Lenten Lesson -- Missing the point of the prodigal son (Features ~ 02/23/08)
By DAWN CRIBBS Associate Editor A father's love is a remarkable thing. The Rev. Emmanuel Reinbold, pastor at First Church of the Nazarene, began to plumb the depths of his father's love when he was 18, coming home from his first year of college for the Easter break... -
City's top source of income is sales tax
(Local News ~ 02/23/08)
The biggest source of revenue for the city's general fund is sales tax receipts, the council was told Monday night at the regular council meeting. Terry Galloway, CPA with the Grand Island auditing firm of Almquist, Maltzahn, Galloway and Luth, briefly went over the city's financial statements and gave the city a clean bill of health...
Demonization of tobacco expands with statewide ban
(Editorial ~ 02/23/08)
The demonization of tobacco took one more step Friday as 34 of the Unicameral's 49 members voted in favor of a bill to ban smoking in bars, restaurants and all other workplaces in the state, except for retail tobacco shops, designated hotel rooms and places where smoking research is done...
Black Man and Robin
(Column ~ 02/23/08)
This is Black History Month, not a really big deal in Southwest Nebraska. Remembering though engenders great pride in how the U.S. Military led the way toward integration of the U.S. of A. It was 1948 when President Harry Truman issued an edict that hence forth the military services would truly consider all men as equals...
Falling out of love
(Column ~ 02/23/08)
Falling out of love politically, not romantically, that is. Regular readers of this column and my book know that when it comes to affairs of the heart, I'm a hopeless romantic. I fell in love with a woman eight years ago and I'll be in love with her eight years from now, or 18 years from now or however long I still have breaths to take or dreams to dream. So the title of today's column is not about personal romance, it's about political romance...