of a team providing telecommunication connectivity to the United States. Toby is the head engineer responsible for designing and implementing communication routes for television, video and data services to the states...